Wife reveals honest truth about sex after kids

Blogger Mel Watts with her husband Nolan.
Blogger Mel Watts with her husband Nolan. Photo: Facebook The Modern Mumma

Earlier this year, blogger Mel Watts, revealed the brutal truth about married life after kids. Now, the Modern Mumma is back – and this time, she's tackling parent sex. 

"Did we just have a quickie? Like a day time one," Watts wrote in a post to her Facebook page. With one child at their neighbour's place and the baby fast asleep, Watts admitted it seemed like the perfect opportunity for some alone time with her husband, Nolan.

"I mean I've been turning him down for long enough I actually felt bad," she wrote. "Knowing it was only going to take a few minutes and I'll have a day of any food I want to eat, listen to any music I want and an early night. Sounds delightful right?!"

Mel Watts of The Modern Mumma with her husband and kids.
Mel Watts of The Modern Mumma with her husband and kids. Photo: Instagram/The Modern Mumma

Watts described that she'd had "dad sex jokes" thrown at her all morning and "packages dropped on my shoulder." Not exactly the stuff of romance, she noted.

"I may have to admit it was quick and slightly obligated," Watts said, adding that she was in her period undies "which have barely any elastic for quick removal."

And, quickie by name, quickie by nature, "it was over before I knew it," she added.

The Modern Mumma explained that she'd turned her husband down countless times – mainly out of pure exhaustion. "But today," she wrote, " I thought the amount of effort he has put into every sexual advance it would just be plain mean of me."

Noting that sometimes it's worth just "going with it," Watts added that there's also a silver-lining – her husband will be happy "for the next few days."

The Modern Mumma's post has been shared over 4000 times, many other parents relating to her candid - and very accurate - portrayal of sex after kids.

" I cannot stop laughing," wrote one commenter. "I'm so glad I'm not the only one who feels like this sometimes. (OK most of the time)."

"The reality of parenthood," added another.

And yet, according to others, there's light at the end of the tunnel. "So well written and so true," said one woman. "If it makes you feel any better, there will be plenty of opportunities once the kids are teenagers and you'll really feel like making up for lost time!!! Something to look forward to."

Read the post in full below:

Can you relate to The Modern Mumma's words?
