- published: 08 Mar 2012
- views: 2348408
LES may refer to:
Karl (also Carl) is a variant of the given name Charles. For origin and meaning see Churl and Charles.
Karl may refer to:
《如果花会说话》是基于“热拉直播”的应用而进行的影视拍摄项目。全球最大拉拉社交平台Rela热拉,旨在推广拉拉群体的精神世界,探秘女性之间最隐秘的内心世界。本片讲述了帅气女机车手与氧气美女花店老板娘擦出激烈的火花,姬情四射。 导演/监制:Gary Yong http://garyyong.com/ https://www.instagram.com/gary.yong/ ■□关注Rela app 官方帐号 Like us on ■□ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Relaapp Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/relaapp Rela热拉 官方网站: http://www.thel.co/en/home.html Download Rela下载链接:http://thel.co/download.html Rela 热拉(曾用名:the L热拉)是一款全球范围的拉拉交友app,也是中国第一款基于地理位置的les群体专属移动社交产品,2012年11月上线后在全球范围内广泛推广。 截止目前Rela 热拉有效注册用户已超过650万,国内用户主要集中在北上广深及成都等一二线城市,海外用户主要集中在港台,东南亚及美国的华人区域。
Hola sogas! En el video de hoy les mostramos a los 2 nuevos integrantes del team :) Y son 2 perros que rescatamos luego del terremoto en Morelos. Estaban en una muy grave situación cuando los recogimos, pero por suerte se están mejorando. Ahora es momento que ustedes les elijan los nombres! COMENTEN :D SUSCRIBITE ACÁ :) ► http://goo.gl/bHo1dF INSTAGRAM: ► http://instagram.com/dosogas ► http://instagram.com/dosogasfede ► http://instagram.com/mathidosogas TWITTER: Dosogas ► http://twitter.com/dosogas Mathi ► http://twitter.com/mathisellanes Fede ► http://twitter.com/fedevigevani FACEBOOK: Dosogas ► https://facebook.com/dosogas Fede ► https://facebook.com/fedevigevani Mathi ► https://facebook.com/mathidosogas CONTACTO: ► dosogascontacto@gmail.com Si tienen alguna idea para que hagamos ...
L’hallux valgus, plus connu sous le nom d’oignon au pied, est la conséquence d’une déformation de l’articulation du gros orteil, qui conduit à une déviation du pied. Voici 5 remèdes maison pour traiter l’hallux valgus sans avoir recours à la chirurgie. * Subcribe here : https://goo.gl/Tn0EH1
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Une brune aux cheveux longs s’avance vers la villa avec sa valise. Assis au bord de la piscine, les Anges la voient arriver. Florian est ravi de voir ce « missile » entrer dans l’aventure. Mais pour Mélanie, « ça va être la guerre ». Suivez–les sur les réseaux sociaux Les Anges 9 sur Facebook : https://fr-fr.facebook.com/LesAngesDeLaTelerealite Les Anges 9 sur Twitter : https://twitter.com/lesangestv http://www.nrj-play.fr/nrj12/les-anges/actualites
Interprètes : Les comédiens des Mystères de l’Amour Titre de la chanson : Saint-Martin, ne pleure pas Toute l’équipe des comédiens des Mystères de l’Amour s’est réunie pour enregistrer ce titre inédit « Saint-Martin » au profit des sinistrés de Saint-Martin et de Saint-Barthélemy. Soutenez leur action en faisant un don à la fondation de France sur le lien suivant = https://dons.fondationdefrance.org/SOLIDARITE_ANTILLES/ http://vevo.ly/D3BT9m
Vous savez chaque année les gens créent de plus en plus, de nouvelles voitures cool qui nous étonnent, mais parmi ces moyens de transport, il y en a certaines si luxueuses qu’elles ne sont réservées qu’a un petit monde. Avez-vous déjà une idée de ce dont on parle ? Les limousines, bien sûr, de quoi d’autres pourrait-il s’agir ? Installez vous confortablement, voici les 10 limousines les plus originales du monde. . N’oublie pas de t’abonner à la chaîne : https://goo.gl/KOb7Ns . FB : https://www.facebook.com/lamafachetv/
【片名】1448 รักเราของใคร 【英譯】Love Among Us 【中譯】愛在你我之間 【年代】2014 【導演】อรุณศักดิ์ อ่องลออ Arunsak Ongla-or 【演員】อภิญญา สกุลเจริญสุข Apinya Sakuljaroensuk, อิสซาเบล่า เลเต้ Isabella Lete, ภูดิท ขุนชนะสงคราม 劇情介紹: 在拜縣一個聚集著現代年輕人的時尚街道上,Pat正在拍攝逛街的人群。突然攝像頭中出現了Pim的身影,這使她第一眼見到就愛上了她。 Pat在學校的一次會議中認識了Pim,並且彼此間變的日益親密起來。但是Pat必須把自己的感情隱藏起來,因為那時Pim正和學校中一個帥氣的男生Nam談著戀愛。然而Pim卻深深的感受到Nam並不是真正適合她的人,於是決定和Nam分手。然而在她尋找下一段感情之前,心裡卻出現了“沒有誰能跟Pat所帶給她的幸福相比較”的回答。於是Pim決定去拜縣找Pat並且和Pat開始了戀愛,期間Pim一直幫忙照看著Pat的咖啡屋... 最終兩人決定結婚,儘管在她們兩人看來這段愛情是美好的,然而在實際現實中卻是不完美的。尤其是Pat的父親非常反對這段感情,並且不接受女人與女人相愛這件事! 影片最終以Pat的死亡而結束,這似乎也表明了兩人這段不合法的愛...
Retrouvez ici la 2ème partie des plus gros vents et bides du monde. Pour me contacter: bestofcultes@gmail.com ou par facebook "BOC"
Grâce à un défi réussi, les Anges ont remporté une soirée Fluo. Tous déguisés, ils se lancent dans le jeu de « la bouteille ». Bisous entre garçons ou sur des endroits improbables, les gages sont à mourir de rire ! Suivez–les sur les réseaux sociaux Les Anges 9 sur Facebook : https://fr-fr.facebook.com/LesAngesDeLaTelerealite Les Anges 9 sur Twitter : https://twitter.com/lesangestv http://www.nrj-play.fr/nrj12/les-anges/actualites
L’histoire entre Jordan et Coco a commencé difficilement. Jordan était aussi attiré par Barbara, tandis que Coco voulait se servir de Jordan pour se venger de la chanteuse. Mais tout ça semble derrière eux désormais… Suivez–les sur les réseaux sociaux Les Anges 9 sur Facebook : https://fr-fr.facebook.com/LesAngesDeLaTelerealite Les Anges 9 sur Twitter : https://twitter.com/lesangestv http://www.nrj-play.fr/nrj12/les-anges/actualites
Des Cours Très Particuliers Ep 06
Aujourd’hui, nous vous proposons de découvrir les 10 races de chiens les plus dangereuses au monde, classés du moins au plus dangereux. . N’oublie pas de t’abonner à la chaîne : https://goo.gl/KOb7Ns . FB : https://www.facebook.com/lamafachetv/
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5 Hours of Karl... Challenge Accepted? ~ Questions for Karl, 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAaB2oeyA_4 Questions for Karl, 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Ipi7IpB9tE Karl's Diary, All Of It: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VAwxbEdGUg Monkey News, All Of It: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YitdaY1Eam4 0:00:05 - Introduction 0:02:07 - Wendy's Rant 0:02:40 - Gotta Have Your Critics 0:03:12 - Show Me The Good Stuff! 0:04:27 - We Just Gave You The Chance... 0:04:48 - Wendy's Little Program 0:05:09 - The Frisby 0:05:46 - The Clippable Mat 0:06:47 - The Pocket Tie 0:09:14 - Bryan's Brain 0:22:55 - Comic Relief 0:23:48 - Karl's Will 0:27:57 - You Had A Floor 0:29:05 - Don't Move! 0:30:22 - Tubberware 0:32:22 - Charity Shops 0:34:31 - Big Elvis Fan! 0:35:50 - Fancy Dress! 0:37:24 - Not F...
I make these every day, comment a highlight! Karl Pilkington is a British actor, author, presenter and radio producer who obtained fame on the XFM radio station and The Ricky Gervais Show podcasts after working with Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant, who obtained their fame with such works as The Office, Extras, Hello Ladies, Life on the Road, Derek and much more. See my channel for full XFM episodes, as well as the podcasts and Guides To. All the Karl Pilkington Compilations ... http://goo.gl/7c5i1c There is no copyright infringement intended for this audio. This channel is strictly for entertainment purposes and to promote the original copyright owners. If you are the original copyright owner please contact me to resolve this issue.
Subscribe! I make these every day Karl Pilkington is a British actor, author, presenter and radio producer who obtained fame on the XFM radio station and The Ricky Gervais Show podcasts after working with Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant, who obtained their fame with such works as The Office, Extras, Hello Ladies, Life on the Road, Derek and much more. See my channel for full XFM episodes, as well as the podcasts and Guides To. All the Karl Pilkington Compilations ... http://goo.gl/7c5i1c There is no copyright infringement intended for this audio. This channel is strictly for entertainment purposes and to promote the original copyright owners. If you are the original copyright owner please contact me to resolve this issue.
A Karl Pilkington compilation on random Karl clips from over the years. Featuring Ricky Gervais, Stephen Merchant and an monkeys that were mechanics in the first place! All the Karl Pilkington compilations: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvd5viuSO76MbSqtrzqSFXyZeWyGnCqwA Clips taken from XFM, a radio show, and The Ricky Gervais Show, a podcast featuring Ricky Gervais, Stephen Merchant and Karl Pilkington. There is no copyright infringement intended for this audio. This channel is strictly for entertainment purposes and to promote the original copyright owners. If you are the original copyright owner please contact me to resolve this issue. Under the Copyrights Act of 1976 this audio is fair to use because it is: 1) Transformative in nature 2) Not competetive with the original w...
Questions for Karl, 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAaB2oeyA_4 Questions for Karl, 3: http://youtu.be/bo94pyUh0Mc Karl's Diary, All Of It: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VAwxbEdGUg Monkey News, All Of It: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YitdaY1Eam4 0:00:06 Introduction 0:00:42 Get Karl famous 0:01:05 British film industry 0:02:45 Clive Warren 0:03:05 Rebecca De Mornay 0:14:54 The Doppelgänger 0:17:43 Twins and that... 0:18:26 Two doors, two guards, one question 0:23:30 Steve's holiday 0:26:04 As I went into the sea for a wee... 0:29:21 Cancer, fish, Harry, and glasses... 0:35:20 Part dog, part fish... all seal 0:37:43 What's his face, that German doctor... 0:42:33 Throat cancer... 0:44:35 A frog that can kill 1,000 human beings... 0:50:42 If the frog annoyed you... 0:52:33 Turkey whis...
Thanks for being part of the community :) Karl Pilkington is a British actor, author, presenter and radio producer who obtained fame on the XFM radio station and The Ricky Gervais Show podcasts after working with Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant, who obtained their fame with such works as The Office, Extras, Hello Ladies, Life on the Road, Derek and much more. See my channel for full XFM episodes, as well as the podcasts and Guides To. All the Karl Pilkington Compilations ... http://goo.gl/7c5i1c There is no copyright infringement intended for this audio. This channel is strictly for entertainment purposes and to promote the original copyright owners. If you are the original copyright owner please contact me to resolve this issue.
Questions for Karl, 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Ipi7IpB9tE Questions for Karl, 3: http://youtu.be/bo94pyUh0Mc Karl's Diary, All Of It: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VAwxbEdGUg Monkey News, All Of It: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YitdaY1Eam4 0:00:05 Introduction 0:02:18 Do we need 'em? 0:03:13 The world's got smaller 0:04:42 The way we have kids and that... 0:08:58 Loads more than that... 0:10:01 When caveman was wondering around 0:11:39 Pub with a mug 0:14:01 Flies and a condom 0:15:16 Real flies and a real condom 0:18:55 Lion mutilates 42 midgets in Cambodian ring-fight 0:20:16 Have you got a gran? 0:21:52 Mental homeless woman 0:22:44 Paul ''The Party Animal'' Parker 0:24:02 Sex machine for women 0:25:09 To a lot of people, sex is important 0:26:20 Sexy metal pants 0:27:26 C...
Thanks for being part of the community :) Karl Pilkington is a British actor, author, presenter and radio producer who obtained fame on the XFM radio station and The Ricky Gervais Show podcasts after working with Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant, who obtained their fame with such works as The Office, Extras, Hello Ladies, Life on the Road, Derek and much more. See my channel for full XFM episodes, as well as the podcasts and Guides To. All the Karl Pilkington Compilations ... http://goo.gl/7c5i1c There is no copyright infringement intended for this audio. This channel is strictly for entertainment purposes and to promote the original copyright owners. If you are the original copyright owner please contact me to resolve this issue.
Subscribe! I make these every day... Karl Pilkington is a British actor, author, presenter and radio producer who obtained fame on the XFM radio station and The Ricky Gervais Show podcasts after working with Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant, who obtained their fame with such works as The Office, Extras, Hello Ladies, Life on the Road, Derek and much more. See my channel for full XFM episodes, as well as the podcasts and Guides To. All the Karl Pilkington Compilations ... http://goo.gl/7c5i1c There is no copyright infringement intended for this audio. This channel is strictly for entertainment purposes and to promote the original copyright owners. If you are the original copyright owner please contact me to resolve this issue.
Subscribe! I make these every day... Karl Pilkington is a British actor, author, presenter and radio producer who obtained fame on the XFM radio station and The Ricky Gervais Show podcasts after working with Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant, who obtained their fame with such works as The Office, Extras, Hello Ladies, Life on the Road, Derek and much more. See my channel for full XFM episodes, as well as the podcasts and Guides To. All the Karl Pilkington Compilations ... http://goo.gl/7c5i1c There is no copyright infringement intended for this audio. This channel is strictly for entertainment purposes and to promote the original copyright owners. If you are the original copyright owner please contact me to resolve this issue.
Anna torna alla sua città natale mentre sono in corso gli attacchi nemici. Nel presente, invece, la ritroviamo mentre cerca di salvare Karl dopo la disastrosa caduta dello zeppelin del barone. Buona visione. Playlist del gioco, per vedere tutti gli episodi: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOIfQrz4Ahh6HhDhm6A6xnIlCRhXlmHky Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/AlexTheLoneGamer/posts Link al gioco: http://store.steampowered.com/app/260230/ ------------------------------------ Music: • Sneaky snitch - Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ • Panama hat - www.audionautix.com • Summer sidewalk - www.audionautix.com • Easy lemon - www.audionautix.com • Autumn sunset - www.audionautix.com • J...
Questions for Karl 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAaB2oeyA_4 Questions for Karl 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Ipi7IpB9tE Questions for Karl 3: http://youtu.be/bo94pyUh0Mc Monkey News, All Of It: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YitdaY1Eam4 0:00:00 - Show 1 0:11:00 - Show 2 0:14:57 - Show 3 0:23:21 - Show 4 0:27:27 - Show 5 0:33:03 - Show 6 0:40:48 - Show 7 0:45:15 - Show 8 0:45:23 - Show 9 0:52:41 - Show 10 1:00:27 - Show 11 1:07:49 - Show 12 1:13:19 - Show 13 1:23:22 - Show 14 1:28:34 - Show 15 1:39:56 - Show 16 - : -- : - - - Show 17 (Missing from compilation, my bad) 1:45:23 - Show 18 1:54:05 - Ending Scene 1:54:40 - Credits Show 17 Available Here: http://youtu.be/bo94pyUh0Mc?t=4h4m21s Why is it called, 'Karl's Complete Diary?' - Because the compilation does not have ever...
A voyage of scientific discovery with Karl Pilkington. From the XFM shows, podcasts. Check out the entire "The Complete Karl Pilkington" collection here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLc1_UEOEswEDPlp_hz9wjNACsr4xRWV7H If, in addition to bald manc geniuses, you also happen to like Virtual Reality, Gadgets and Technology then have a look at my hands-on/reviews channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVPXLj4O21YXWTnoNmZk92Q
Subscribe! I make these every day... Karl Pilkington is a British actor, author, presenter and radio producer who obtained fame on the XFM radio station and The Ricky Gervais Show podcasts after working with Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant, who obtained their fame with such works as The Office, Extras, Hello Ladies, Life on the Road, Derek and much more. See my channel for full XFM episodes, as well as the podcasts and Guides To. All the Karl Pilkington Compilations ... http://goo.gl/7c5i1c There is no copyright infringement intended for this audio. This channel is strictly for entertainment purposes and to promote the original copyright owners. If you are the original copyright owner please contact me to resolve this issue.
Karl Pilkington's greatest moments All the Karl Pilkington compilations: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvd5viuSO76MbSqtrzqSFXyZeWyGnCqwA Clips taken from XFM, a radio show, and The Ricky Gervais Show, a podcast featuring Ricky Gervais, Stephen Merchant and KP. There is no copyright infringement intended for this audio. This channel is strictly for entertainment purposes and to promote the original copyright owners. If you are the original copyright owner please contact me to resolve this issue.
A best of compilation featuring getting high on joss sticks, licking frogs, a shaved cat, mirror on the moon, aliens, a Jamaican fella, snidey jellyfish, and getting mugged in Russia. For other like-minded people to enjoy. New videos of Karl Pilkington, Ricky Gervais and Steven Merchant edited and uploaded regularly on channel. Ricky Gervais Guide to: ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcvGh_n1RiA&index;=1&list;=PL_PaNz_g8W7ukaOXpjILcOhrnNHurjhom The Podcasts (All of 'em) here... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_ZXO6fXQN8&list;=PL_PaNz_g8W7unCs1Ha7LC7lP_rlagFZZH The Complete Karl Pilkington collection here... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7B_PYpc_jc0&t;=14s&index;=1&list;=PL_PaNz_g8W7vXi5330RR7HozuAie1iCEY XFM Series 0 (before they were famous) here... https://www.youtube.com/watch?...
Thanks for being part of the community :) Karl Pilkington is a British actor, author, presenter and radio producer who obtained fame on the XFM radio station and The Ricky Gervais Show podcasts after working with Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant, who obtained their fame with such works as The Office, Extras, Hello Ladies, Life on the Road, Derek and much more. See my channel for full XFM episodes, as well as the podcasts and Guides To. All the Karl Pilkington Compilations ... http://goo.gl/7c5i1c There is no copyright infringement intended for this audio. This channel is strictly for entertainment purposes and to promote the original copyright owners. If you are the original copyright owner please contact me to resolve this issue.
Subscribe! I make these every day... Karl Pilkington is a British actor, author, presenter and radio producer who obtained fame on the XFM radio station and The Ricky Gervais Show podcasts after working with Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant, who obtained their fame with such works as The Office, Extras, Hello Ladies, Life on the Road, Derek and much more. See my channel for full XFM episodes, as well as the podcasts and Guides To. All the Karl Pilkington Compilations ... http://goo.gl/7c5i1c There is no copyright infringement intended for this audio. This channel is strictly for entertainment purposes and to promote the original copyright owners. If you are the original copyright owner please contact me to resolve this issue.