& the World of Murray Whelan

The Brunswick Institute

Welcome to the Brunswick Institute, “The Place Where Public Intellectuals Meet”

Our Most Frequently asked Questions

What is the Brunswick Institute?

The Brunswick Institute is one of Australia’s leading independent sources of opinion. It is conveniently located in the shed in the back yard of Shane Maloney’s residence. Its principal activities include:

  • Not conducting seminars and lectures by prominent social commentators
  • Not publishing a journal or blog of fatuous polemic and arid point-scoring
  • Not providing ideological gob-jobs for vested financial interests
  • Not accepting donations from the tobacco, pharmaceutical or arms industries (although some free hand grenades would be appreciated)
  • Not providing policy input to government

What is the Brunswick Institute?

The Brunswick Institute is the sum of its members. To join the Brunswick Institute, simply click your heels together and say whatever you like. You will then be entitled to describe yourself as a public intellectual and participate in the activities of the Institute.

In order to service the needs of its members, the Brunswick Institute employs no staff. Any mail received is returned to sender unopened, unless there are grounds for assuming that it contains a cheque. To date, such assumptions have proved entirely unfounded.

What is the Brunswick Institute?

This is.

Pending completion of our new state-of-the-art theoretical framework, the Institute’s activities are currently limited to posting the following links related to writing, language, the media, international events, Australian politics, current affairs and humour. We hope they are of interest to members.

Authorised by Bert, the wire-haired rescue terrier.