Frank Hyneman Knight (November 7, 1885 - April 15, 1972) was an American economist who spent most of his career at the University of Chicago, where he became one of the founders of the Chicago school. Nobel laureates James M. Buchanan, Milton Friedman, George Stigler, and Ronald Coase were all students of Knight at Chicago. Knight supervised Stigler's Ph.D. thesis.
Frank H. Knight (B.S. and A.M., Tennessee, 1913; Ph.D., Cornell, 1916) was born in McLean County, Illinois, in 1885. Most of his academic career has been spent at the University of Chicago, where he is the Morton D. Hall Distinguished Service Professor, Emeritus, of Social Science and Philosophy. Knight is one of the world's leading economists, having made significant contributions to many problems of both economic theory and social philosophy. He is best known for his Risk Uncertainty and Profit, a monumental study of the role of the entrepreneur in economic life. In 1950 he was president of the American Economic Association and in 1957 the recipient of its coveted Francis A. Walker Award, given "not more frequently than once every five years to the living (American) economist who in the judgment of the awarding body has during his career made the greatest contribution to economics."
Sit down Mary they don't know what they're talkin'
Sit down Mary it's only make believe
Sit down Mary don't say those things you're screamin'
It was me... It was me..
And it was me they saw in the liquor store that night
It was me with a gun on that cashier
And when it went off it was me who took flight
And it was my getaway car they saw disappear...
So blame me if a crime's been done
If they need a reason I'm the one
Blame me
Yes Sir, I left my wife Mary and her kids
Yes Sir, I was a touch out of control
I drugged and drank and gambled, well yes Sir, I did
'Til there wasn't any money to send home
What's that you say Sir, there were witnesses
Standing in the shadows that night
And that hold up man running from the liquor store
They say she looked exactly like my wife
Sit down Mary, they don't know
What they're talking about
Sit down Mary, it's only make believe
Sit down Mary, don't say those things
You're screaming out
It was me, it was me, it was me