WACFresno TV -- SHOW 12 -- DOJ Memo says Legal to Kill Americans -- LIBOR Scandal -- GMO Crimes
WACFresno TV -- SHOW 12 --
DOJ Memo says
Legal to
Kill Americans --
LIBOR Scandal --
GMO Fraud
Broadcasting on
Access TV in
Fresno, CA -
Fresno Community Media Access Collaborative
Public Channel:
Comcast 93
AT&T; 99
6:00 -- 7:00 pm
7 days a week
In this episode Sam and
Steve discuss
SSRI Drugs Causing
US Troops to
Commit Suicide.
US Soldiers Suicides Outnumber
Combat Deaths In
2012, US Troops use
Depleted Uranium. WASHINGTON (
CBS DC) --
American soldier suicides continue to outnumber combat-related deaths in 2012, and the trajectory for soldier suicides continues to get worse.
Statistics released by the
Department of the Army show that through November potentially 303 active-duty,
Reserve and
National Guard soldiers committed suicide.
As of Dec. 7,
Stars and Stripes reports that
212 soldiers have died in combat-related deaths in
Army set a grim new record of 177 potential active-duty cases with 2012 coming to a close on Tuesday -- 64 of these cases remain under investigation, 113 have been confirmed.
DOJ memo leaked. Legal to kill Americans with drones.
A confidential
Justice Department memo concludes that the
U.S. government can order the killing of
American citizens if they are believed to be "senior operational leaders" of al-Qaida
or "an associated force" — even if there is no intelligence indicating they are engaged in an active plot to attack the
Libor Rate rigging scandal and the state of
County of San Diego, utility municipal department of
Oakland, and
Riverside all joining in on a lawsuit against
Bank of America Corporation,
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd.,
Citigroup, Inc., Citibank,
Credit Suisse Group AG,
Deutsche Bank AG,
HSBC Holdings, HSBC Holdings,
JSBC Bank,
JPMorgan Chase & Co.,
JPMorgan Chase Bank,
Lloyds Banking Group,
Royal Bank of Canada, The
Norinchukin Bank,
Societe Generale,
The Royal Bank of Scotland Group,
WestLB AG and Westdeutsche Immobilienbank AG.
HSBS drug money laundering scandal in 2012.
HSBC Holdings Plc agreed to pay a record $1.92 billion in fines to U.S. authorities for allowing itself to be used to launder a river of drug money flowing out of
Mexico and other banking lapses.
Mexican drug cartels control most of the supply of cocaine and crystal meth into the US market, an export business that is estimated at $25bn-$40bn a year.
Despite this, US authorities have seized barely $16m in cartel assets in the past decade.
Wells Fargo was fined 160 million in
2010 for drug laundering the total fine was less than 2% of the bank's $12.3bn profit for 2009. "Wachovia's blatant disregard for our banking laws gave international cocaine cartels a virtual carte blanche to finance their operations," said
Jeffrey Sloman, the federal prosecutor. (
The Guardian)
News Seed giant
Monsanto has won more than $23 million from hundreds of small farmers accused of replanting the company's genetically engineered seeds. Now, another case is looming -- and it could set a landmark precedent for the future of seed ownership.
The lawsuits concern Monsanto's patent rights as the company strives to prevent farmers from replanting crops grown from the company's seeds.
It's a concept that a study published on Tuesday -- titled 'Seed
Giants vs. US
Farmers' -- referred to as creating a "seed oligarchy."
Search Engine:
Audit the Fed (S. 209) in the
U.S. Senate to put an end to the Fed's "print-now, ask-questions-later" policies that are bankrupting every man, woman, and child in the
United States.
With passage of Audit the Fed, the
American people will be able to see the evidence proving the
Federal Reserve System leads to:
Constant economic crises. The housing crisis and the resulting chaos is just one example of an economic bubble created by centrally planned interest rates and money manipulation;
*** The destruction of the middle class. As fuel, food, housing, medical care, and education costs soar, everyone who is NOT on the government dole is forced to make do with less as the value of their money slowly decreases;
Currency destruction.
History shows us that riots, violence, and full-scale police states can result when people finally realize our money isn't worth the paper it's printed on and REFUSE to accept it.
The Federal Reserve is a private banking cartel (STEALING FROM YOU through the hidden tax of inflation) it is NOT an agency of the
Federal Government and will collapse our current debt based fiat monetary system to bring in the new cashless digital economic slave system.
The answer to
1984 is
ACTION JOIN WE ARE CHANGE FRESNO here: http://www.meetup.com/WeAreChange-Fresno/