
The Oakland police cannot be reformed

The Oakland Police cannot be reformed partly because reformers are not even willing to fight for incremental change

Undercover police within the social movements

A brief look at the infiltration into political groups by the Special Demonstration Squad (SDS), an undercover unit of the British police's Special Branch. The SDS used relationships with women activists to help give credibility to their false identities which were often created with use of dead children's names.

Crime becomes custom, custom becomes crime - Trevor Bark

A political analysis of the nature of crime. We have significant disagreements with the author but reproduce this text reference. Part of the text is readable below, however some is missing. The full text is in the PDF, attached.

The Ponce massacre, 1937

Ponce massacre: police begin firing

A short history of the massacre in Puerto Rico of peaceful demonstrators calling for the release of imprisoned separatist leader Pedro Campos by police acting on the orders of the US-appointed governor.

Racial matters: the FBI's secret file on black America - Kenneth O'Reilly

Black Panthers in Philadelphia being arrested

A meticulously researched study into how the FBI attempted to disrupt and repress the civil rights movement in the US in the 1960s and 70s.

The Detroit riot, 1967

Rioters in a barricaded street, Detroit 1967

A short account of the Detroit anti-police rebellion, one of the biggest uprisings in American history, which ended with more than 40 dead, 7000 arrested and 2000 buildings destroyed.

Police officer awarded $15 million after being savagely beaten by cops at his daughter's birthday party

NYC public school teachers show their support for the NYPD

A federal grand jury has ruled in favor of a black NYPD officer who was savagely beaten by police officers while he was at home celebrating his daughter's birthday in 2010.

Public inquiry on undercover policing: urgent deadline to register as core participant

Undercover police posing as activists

Public pressure has forced the Home Secretary into announcing a Public Inquiry into undercover policing in the UK. If you have, or it's quite likely you have been, involved in a campaign/activist group/movement that was infliltrated by undercover police operatives in the last few decades, now is the time to register as a Core Participant in the Inquiry...