30 July 2016

US warplanes kill at least 28 more civilians in northern Syria

By Barry Grey, 30 July 2016

The latest mass killing occurred in the same region where, nine days before, the US military bombed a group of houses, killing as many as 200 civilians.

Pentagon accuses Russia of targeting US-British Special Forces base in Syria

More on the war in Iraq and Syria »

Anger mounts over government handling of floods in China

By John Braddock, 30 July 2016

With widespread media and internet reports accusing officials of negligence, Beijing is increasingly nervous about deepening social opposition.

Australian PM sinks Rudd’s bid for UN secretary general

By Peter Symonds, 30 July 2016

The fracas this week over former Prime Minister Rudd has not only highlighted deep divisions in the Coalition government, but also raises a question about Washington’s hand in events.

Germany’s Chancellor Merkel announces drastic increase in state powers

By Ulrich Rippert, 30 July 2016

In a press conference, Merkel proclaimed a “war on terrorism” and a sweeping increase in state powers.

A week before Rio games, protesters extinguish Olympic flame

By Bill Van Auken, 30 July 2016

The Olympics are being held in a Brazil wracked by political and economic crisis as well as mounting social unrest.

US army threatens whistleblower Chelsea Manning with indefinite solitary confinement

By Isaac Finn, 30 July 2016

According to the ACLU, Manning could face added time and other punishments on the basis of charges related to a failed suicide attempt.

Texas recorded almost 7,000 deaths in custody since 2005

By Shannon Jones, 30 July 2016

Between 2005 and 2015, an average of 628 people a year died while in the custody of police or state corrections officials.

Maryland state’s attorney clears police officers involved in killing of Freddie Gray of all charges

More on police violence in America »

Michigan attorney general charges six more state officials in Flint water crisis

By James Brewer, 30 July 2016

These six indictments bring the number of criminal indictments to nine.

Water officials envision doubling of city of Flint water rates

State officials work to obscure water crisis in Flint

More on the Flint water crisis »

UK workers’ pay plummets since 2008 global financial crash

By Richard Tyler, 30 July 2016

Unlike their members, whose incomes fell by over 10 percent in real terms, trade union bosses saw their own pay packets rise collectively between 2007 and 2015 by 18 percent.

New in French

La guerre et la Convention nationale démocrate

Par Andre Damon, 30 juillet 2016

Le grand secret dans l’élection américaine de 2016 est la préparation bien avancée des États-Unis pour le conflit militaire contre la Russie et la Chine.

New in Turkish

Bir Türk gazetesi başarısız askeri darbenin arkasındaki ABD’li generalin kimliğini belirtti

Johannes Stern, 30 Temmuz 2016

Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’ı devirme yönündeki başarısız askeri darbeden iki hafta sonra, ABD'nin olaylara önemli ölçüde dahil olduğuna ilişkin daha fazla bilgi açığa çıkıyor.

Muhalefet partileri Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’la bir araya geldi

Halil Çelik, 30 Temmuz 2016

Erdoğan, muhalefet partileriyle bir mutabakat aracılığıyla hükümetinin egemenliğini pekiştirmeye çalıştığı sırada, 9 Ağustos’ta St. Petersburg’a resmi bir ziyaret planladı.

Münih’teki büyük çaplı polis operasyonu: Demokrasiye yönelik bir saldırı

Sosyalist Eşitlik Partisi (Almanya), 30 Temmuz 2016

Alman yetkililer, 18 yaşındaki bir gencin Münih’teki silahlı saldırısını, 1,5 milyon nüfuslu bir kenti saatlerce kilitleyecek ve korku ve panik yayacak şekilde, büyük çaplı bir olağanüstü hal ve iç savaş tatbikatı gerçekleştirmek için bahane olarak kullandılar.

New in Spanish

La promoción de la política racial y las elecciones de EE.UU.

Por Barry Grey, 30 julio 2016

Hay un implacable esfuerzo por del Partido Democrático y de la mayoría de los medios para presentar a la raza como la cuestión social y política predominante en los EE.UU. La lucha contra la brutalidad policial y la violencia del estado capitalista, así como la lucha para acabar con todas las formas de racismo y discriminación, está completamente unida a la lucha contra la explotación de clase, la desigualdad social y el sistema capitalista que es su fuente.

Música-Cantante M.I.A. excluida del Festival Afropunk por criticar al Grupo ‘La Vida de los Negros Importa’

Por David Walsh y Zac Corrigan, 30 julio 2016

M.I.A., la Británica-Sri Lanquesa artista de hip hop, será retirada del acto principal que tendrá lugar en Londres el 24 de septiembre. Tomaron la decisión después que M.I.A. fuera atacada por fuerzas racistas cuando criticó al movimiento ‘La Vida de los Negros Importa’ por su estrechez e indiferencia hacia el destino de los refugiados y desplazados en todo el mundo.

El tiroteo en Múnich y la americanización de la sociedad alemana

Por Christoph Vandreier y Peter Schwarz, 30 julio 2016

La enorme operación policial, mano con mano con la reacción de los medios de difusión, demuestra que este acontecimiento es pretexto de una campaña de mano dura contra obreros, jóvenes e inmigrantes.

Se da inicio a la Convención Republicana: un espectáculo obsceno en Cleveland

Por Patrick Martin, 30 julio 2016

Donald Trump, una celebridad estafadora con una perspectiva racista y autoritaria, personifica la decadencia política de la clase dominante estadounidense.

Huelga de doctores contra el gobierno de Papua Nueva Guinea

Por John Braddock, 30 julio 2016

Después de reunirse el fin de semana con pilotos, trabajadores marítimos y trabajadores energéticos, la Asociación Nacional de Doctores apoyó demandas de que el primer ministro Peter O'Neill renunciara y enfrentara interrogaciones sobre alegaciones de corrupción.

La Campaña de Donald Trump: Una Nueva Etapa en la Crisis de la Democracia en Estados Unidos

Por Comité de Redacción del WSWS, 30 julio 2016

Que detone la violencia en las movilizaciones políticas de Trump es señal de una etapa de desintegración política en Estados Unidos.

New in German

Obamas Vermächtnis: Identitätspolitik im Dienste des Kriegs

Von Bill Van Auken, 30. Juli 2016

Die Regierung Obama war der Wendepunkt für die Rückkehr der Demokraten zu ihren Wurzeln als der führenden Partei des US-Imperialismus.

Berliner Abgeordnetenhauswahl 2016
Stimmt gegen Krieg! Wählt PSG!

Wahlaufruf der Partei für Soziale Gleichheit, 30. Juli 2016

Die PSG tritt mit einer Landesliste und Direktkandidaten in Wedding, Tempelhof-Schöneberg und Friedrichs­hain zur Berliner Abgeordnetenhauswahl am 18. September an.

Die verlogene und hohle Rede Hillary Clintons

Von David Walsh, 30. Juli 2016

Auf dem Parteitag der Demokraten klang Hillary Clintons Rede, mit der sie ihre Nominierung als Präsidentschaftskandidatin annahm, vollkommen hohl und verlogen.

Bundesarbeitsgericht erklärt Streik der Vorfeldlotsen für „rechtswidrig“

Von Marianne Arens, 30. Juli 2016

Nun soll die Lotsengewerkschaft GdF Schadenersatz in Millionenhöhe an den Flughafenbetreiber Fraport AG bezahlen.

Partitur des Krieges
Ein Eindringlicher Dokumentarfilm zur Ukraine

Von Bernd Reinhardt, 30. Juli 2016

April vergangenen Jahres machte sich der ukrainische Geiger und Komponist Mark Chaet, begleitet von einem kleinen Dreh-Team von Berlin aus auf den Weg in seine ost-ukrainische Heimat.

In Spanien droht dritte Wahl

Von Alejandro López, 30. Juli 2016

Die Lage in Spanien ist beispielhaft für die Krise des traditionellen bürgerlichen politischen Systems in Europa seit dem Ausbruch der Weltwirtschaftskrise 2008.

Rassistische Angriffe auf den Film Free State of Jones

Von David Walsh, 30. Juli 2016

Der Film Free State of Jones über einen weißen Farmer in Mississippi, der sich im Bürgerkrieg gegen die Konföderierten auflehnt, wird von Vertretern der Identitätspolitik und der amerikanischen „Neuen Rechten” heftig angegriffen.

Other Languages


After the Democratic and Republican conventions
For a socialist alternative to the parties of austerity and war!

30 July 2016

In the face of an immense economic, social and political crisis, neither Clinton nor Trump has anything to offer but austerity, war and the continued assault on democratic rights.

Earlier Perspectives »


US media celebrates Democratic Party warmongering

By Patrick Martin, 30 July 2016

Leading columnists for the New York Times and Washington Post have hailed Hillary Clinton as a more consistent and ruthless advocate of US foreign policy interests.

Socialist Alternative promotes Sanders’ “political revolution” without Sanders

By Tom Hall, 30 July 2016

Socialist Alternative's role in helping to organize a walkout of a section of Sanders delegates at the Democratic convention was aimed at promoting Green Party candidate Jill Stein, the next political trap being laid for the working class.

The end of the Sanders campaign: The political lessons

“Socialist Convergence”: A gathering of political bankrupts in Philadelphia

The pro-capitalist program of the US Green Party

Obama’s legacy: Identity politics in the service of war

By Bill Van Auken, 29 July 2016

The New York Times, the state and the making of an amalgam
Who is James Bennet?

By Tom Hall, 29 July 2016

New York Times concocts amalgam to link Trump and Putin in Democrats’ email scandal

German Left Party leader polemicises against refugees
Calls for more police, signals support for NATO war policy

By Johannes Stern, 29 July 2016

Turkish newspaper identifies US general behind failed military coup

By Johannes Stern, 28 July 2016

The Turkish coup, US militarism and the collapse of democracy

The political bankruptcy of filmmaker Michael Moore and his “5 Reasons Why Trump Will Win”

By David Walsh, 28 July 2016

Socialist Equality Party

After Brexit: The struggle for socialism in Britain

By Chris Marsden, 30 July 2016

The following is a speech delivered by Chris Marsden, national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (UK), at public meetings held this month in London and Sheffield.

Labour donor’s legal effort to oust Corbyn fails

SEP Australia holds Third National Congress

By the Socialist Equality Party Australia, 27 July 2016

The Socialist Equality Party and the fight to build an international anti-war movement

SEP public meetings review political lessons of Australian election

Australian workers and youth voice interest in SEP’s perspective

SEP public meeting in Colombo: Halt the attacks on living conditions! Fight for socialist policies!

By the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), 27 July 2016

Arts Review

Captain Fantastic: An anti-establishment superhero?

By Joanne Laurier, 30 July 2016

Writer-director Matt Ross’s film is a semi-anarchistic tale about a family’s “off-the-grid” existence in the Pacific Northwest.

Chasing Asylum: Exposing Australia’s brutal refugee-detention regime

By Richard Phillips, 29 July 2016

Documentary director Eva Orner discusses Chasing Asylum

By Richard Phillips, 29 July 2016

Alexander Sokurov’s Francofonia: The Louvre during the Nazi occupation

The 2016 US elections

Hillary Clinton’s dishonest, empty acceptance speech

By David Walsh, 29 July 2016

With platform changes, Democrats seek to conceal record of attacks on public education

War and the Democratic National Convention

Democratic convention opens: An agenda of militarism and war

More on the 2016 US elections »

Workers Struggles

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

30 July 2016

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

The political issues facing California teachers

By Kimie Saito, 29 July 2016

SEP 2016 US Election Campaign

“We should have socialized medicine in the United States”
Socialist Equality Party campaigns in San Diego, California

By our reporters, 28 July 2016

Sanders heaps praise on the “billionaire class’s” chosen candidate

By Jerry White—SEP (US) candidate for president, 27 July 2016

More on the SEP 2016 US election campaign »

Book Review

Bitterly Divided: The South’s Inner Civil War

By Eric London, 26 July 2016

SEP (Germany) Election Campaign

Massive police operation in Munich—an attack on democracy

By Socialist Equality Party (Germany), 25 July 2016

The Munich shooting spree and the Americanization of German society

Socialist Equality Party (Germany) placed on ballot for Berlin election

Support the election campaign of the Socialist Equality Party in Berlin! Vote against war and militarism!

Mehring Books

New book by David North
A Quarter Century of War: The US Drive for Global Hegemony 1990–2016

By David North, 11 July 2016

We publish here the preface to A Quarter Century of War: The US Drive for Global Hegemony, 1990-2016 by David North, the chairman of the international editorial board of the World Socialist Web Site. The book is available for preorder today at Mehring Books.

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

Take up the fight against war, austerity and dictatorship!
Build the IYSSE on Australian campuses and schools!

By the International Youth and Students for Social Equality (Australia), 25 July 2016

Developments since the Australian federal election have underscored the preparations by the ruling elite for war with China and authoritarian forms of rule.

25 years ago: Last of Stalin’s henchmen dies

Lazar M. Kaganovich, the last surviving major accomplice of Joseph Stalin in his bloody crimes against the Soviet and international working class, died July 25, 1991, at the age of 97.

More »

50 years ago: Sellout contract in airline strike

On July 29, 1966, the leadership of the International Association of Machinists recommended acceptance of a sellout contract in an attempt to end a powerful strike that was crippling airline transportation.

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75 years ago: Roosevelt freezes Japanese assets

On July 25, 1941, US President Roosevelt launched his most aggressive attack on Japan short of an outright declaration of war, freezing all Japanese assets in the US.

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100 years ago: Heavy losses in Battle of Pozières

This week in July, 1916, heavy fighting between Allied and German troops around the village of Pozières in northeast France led to some of the heaviest casualties on the Western Front during World War I.

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