

Let's Make Real News!
We know our Go Local to Go Global is an ambitious plan, but the times cry out for it. A new video from Paul Jay and the TRNN team
DATE: 2016-07-23 | LENGTH: 07:21

Big Oil and the Battle for Our Future
Wenonah Hauter, author of Frackopoly: The Battle for the Future of Energy and the Environment explains the history of the oil industry's collusion with the state and how the fate of the planet depends on challenging fracking
DATE: 2016-08-01 | LENGTH: 19:54

Strengthening Russo-Turkish Alliance Stokes US-Russian Cold War
John Helmer, Russian-based Anglo-American journalist says that Russia feels threatened by US, NATO, Turkey, and the turbulence at its borders
DATE: 2016-07-31 | LENGTH: 19:55

Donald Trump: The Raw and Naked Face of a System That Showers Speculators with Obscene Riches
Paul Jay says the enablers of this surge in far right populism are the leaders of both major parties and the corporate media
DATE: 2016-07-16 | LENGTH: 05:38

Bernie Supporter at DNC: 'I Thought This Only Happened At Trump Rallies'
TRNN speaks to activists at the DNC who had their credentials taken by police. One said he was assaulted by someone while protesting during the convention
DATE: 2016-08-01 | LENGTH: 03:15

Marc Lamont Hill: DNC Marginalized, Silenced, and Exploited the Bernie Sanders Movement
Marc Lamont Hill says that it is more important to address the interests of the exploited and the vulnerable than it is to elect a black or female president
DATE: 2016-08-01 | LENGTH: 09:30

Kshama Sawant Tells Rania Khalek Voting For the Lesser Evil Is What Brought Us Trump
Journalist Rania Khalek spoke to Seattle City Council Member and Socialist Alternative candidate Kshama Sawant on the final day of last week's DNC about the Democratic Party's inability to change, and what progressive voters must do about it
DATE: 2016-07-31 | LENGTH: 15:02

Italian Bank Failures Could Disintegrate the EU
Gerry Epstein and Dimitri Lascaris say that the banks are in such trouble that they need to be nationalized with their management removed
DATE: 2016-07-31 | LENGTH: 15:42

Can Jill Stein Capitalize on Alienated Sanders Delegates?
TRNN's Kwame Rose interviews Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein on the last day of the Democratic National Convention about why she thinks she can mobilize voters who were inspired by the Bernie Sanders campaign
DATE: 2016-07-31 | LENGTH: 15:38

Ex Counselor to Bill Clinton: Hillary's Economic Justice Incompatible with Her Corporate Relationships
In response to Hillary Clinton's acceptance speech, Bill Curry, former counselor to Bill Clinton's White House, says that progressives should focus on building an independent political movement
DATE: 2016-07-29 | LENGTH: 22:38

Will Patriotism and Optimism Defeat Trump?
At the DNC Wednesday night, Linda Sarsour and T.M. Scruggs react to the speeches of VP Biden and President Obama
DATE: 2016-07-28 | LENGTH: 23:56

Danny Glover: Democratic Party Leadership in Damage Control
Danny Glover talks to Paul Jay about his impression of the Democratic National Convention so far
DATE: 2016-07-28 | LENGTH: 25:05



Residents say Baltimore Can't Afford Corporate Tax Breaks
Hundreds gathered at a council hearing to object to the record setting tax subsidy for the Port Covington Development, arguing the city is doubling down on ineffective policies that have divided the city in the past
DATE: 2016-07-29 | LENGTH: 04:11

'The System is Working the Way It was Intended to Work'
TRNN executive producer Eddie Conway and Dominque Stevenson say nothing will change in Baltimore until jobs are provided for young people and all people are treated with dignity and respect.
DATE: 2016-07-29 | LENGTH: 03:23

Bernie Sanders and Danny Glover Exclusive on The Real News
TRNN Replay: In an exclusive interview with TRNN, Bernie Sanders says Clinton will have to defy the oligarchs if she is to earn active campaigners from his supporters (Interview from April 2016)
DATE: 2016-04-23 | LENGTH: 11:55

Actors and Activists Come to the Defense of Nina Turner
Celebrities Danny Glover and Susan Sarandon, among others, denounced the DNC Wednesday for allegedly barring former Ohio State Senator Nina Turner from the stage, as well as from nominating Bernie Sanders for president at the convention
DATE: 2016-07-27 | LENGTH: 31:49

The Turkish Pivot Towards Russia
Political economist Aleksandr Buzgalin says that Turkey's relative independence from NATO is of interest to the Russian elite
DATE: 2016-07-29 | LENGTH: 10:03

All Charges Dropped in Freddie Gray Case
Baltimore's chief prosecutor says officers worked to undermine her case, she had no choice but to drop remaining charges against the officers charged with killing Freddie Gray
DATE: 2016-07-27 | LENGTH: 03:06

How Erdogan Destabilized Turkey
Vijay Prashad explains how the Turkish pivot towards Russia is propelled by the failure of relationship building with Europe and the war with Syria
DATE: 2016-07-29 | LENGTH: 15:28

Mosby: 'Inherent Bias' of Justice System Thwarted Prosecution
TRNN talks to legal experts about the historic implications of State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby's efforts to try six officers for the death of Freddie Gray
DATE: 2016-07-28 | LENGTH: 08:25

TRNN Livestream of DNC Day 3
TRNN coverage of day 3 of the Democratic National Convention including an exclusive interview with Danny Glover
DATE: 2016-07-28 | LENGTH: 02:59

Sanders Delegate Portia Boulger Expresses Grief After Call for Unanimous Support of Clinton
Portia Boulger and Charles Lenchner respond to Sanders and say their next step is to get involved in the down ticket races - From TRNN's Livestream of the DNC
DATE: 2016-07-27 | LENGTH: 14:20

National Nurses United: No Decision Yet Whether We'll Support Clinton
Katy Roemer and Martha Kuhl National Nurses United says there's a major disconnect between the delegates and the politicians, and the movement would continue even if Sanders became president - From TRNN's Livestream of the DNC
DATE: 2016-07-27 | LENGTH: 12:06

Fight Within the Democratic Establishment or Build Third Parties?
T.M. Scruggs and Kwame Rose sit down with Paul Jay to discuss the Green Party and the role of a swing state strategy as opposed to symbolic candidacies in building an alternative to the Democratic Party - From TRNN's Livestream of the DNC
DATE: 2016-07-27 | LENGTH: 15:05

Did Sanders Foreclose a Larger Revolt at the DNC?
Bernie Delegates Network founder Norman Solomon talks to Paul Jay about the fury of the Sanders delegates towards the national convention, and the possibility of mounting a challenge to Clinton in 2020 - From TRNN's Livestream of the DNC
DATE: 2016-07-27 | LENGTH: 16:35

Bernie Sanders Supporters Debate Backing Clinton
Andru Volinksy and Ron Abramson discuss whether Hillary Clinton will take up any of the issues that were at the forefront of the Sanders campaign - From TRNN's Livestream of the DNC
DATE: 2016-07-27 | LENGTH: 18:34

DNC: President Obama Speech
President Obama full Speech at the DNC Convention July 27 2016
DATE: 2016-07-27 | LENGTH: 45:39

DNC: Joe Biden Speech
Joe Biden full Speech at the DNC Convention July 27 2016
DATE: 2016-07-27 | LENGTH: 17:57

















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How Dallas Exposed the Blood Libels of the Police and Whites in the New York Times
Part 3 of my series on Race, Crime, and Policing William K. Black, July 31, 2016     Bloomington, MN This is my third installment in my series of columns about race, crime, and policing.  I chose as my initial example of dangerous ...

William Black

Policing as a Tool of Systemic Racism
Part 2 of my series on Race, Crime, and Policing William K. Black, July 31, 2016     Bloomington, MN My introductory column in this series laid out the blood libels against police, policing, blacks, and whites that are doing so much harm ...

William Black

Obama said Hillary will Continue his Legacy – and Indeed She Will!
By William Black. Leading up to Monday’s Democratic Party convention, Hillary chose Blue Dog Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia as her VP. This was followed by the Wikileaks release of Democratic National Committee (DNC) e-mail files showing it acting as ...

William Black

Turkey: Atlanticism versus Rabiism
By Sungur Savran. This article was first published on Socialist Project. The dramatic events that unfolded in Turkey on the night of 15 to 16 July have been excessively confined to the internecine struggle of two different Islamic ...

Sungur Savran

Three Blood Libels About Whites, the Police, and Black Lives Matter
William K. Black, July 28, 2016     Kansas City, MO The best way to lose friends and be vilified in America is to talk frankly about race, racism, violent crime, politics, gender, Black Lives Matter (BLM) and prosecuting police officers.  I ...

William Black

Hillary Clinton and Her Hawks
By Gareth Porter. This article was first published on Consortium News. Focusing on domestic issues, Hillary Clinton’s acceptance speech sidestepped the deep concerns anti-war Democrats have about her hawkish foreign policy, which is already taking shape in the ...

Gareth Porter


Reality Asserts Itself - Peter Kuznick

With vague language about evil in his Hiroshima speech, President Obama essentially defended the mythology that the nuclear attack "saved lives" - says historian Peter Kuznick on Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay

Reality Asserts Itself - The Occupation of the American Mind

The Occupation of the American Mind - RAI with Pink Floyd's Roger Waters On Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay, legendary musician Roger Waters and Sut Jhally discuss their new film about the Israeli public relations campaign to influence U.S. public opinion

Reality Asserts Itself - Chris Hedges

Paul Jay asks Chris Hedges if the Pope's rhetoric on climate change and capitalism is a positive force or a dangerous illusion



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Residents say Baltimore Can't Afford Corporate Tax Breaks
Hundreds gathered at a council hearing to object to the record setting tax subsidy for the Port Covington Development, arguing the city is doubling down on ineffective policies that have divided the city in the past
DATE: 2016-07-29

'The System is Working the Way It was Intended to Work'
TRNN executive producer Eddie Conway and Dominque Stevenson say nothing will change in Baltimore until jobs are provided for young people and all people are treated with dignity and respect.
DATE: 2016-07-29

All Charges Dropped in Freddie Gray Case
Baltimore's chief prosecutor says officers worked to undermine her case, she had no choice but to drop remaining charges against the officers charged with killing Freddie Gray
DATE: 2016-07-27

Mosby: 'Inherent Bias' of Justice System Thwarted Prosecution
TRNN talks to legal experts about the historic implications of State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby's efforts to try six officers for the death of Freddie Gray
DATE: 2016-07-28

Baltimore's Tax System Takes From the Poor to Give to the Rich
An analysis of tax data by Maryland Public Policy Visiting Fellow Louis Miserendino reveals how the tax structure actually makes poverty worse and punishes poor residents to benefit wealthy developers
DATE: 2016-07-25

Pocomoke's First Black Police Chief Indicted
Kelvin Sewell whose controversial firing divided the town, has been charged with misconduct in office
DATE: 2016-07-24,, The Real News Network, Real News Network, The Real News, Real News, Real News For Real People, IWT are trademarks and service marks of Independent World Television inc. "The Real News" is the flagship show of IWT and The Real News Network.

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