The Clean Energy Council has published a free guide to buying and installing solar photovoltaic (PV) panels for your home.

Buying solar panels for your home can seem pretty confusing at first. How do you know what sized system to install? Will you need to notify your electricity company? How do you choose a trustworthy installer? And what on earth is a feed-in tariff?

Relax – the Clean Energy Council is here to help.

Packed full of handy hints and tips, our Guide to Installing Solar PV for Households steps homeowners through the process of purchasing and installing rooftop solar panels.

What's covered in the guide?

Here are a few of the topics included in our guide for households:

  • The different types of solar PV systems
  • How much will it cost?
  • Government incentive schemes
  • Feed-in tariffs (the amount your electricity company pays you for excess power)
  • Choosing the right size solar system
  • Things to watch out for when signing a contract
  • Installation and connection to the grid
  • Maintaining your solar system
  • What to do if something goes wrong

Download the Clean Energy Council Guide to Installing Solar PV for Households