
Illustration: John Shakespeare

How the US will win the war with IS

The US turned out to be good at toppling regimes but not so good at building stable new ones. The jihadis have the same problem. Both sides will keep trying. Which will be the ultimate victor?

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Religious identity has meaning

Show we only tick Christian on the census if we can sign off on the Nicene Creed?

The census is not asking a "what you believe" question: it is rather an indication of identity and affiliation.

Question of religion demands honesty

The National Census will be conducted online for the first time this year.

Racists and self-interested church hierarchies should not be permitted to pervert the national census. Mark the religion that you genuinely and actively practice.

Call for review of Sydney College of the Arts

A protest against the University of Sydney's plans for the Sydney College of the Arts.

Some of the biggest names in Sydney's arts community have written to the the Chancellor of Sydney University, Belinda Hutchinson, and Vice Chancellor Michael Spence in support of the Sydney College of the Arts.

What a protest vote really means

Independent Senator Nick Xenophon is now part of a bigger system.

The election of independents and minor party candidates is taken as an indicator that the major parties are "on the nose". It's a mistake to look at this trend as merely a symptom of the major parties' current inability to connect with voters. It is that. But it's a lot more.

Column 8


A proposed use for redundant ticket machines

Global interest comes first in UN nomination


In his article ('Malcolm Turnbull in fear of his party is a bad omen", July 30-31) Peter Hartcher says: "Australia should nominate an Australian for a global competition and wish him (sic) luck."


Paul Keating said Turnbull was brilliant, fearless, but he lacked judgment, his fatal flaw.

How Turnbull was set up for his downfall

All the pictures of Malcolm Turnbull looking glum since Saturday night tell us a story we already instinctively knew: he fears he has miscalculated again.