- published: 05 Mar 2012
- views: 155175
Nynorsk, Neo-Norwegian, New Norse or New Norwegian is an official written standard for the Norwegian language, alongside Bokmål. The language standard was originally created by Ivar Aasen during the mid-19th century, to provide a Norwegian alternative to the Danish language which was commonly written in Norway at the time. The official standard of Nynorsk has since been significantly altered while a minor purist fraction of the Nynorsk populace have stayed firm with the Aasen norm, which is known as Høgnorsk (English: High Norwegian, analogous to High German).
In local communities, 26% (113 of 428) of the Norwegian municipalities have declared Nynorsk as their official language form, and these municipalities account for about 12% of the Norwegian population. Of the remaining 74% of the municipalities, half are neutral and half have adopted Bokmål as their official language form. Four of the 19 counties, Rogaland, Hordaland, Sogn og Fjordane and Møre og Romsdal, have Nynorsk as their official language form. These four together comprise the region of Vestlandet, western Norway.
Torsdag kveld fra Nydalen - Nynorsk song
Svart Humor: Nynorsk på gata
Nynorsk og Bokmål
Norwegian Language! (Nynorsk Debate)
Eksamenstips i nynorsk
Hitler kommer opp i nynorsk muntlig eksamen (HD)
Norwegian Nynorsk: Languages of the World: Introductory Over
Learn Norwegain (nynorsk) episode 1
Are Kalvø - Kåseri om nynorsk
Nynorsk med Vegard - Substantiv, svake verb og pronomen
Nytt prosjekt 1
Talking about some basic structure of the Norwegian language, and some ranting on Nynorsk. http://www.facebook.com/ThatNorwegianTV https://twitter.com/ThatNorwegianTv http://www.youtube.com/thatnorwegiantv2 Random Fact: I'm going to Cyprus for a week :( I might make a video there, but most likely not... But I will upload some random schtuff to my 2nd channel though, so head over there and have a good time :) Music by: www.audiomicro.com
Sølvbergets Marita Aksnes hjelper deg før eksamen i nynorsk. 26. mai samlet over 700 elever seg på biblioteket i Stavanger for å få nyttige tips før eksamen. Flere tips på http://stavanger-kulturhus.no/STAVANGER-BIBLIOTEK/Vi-hjelper-deg-foer-norskeksamen
Alexander Arguelles presents a series of videos to provide introductory overviews of the languages of the world. Working diachronically through various language families in turn, he demonstrates how to identify each language, translates a text sample to show how it works, and discusses its genetic affiliation and cultural context. For further information about the series, please refer to http://www.foreignlanguageexpertise.com/
Denne videoforelesninga handler om substantiv, svake verb og pronomen. Den er brukt i forbindelse med omvendt norskundervisning i 10. trinn. Erfaringer fra undervisninga vil resultere i en Bacheloroppgave ved Universitetet i Tromsø. Ved spørsmål til denne videoen, kan jeg nås på mail: vegard.doerum@gmail.com