- published: 07 Feb 2016
- views: 322334
The present (or now) is the time that is associated with the events perceived directly and in the first time, not as a recollection (perceived more than once) or a speculation (predicted, hypothesis, uncertain). It is a period of time between the past and the future, and can vary in meaning from being an instant to a day or longer. In radiocarbon dating, the "present" is defined as AD 1950.
It is sometimes represented as a hyperplane in space-time, typically called "now", although modern physics demonstrates that such a hyperplane cannot be defined uniquely for observers in relative motion. The present may also be viewed as a duration (see specious present).
Contemporary history describes the historical timeframe that is immediately relevant to the present time and is a certain perspective of modern history.
In Patanjali Yoga Sutras the first sutra defines Yoga as 'NOW'. By 'Chitta Vrithhi nirodha' (restraining the thought-streams) the present can be experienced. The moment a person thinks, he is recalling his past experience. He will never know the present. Being conscious or being aware is the only way to know the present.
The Present - OFFICIAL
What Exactly is the Present?
Worst Present Ever Challenge!
How To LIVE In The PRESENT Moment by Eckhart Tolle | Speech Advice WisdomTalks
Goku, Future Trunks & Vegeta Escape & Return To The Present (HD Sub)
Present Continuous with Mr Bean - Spring Clean
"The Present" Audiobook Truth Contest Part 1
The illusion of time : past, present and future all exist together
Actors: Domiziano Arcangeli (producer), Dave Vescio (actor), Domiziano Arcangeli (actor), Giovanni Lombardo Radice (actor), Randal Malone (actor), David S. Sterling (producer), Tommy Kijas (actor), Lejla Hadzimuratovic (actress), Chris Beal (producer), Domiziano Cristopharo (writer), Domiziano Cristopharo (producer), Domiziano Cristopharo (director), Alessandro Giordani (editor), Richard Breezy Wynn (producer), Roberta Gemma (actress),
Genres: Horror, Thriller,Actors: Randal Malone (actor), Dave Vescio (actor), Giovanni Lombardo Radice (actor), David S. Sterling (producer), Domiziano Arcangeli (producer), Domiziano Arcangeli (actor), Tommy Kijas (actor), Lejla Hadzimuratovic (actress), Chris Beal (producer), Chris Beal (producer), Domiziano Cristopharo (director), Domiziano Cristopharo (producer), Domiziano Cristopharo (writer), Alessandro Giordani (editor), Richard Breezy Wynn (producer),
Genres: Horror, Thriller,PORTUGUESE, SPANSIH, ENGLISH, GERMAN, FRENCH SUBTITLES! “The Present” is a thesis short from the Institute of Animation, Visual Effects and Digital Postproduction at the Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg in Ludwigsburg, Germany. facebook page: www.facebook.com/thepresentshort vimeo: https://vimeo.com/152985022 www.jacobfrey.de www.mentirinhas.com.br soundtrack by "Zealand" itunes.apple.com/us/album/present-feat.-septemberkind/id915500091 https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B00NDSJT6C?ie=UTF8&keywords;=zealand%20the%20present&qid;=1453999640&ref;_=sr_1_2&s;=dmusic&sr;=1-2b-mp3-albums-bar-strip-0 We really hope you enjoy the result of our hard work. Thanks to everyone who help creating this film and everyone who supported us during the festivals. Thanks a lot for making this such an incredible jo...
El Regalo El Regalo Cortometraje El Regalo Cortometraje en español Un cortometraje animado titulado “The Present”, dirigido por Jacob Frey, viene conmoviendo a miles de usuarios en YouTube al mostrar la historia de un niño, adicto a los videojuegos, que recibe un regalo que le cambiará la vida por completo. Su madre le obsequia con un perro al que le falta una pata. Al verlo, el niño tiene una mala reacción con el cachorro por su deficiencia física. Pese al rechazo del niño, el perro se dispone a llamar su atención intentando jugar con una pelota aún sin poder desplazarse con normalidad. El cortometraje de YouTube muestra cómo el protagonista cambia de actitud tras observarlo y darse cuenta de que a pesar de sus problemas de movilidad no se rinde. La historia da un giro total cuando el...
Esto es algo que todo el mundo deberia entender, miralo por favor Suscribete ^.^ ES GRATIS ♥ → http://goo.gl/MyO8in Canal Deiak → https://www.youtube.com/user/deiakx ♥ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Dangelisa ♥ INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/lunadangelis4/ ♥ YOUNOW: https://www.younow.com/LunaDangelis ♥ TWITCH: http://www.twitch.tv/lunadangelis ♥ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/lunainyoutube ♥ GOOGLE+: https://plus.google.com/+LunaDangelis/posts ♥ E-MAIL: lunadcontacto@gmail.com ♥ Podeis enviarme vuestras cartas o paquetes LUNA DANGELIS Aptd Correos 11006 07010 Palma de Mallorca Islas Baleares - ESPAÑA NOTA: Enviar como correo ordinario (NO CERTIFICADO)
Hey guys! In today's video Jordan and I are exchanging the worst gifts ever! Watch and find out who you think gave the worst present. __ Subscribe for videos every Thursday!☆ http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS0kA-D1M87dDfkWRl_DLJA?sub_confirmation=1 Comment down below who gave the worst gift or what is the worst gift you have received!♡ Like this video if you enjoyed! Here are some more videos I think you might like: Operation Slime Challenge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FycQVuqxORw Coke and Mentos Challenge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZD0C2Fu-vs Lip Retractor Challenge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXKf89bTx_E Fast Food Fondue Challenge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUgfiExrN4U Rainbow Ice Bath Challenge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sM8tujZbsLU Never Have I Ever: h...
The great eckhart tolle talks about how we can start living in the present moment and how it can help us be happier. Let us know what kind of videos you would like us to upload next time... DONT FORGET TO LIKE, COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE!
*I DO NOT OWN DRAGON BALL. Dragon Ball is Owned by TOEI ANIMATION, Ltd. and Licensed by FUNimation Productions, Ltd.. All Rights Reserved. Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, Dragon Ball Kai, Dragon Ball Super and all logos, character names and distinctive likenesses there of are trademarks of TOEI ANIMATION, Ltd, FUNimation Entertainment, Norihito Sumitomo/Nippon Colombia, for the music & Akira Toriyama, as the original creator/author. Please support the official releases!*
Part of this Mr. Bean animated film has been used to demonstrate how the present continuous works. Students then have a chance to practice. The film has been used for educational purposes.
"The Present' full book in Audiobook format from the Truth Contest. www.truthcontest.com.
Please don't be misled by some comments below. This video does not say we can see future. It says Einstein's mathematical theory -which we later tested by clock experiment- also tells us that future and past always exist like the present! However, this does not necessitate pre-destination. "Now" is not deterministic as we know from Quantum Mechanics, so neither future nor past! Click https://youtu.be/CBrsWPCp_rs?t=199 to understand Quantum Mechanics. Check this video on how accurate atomic clocks can be: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFyAQkIOkio This video is from the documentary "The Fabric of The Cosmos - http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/physics/fabric-of-cosmos.html " for nonprofit educational purposes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Danny's 27th Birthday Extravaganza continues today with more birthday surprises! Because today was such a mammoth day, we ended up with almost double the footage of a regular vlog, and since we really didn't want to miss anything out, this is going to be our very first two-part daily vlog! In this DonovanJones Adventure, we have a slight fiasco with the car that almost throws the day right off schedule right out of the gate! We also have an amazing lunch at The Kettle Black and then check into our room at The Langham Hotel in Southbank! We give you a brief room tour and Danny does a present haul before we head off for more fun surprises, but you'll have to wait for part 2 to see the rest!! Another day, another adventure! We are Siobhan and Danny, a vlogging couple from Melbourne, A...
Latest USA and UK News is packaged information about current events happening somewhere else. News moves through many different media, based on word of mouth, printing, postal systems, broadcasting, and electronic communication. Common topics for news reports include war, politics, and business, as well as athletic events, quirky or unusual events, and the doings of celebrities. Government proclamations, concerning royal ceremonies, laws, taxes, public health, and criminals, have been dubbed news since ancient times. Humans exhibit a nearly universal desire to learn and share news from elsewhere, which they satisfy by traveling, talking to each other and sharing. Technological and social developments, often driven by government communication and espionage networks, have inc...
Unfortunately, there was only one vote to have this comic back in action. So here's Pt.4 of Unwanted Present. If you haven't seen the others, and are kinda lost of the situation, please feel free to looking for the playlist, all the previous videos would be found there. I had a trouble time finding longer songs to fit the video, but this came close to fit. Featured Music :Forever in a Day-J Minus Leave a Like if I should continue this comic... Enjoy :D
Talk to me in instagram if ther is any problem in the video @rayan.ftane in insta
Subscribe to Impossibilities' YouTube channel here-https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeco2H-4PMLIXvHMDDZgOMw Something happened at Weiss Manor in October of 1889. No one is sure of the exact details because there were no survivors. Whatever happened, it has haunted Gatlinburg for the last 127 years. Blissfully unaware, Chris Collins and Erik Dobell have recently purchased Weiss Manor. Soon after, IT started to happen. Come join our reluctant investigators as they take you on a magical and frightening ghost hunt to unlock the mystery of what happened at Weiss Manor in 1889. Welcome to…Wicked Things. For tickets and more information please visit http://www.shocktober.com or http://www.iristheater.com Voice over provided by John Foutz at http://foutzstudios.com/John_Foutz_VO_Reels.html ...
day 27
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Around 120 international delegations are meeting for the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) summit on Venezuela's Margarita Island. The conference that started on Friday brings together states that stayed neutral during the Cold War. The NAM is the largest international grouping outside the United Nations. CCTV’s Stephen Gibbs has more. We upload Pakistani Talk shows and Politics News on Our channel Kapil sharma, comedy nights, comedy nights with kapil sharma, comedy nights, pakistan news channel, pakistan news,Pakistani on india, Pakistan media, Pakistani news, narendra modi, india, pakistan, bollywood, trailer, Pakistan news on narendra modi, pakistan news on india, pakistan media on india, pakistan media on narendra modi, nsg, mtcr, brexit, pakistan media, Pakistan news, Pakistan talk show, ...
A Celebration of Reason - 2012 Global Atheist Convention 13-15th April - Melbourne Convention Exhibition Centre Presented by the Atheist Foundation of Australia http://atheistconvention.org.au http://atheistfoundation.org.au Sam Harris is a Co-Founder and CEO of Project Reason, a non-profit foundation devoted to spreading scientific knowledge and secular values in society. He received a degree in philosophy from Stanford University and a Ph.D. in neuroscience from UCLA. http://www.samharris.org/ Thanks to Gergely Fekete for the Hungarian subtitles.
Isabelles 11th birthday morning opening presents outside our tent during our camping trip away. Our BRAND NEW DAILY VLOG. Isabelles birthday camping trip away day 2! Our Main Channel: http://youtube.com/TheInghamFamily Our Previous Vlog: https://youtu.be/hT_RjL_hDLw For business enquiries: inghamfamilyofficial@gmail.com Connect with our Family: http://Facebook.com/InghamFamilyOfFive http://twitter.com/InghamFamily Instagram: InghamFamily Snapchat: InghamFamily
Present Simple verb tense - English verbs 1) Present Simple form 2) Affirmative, question and negative forms of the present Simple verb tense 3) How to use the present simple 5) Exercises and practise If you liked this English grammar lesson and would like more, please subscribe to my channel, click on the "like" icon and leave a comment below :) More grammar lessons: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6BDo90oiwpS4_AM1c0s0ozpROeE2A9ff Listening exercises: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6BDo90oiwpRdmnAzmYwdc0Az0ZOG2XNA Vocabulary videos: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6BDo90oiwpTlYAYSitjwWn29BEdCBi9j Andrew, Crown Academy of English http://twitter.com/Crown_English http://www.crownacademyenglish.com/ http://www.youtube.com/user/CrownAcademyEnglish Photo ...
Here is an English grammar lesson about the form of the present perfect tense. In this lesson, you will learn the affirmative form (positive), question form and negative form of the present perfect tense. I also explain the contracted forms for the affirmative and negative. The present perfect is formed by a combination of the auxiliary verb "have" in the present followed by the past participle of the main verb. Example: "I have cleaned." The past participle of regular verbs is formed by adding "ed" to the base form. I also give you the spelling rules of forming the past participle of other regular verbs. The past participle of irregular verbs have no rules at all and you must simply learn them by heart when you learn a new verb. Some examples are be - been, find - found, do - done, go...
This is an English lesson to explain the meaning of the present perfect simple tense and how to use it. I also compare the present perfect to the past simple and explain the differences. The present perfect simple tense is in fact a past tense. We use it to describe an action or event at a non specified time in the past. Usually the action or event has an impact or connection with the present. Example: "David has broken his arm." News reports in the media often use the present perfect at the start of a report to give a general summary. We can use the present perfect with indefinite time adverbs (ever, never, once, before, so far, already, yet, etc) Some common uses of this verb tense are as follows: - to describe experience we have acquired, example "I have learned Japanese." - to ...
English Verb Tense: The Present Simple In this lesson Rama Explains how we form and use the Present Simple tense, and slam dunks a basketball. Aslo a plane crash, a dancing monster, pizza, cross dressing and much much more! Grammar Gurus helps you learn English grammar with high quality entertaining English videos. English lessons can be fun! In English we use the Present Simple tense(aka simple present) more than any other verb tense, by far. Despite the fact that it has simple in its name it isn't very simple at all. Let's take a quick look at some of the more difficult parts of the Present Simple tense First making questions or negatives in the Present Simple can be tricky. The reason is because most Present Simple sentences don't have helper verbs so if you want to make a question y...
Increase your ability to stay in the present moment now. Power of now to become spiritually aware of a richer, fulfilling life. Based largely on writings by Eckart Tolle, A Course in Miracles, etc.
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* Subscribe for more Scientific & Technological Videos * Like & Share * go to our website http://www.advexon.com * Share your ideas and comment Big Bang Theory - The Premise The Big Bang theory is an effort to explain what happened at the very beginning of our universe. Discoveries in astronomy and physics have shown beyond a reasonable doubt that our universe did in fact have a beginning. Prior to that moment there was nothing; during and after that moment there was something: our universe. The big bang theory is an effort to explain what happened during and after that moment. According to the standard theory, our universe sprang into existence as "singularity" around 13.7 billion years ago. What is a "singularity" and where does it come from? Well, to be honest, we don't know for sure....
She seems a little lost, with nazi golden locks
She is drawn to my dirt, whenever I'm hurt
And need to be cured
This city never stops
We never do what we should
But when her laugh stops
We never do what we should
When our stops, that's what I really love
All I wanted was to give you something
That I thought you needed
We'll get through the night and survive for a while
She cuts through my frost
With nazi golden locks
I am drawn to the girl who seems to be hurt
But wants to be loved
Our heads never stop
We never do what we should
But when her laugh stops
Guess what I really love
To start again from the top
All I wanted was to give you something
That I thought you needed