- published: 01 Dec 2010
- views: 1391
Charles Hopkins is the name of:
Sustainable development (SD) is a process for meeting human development goals while maintaining the ability of natural systems to continue to provide the natural resources and ecosystem services upon which the economy and society depend. While the modern concept of sustainable development is derived most strongly from the 1987 Brundtland Report, it is rooted in earlier ideas about sustainable forest management and twentieth century environmental concerns .
Sustainable development is the organizing principle for sustaining finite resources necessary to provide for the needs of future generations of life on the planet. It is a process that envisions a desirable future state for human societies in which living conditions and resource-use continue to meet human needs without undermining the "integrity, stability and beauty" of natural biotic systems.
Sustainability can be defined as the practice of reserving resources for future generation without any harm to the nature and other components of it . Sustainable development ties together concern for the carrying capacity of natural systems with the social, political, and economic challenges faced by humanity. Sustainability science is the study of the concepts of sustainable development and environmental science. There is an additional focus on the present generations' responsibility to regenerate, maintain and improve planetary resources for use by future generations.
Hopkins is an English, Welsh and Irish patronymic surname. The English and Welsh derivations mean "son of Hob". It derives from the Germanic warrior name Hrod-berht, translated as "renowned-fame". It was 'borrowed' into French, where the spelling was changed from "Hob" to "Robert". The name in Ireland is an Anglicisation of the Irish Gaelic name Mac Oibicin. The name increased in popularity in, and became associated with, Wales around the 17th century. The Robert spelling was introduced to England and Scotland after the Norman conquest of England.
Charles is a masculine given name from the French form Charles of a Germanic name Karl. The original Anglo-Saxon was Ċearl or Ċeorl, as the name of king Cearl of Mercia, that disappeared after the Norman conquest of England.
The corresponding Old Norse form is Karl, the German form is also Karl. The name was notably borne by Charlemagne (Charles the Great), and was at the time Latinized as Karolus (as in Vita Karoli Magni), later also as Carolus.
The name's etymology is a Common Germanic noun *karlaz meaning "free man", which survives in English as churl (< Old English ċeorl), which developed its deprecating sense in the Middle English period.
In the form Charles, the initial spelling ch- corresponds to the palatalization of the Latin group ca- to [tʃa] in Central Old French (Francien) and the final -s to the former subjective case (cas sujet) of masculine names in Old French like in Giles or James (< Latin -us, see Spanish/ Portuguese Carlos).
According to Julius Pokorny, the historical linguist and Indo-Europeanist, the root meaning of Karl is "old man", from Indo-European *ĝer-, where the ĝ is a palatal consonant, meaning "to rub; to be old; grain." An old man has been worn away and is now grey with age.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), officially known as Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, are an intergovernmental set of aspiration Goals with 169 targets. The Goals are contained in paragraph 54 United Nations Resolution A/RES/70/1 of 25 September 2015. The Resolution is a broader intergovernmental agreement that, while acting as the Post 2015 Development Agenda (successor to the Millennium Development Goals), builds on the Principles agreed upon under Resolution A/RES/66/288, popularly known as The Future We Want.
On 19 July 2014, the UN General Assembly's Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) forwarded a proposal for the SDGs to the Assembly. The proposal contained 17 goals with 169 targets covering a broad range of sustainable development issues. These included ending poverty and hunger, improving health and education, making cities more sustainable, combating climate change, and protecting oceans and forests. On 5 December 2014, the UN General Assembly accepted the Secretary-General's Synthesis Report which stated that the agenda for the post-2015 SDG process would be based on the OWG proposals.
Charles Hopkins, UNESCO Chair for Re-orienting Teacher Education for Sustainability
Charles Hopkins - School Systems and A Sustainable Future - Pt 2
Prof. Peter Higgins and Prof. Charles Hopkins - UN Sustainable Development Goals
Charles Hopkins - School Systems and A Sustainable Future - Pt 1
Charles Hopkins, professor and special advisor on ESD, Canada
Charles Hopkins NAF Athlete Class of 2013
Syarahan Umum Profesor Charles Hopkins
Pastor Charles L.Hopkins of Grace Baptist"He still calling"...Dangerfieldsvision
Milano Demo Sessions - '58 Olds Special Trombone
Charles Hopkins - Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Everyday Adventure Series : Episode 001
Matt Damon reads from Howard Zinn's 1970 speech, "The Problem is Civil Obedience"
High Maintenance // Qasim
Thomas/Hopkins 4tet - Vilius | Cie Hirundo Rustica - Label Hirustica
Charles Hopkins addressing on Education for Sustainable Development at Conference called "Ethical Framework for a Sustainable World" hosted by CEE
Charles Hopkins - School Systems and A Sustainable Future - Pt 2 - Initiatives necessary for Sustainable Development
Professor Peter Higgins, Personal Chair in Outdoor and Environmental Education, and Professor Charles Hopkins, UNESCO Chair of Education for Sustainable Development, deliver the sixth lecture in the 2015 Our Changing World series. By October 2015 world leaders will have adopted the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that will guide global development until 2030. In implementing these SDGs, Learning for Sustainability (LfS), will play a key role. This lecture will reflect on global LfS developments, and consider LfS in the UN SDGs and the Global Action Programme from a Scottish and UK perspective. Recorded on 3 November 2015 at the University of Edinburgh's George Square Lecture Theatre.
Interview by Lars Myrthu-Nielsen, eco-net.dk / rce-denmark.dk - 25th November, at 10th Global RCE Conference 2016, Yogyakarta, Indonesia: The UN member states, wish and want a sustainable transition and development! Education for Sustainable Development - ESD - is a UN effort and a program for all educators on learning and educating for sustainability transition. 3 quistions: 1. WHY are ESD not more known and visibel - and high(est) on the Sustainable Development-agenda? 2. HOW do we get the political awareness and support we need to the ESD-agenda? 3. Will you give your best recommendations to our national politicians and our government - how to adopt and bring ESD to succes.
Syarahan Umum : Profesor Charles Hopkins “Reimagining and Implementing ESD Practices for Education 2030: Learning and Beyond”. 24 Januari 2017 8.30 pagi hingga 12.00 tengahari Dewan Budaya Universiti Sains Malaysia http://www.usm.my/
Preaching at Pastor Germaine Anderson Oakland CA Service 2013 DangerfieldsVision@yahoo.com Network ChristWorks TV for Sunday service recording contact 80.00
View this item on E-Bay: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item;=281097661736 Professional Trombonist Charles Hopkins playing a 1958 Olds Special Trombone. www.milanomusic.com
Charles Hopkins, UNESCO Chair in Reorienting Teacher Education, discusses the UN's global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This talk forms part of the Our Changing World Lecture series at the University of Edinburgh.
A quick adventure to Joshua Tree for the Perseid meteor shower. Project Title : Everyday Adventure Series : Episode 001 Project Type : Experimental Film Location : Joshua Tree, CA More Info : http://work.charlesbergquist.com/Everyday-Adventure-Series ________ Director : Charles Bergquist Toolset : 5D Mark III, GoPro Hero 3, DJi Phantom, Adobe Premiere CC, After Effects CC Sound : Jon Hopkins "Open Eye Signal"
Here, Matt Damon reads from a speech Howard Zinn gave in 1970 as part of a debate on civil disobedience. Matt Damon and his family were lifelong friends of the Zinns. This performance was part of "The People Speak, Live!" show, featuring Damon, Lupe Fiasco and a cast of Chicago's finest poets, actors, activists, artists, musicians, and writers. The show took place at the Metro in Chicago, on January 31, 2012, and was produced by Voices of a People's History (www.peopleshistory.us) in collaboration with Louder Than a Bomb: The Chicago Youth Poetry Festival (http://youngchicagoauthors.org). Learn more about Voices of a People's History at www.Facebook.com/VoicesofaPeoplesHistory and on Twitter @VPH. Here's what Howard Zinn writes about this 1970 speech in his introduction to the full pie...
A web series. Created / Written / Directed By: Katja Blichfeld and Ben Sinclair Executive Produced By: Katja Blichfeld, Russell Gregory, Ben Sinclair For more episodes visit helpingyoumaintain.com/episodes To support, please visit helpingyoumaintain.com/supportHMwebseries With Ben Sinclair Featuring Jordan Dean Anna Rose Hopkins Katie Hartman Henry Zebrowski Matthew Minor Preston Sadleir Bill Sinclair Qasim Naqvi Director of Photography Charles Gruet Assistant Director Sarah Violet Bliss Casting by Katja Blichfeld Casting Associate Andrew Femenella Editor Ben Sinclair Sound Mixer Dimitri Kouri Sound Editor Andrew Guastella Gaffers Jessie Cook Mike Rossi Cameron Berton Johnny Pruitt Color Correction Charlie Rokosny Production Design Imogen Lee Locations Manager Victoria C...
Thomas/Hopkins Quartet Jean-Luc THOMAS – flûte David « Hopi » HOPKINS – percussions Gabriel FAURE - violon Charles LUCAS - basse Vilius - Comp. Gabriel Faure http://www.hirustica.com
www.alexkumpel.com/gallery.html Thanks to my mentors and classmates at Animation Mentor for the great support! Chris Chua - Pixar Leigh Rens - Freelance Hyrum Osmond - Disney Mike Stern - Dreamworks Charles Alleneck - ILM Martin Hopkins - Dreamworks
Charles Yang University of Pennsylvania October 20, 2009 Center for Speech and Language Processing, Johns Hopkins University http://www.clsp.jhu.edu/seminars/1097/
Who is Cody Wilkins? MAD TREES brings you a high octane afternoon on the Teton Pass downhill trails with the local rider himself. A warm and dry summer has made the dirt trails in Jackson primo for fast shredding and huge airtime. This is the Offseason. Filmed and edited by Austin Hopkins Mad Trees USA and Flylow Gear http://www.madtrees.org/ http://flylowgear.com/ [tune] Charles Bradley - No Time For Dreaming.
Iran's Nuclear Ambitions Be it resolved the world cannot tolerate an Iran with nuclear weapons capability... November 26, 2012 | Toronto, Canada It has been rightly characterized as the toughest foreign policy challenge in a generation: how should the world respond to Iran’s nuclear ambitions? For some, the case for a preemptive strike on Iran is ironclad. An Iranian bomb would flood the volatile Middle East with nuclear weapons and trap Israel in a state of perilous insecurity—along with much of the world’s oil supply. Others argue that a nuclear Iran could be the very stabilizing force that the region needs, as the threat of nuclear war makes conventional conflicts more risky. These same voices also ask: can the West and Israel afford to attack Iran when doing so could rollback the Arab...
Charles Hopkins addressing on Education for Sustainable Development at Conference called "Ethical Framework for a Sustainable World" hosted by CEE
Charles Hopkins - School Systems and A Sustainable Future - Pt 2 - Initiatives necessary for Sustainable Development
Professor Peter Higgins, Personal Chair in Outdoor and Environmental Education, and Professor Charles Hopkins, UNESCO Chair of Education for Sustainable Development, deliver the sixth lecture in the 2015 Our Changing World series. By October 2015 world leaders will have adopted the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that will guide global development until 2030. In implementing these SDGs, Learning for Sustainability (LfS), will play a key role. This lecture will reflect on global LfS developments, and consider LfS in the UN SDGs and the Global Action Programme from a Scottish and UK perspective. Recorded on 3 November 2015 at the University of Edinburgh's George Square Lecture Theatre.
Interview by Lars Myrthu-Nielsen, eco-net.dk / rce-denmark.dk - 25th November, at 10th Global RCE Conference 2016, Yogyakarta, Indonesia: The UN member states, wish and want a sustainable transition and development! Education for Sustainable Development - ESD - is a UN effort and a program for all educators on learning and educating for sustainability transition. 3 quistions: 1. WHY are ESD not more known and visibel - and high(est) on the Sustainable Development-agenda? 2. HOW do we get the political awareness and support we need to the ESD-agenda? 3. Will you give your best recommendations to our national politicians and our government - how to adopt and bring ESD to succes.
Syarahan Umum : Profesor Charles Hopkins “Reimagining and Implementing ESD Practices for Education 2030: Learning and Beyond”. 24 Januari 2017 8.30 pagi hingga 12.00 tengahari Dewan Budaya Universiti Sains Malaysia http://www.usm.my/
Preaching at Pastor Germaine Anderson Oakland CA Service 2013 DangerfieldsVision@yahoo.com Network ChristWorks TV for Sunday service recording contact 80.00
View this item on E-Bay: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item;=281097661736 Professional Trombonist Charles Hopkins playing a 1958 Olds Special Trombone. www.milanomusic.com
Charles Hopkins, UNESCO Chair in Reorienting Teacher Education, discusses the UN's global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This talk forms part of the Our Changing World Lecture series at the University of Edinburgh.
A quick adventure to Joshua Tree for the Perseid meteor shower. Project Title : Everyday Adventure Series : Episode 001 Project Type : Experimental Film Location : Joshua Tree, CA More Info : http://work.charlesbergquist.com/Everyday-Adventure-Series ________ Director : Charles Bergquist Toolset : 5D Mark III, GoPro Hero 3, DJi Phantom, Adobe Premiere CC, After Effects CC Sound : Jon Hopkins "Open Eye Signal"
Here, Matt Damon reads from a speech Howard Zinn gave in 1970 as part of a debate on civil disobedience. Matt Damon and his family were lifelong friends of the Zinns. This performance was part of "The People Speak, Live!" show, featuring Damon, Lupe Fiasco and a cast of Chicago's finest poets, actors, activists, artists, musicians, and writers. The show took place at the Metro in Chicago, on January 31, 2012, and was produced by Voices of a People's History (www.peopleshistory.us) in collaboration with Louder Than a Bomb: The Chicago Youth Poetry Festival (http://youngchicagoauthors.org). Learn more about Voices of a People's History at www.Facebook.com/VoicesofaPeoplesHistory and on Twitter @VPH. Here's what Howard Zinn writes about this 1970 speech in his introduction to the full pie...
A web series. Created / Written / Directed By: Katja Blichfeld and Ben Sinclair Executive Produced By: Katja Blichfeld, Russell Gregory, Ben Sinclair For more episodes visit helpingyoumaintain.com/episodes To support, please visit helpingyoumaintain.com/supportHMwebseries With Ben Sinclair Featuring Jordan Dean Anna Rose Hopkins Katie Hartman Henry Zebrowski Matthew Minor Preston Sadleir Bill Sinclair Qasim Naqvi Director of Photography Charles Gruet Assistant Director Sarah Violet Bliss Casting by Katja Blichfeld Casting Associate Andrew Femenella Editor Ben Sinclair Sound Mixer Dimitri Kouri Sound Editor Andrew Guastella Gaffers Jessie Cook Mike Rossi Cameron Berton Johnny Pruitt Color Correction Charlie Rokosny Production Design Imogen Lee Locations Manager Victoria C...
Thomas/Hopkins Quartet Jean-Luc THOMAS – flûte David « Hopi » HOPKINS – percussions Gabriel FAURE - violon Charles LUCAS - basse Vilius - Comp. Gabriel Faure http://www.hirustica.com
www.alexkumpel.com/gallery.html Thanks to my mentors and classmates at Animation Mentor for the great support! Chris Chua - Pixar Leigh Rens - Freelance Hyrum Osmond - Disney Mike Stern - Dreamworks Charles Alleneck - ILM Martin Hopkins - Dreamworks
Charles Yang University of Pennsylvania October 20, 2009 Center for Speech and Language Processing, Johns Hopkins University http://www.clsp.jhu.edu/seminars/1097/
Who is Cody Wilkins? MAD TREES brings you a high octane afternoon on the Teton Pass downhill trails with the local rider himself. A warm and dry summer has made the dirt trails in Jackson primo for fast shredding and huge airtime. This is the Offseason. Filmed and edited by Austin Hopkins Mad Trees USA and Flylow Gear http://www.madtrees.org/ http://flylowgear.com/ [tune] Charles Bradley - No Time For Dreaming.
Iran's Nuclear Ambitions Be it resolved the world cannot tolerate an Iran with nuclear weapons capability... November 26, 2012 | Toronto, Canada It has been rightly characterized as the toughest foreign policy challenge in a generation: how should the world respond to Iran’s nuclear ambitions? For some, the case for a preemptive strike on Iran is ironclad. An Iranian bomb would flood the volatile Middle East with nuclear weapons and trap Israel in a state of perilous insecurity—along with much of the world’s oil supply. Others argue that a nuclear Iran could be the very stabilizing force that the region needs, as the threat of nuclear war makes conventional conflicts more risky. These same voices also ask: can the West and Israel afford to attack Iran when doing so could rollback the Arab...
This video presents a keynote address of Charles Hopkins, speaking at the National Roundtable for Environmental & Sustainability Education in Pre-Service Teacher Education in Peterborough, Canada in June 2016.
Syarahan Umum : Profesor Charles Hopkins “Reimagining and Implementing ESD Practices for Education 2030: Learning and Beyond”. 24 Januari 2017 8.30 pagi hingga 12.00 tengahari Dewan Budaya Universiti Sains Malaysia http://www.usm.my/
Professor Peter Higgins, Personal Chair in Outdoor and Environmental Education, and Professor Charles Hopkins, UNESCO Chair of Education for Sustainable Development, deliver the sixth lecture in the 2015 Our Changing World series. By October 2015 world leaders will have adopted the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that will guide global development until 2030. In implementing these SDGs, Learning for Sustainability (LfS), will play a key role. This lecture will reflect on global LfS developments, and consider LfS in the UN SDGs and the Global Action Programme from a Scottish and UK perspective. Recorded on 3 November 2015 at the University of Edinburgh's George Square Lecture Theatre.
Carlos "The Solution" Morales vs Charles Huerta, Dec 17 at the Los Angeles forum. Presented by Golden Boy Boxing.
United Nations Day 2015 at the World Forestry Center, Portland, Oregon. With: UN Girl Up & Friends Carolyn Barber, ONE Coordinator Grace Wong, UN Girl Up President Michael Heyn, UNA Portland Board of Directors Tim DuRoche, WAC Director of Programs Charles Hopkins, UNESCO Chair, Education for Sustainable Development Kyoko Shiota, United Nations University Kim Smith, Coordinator, Greater Portland Sustainability Education Network Eric Vines, Executive Director, World Forestry Center Produced by Portland Community Colleges Media Services
00:00 Muddy Waters - Manish Boy 02:55 John Lee Hooker - Dimples 05:09 Memphis Slim - We're Gonna Rock 08:13 T. Bone Walker - T. Bone Blues 11:59 Sam Hopkins - Penitentiary Blues 14:32 Lonnie Johnson - Mr. Johnson Swing 17:18 C. Basie, Big Joe Williams - Confessin' the Blues 21:16 Ray Charles - The Midnight Hour 24:17 D. Washington, The Lucky Thompson's All Stars - Rich Man's Blues 27:13 Screamin' Jay Hawkins, Leroy Kirkland et son orchestre - Frenzy 29:26 J. Reed - Baby What You Want Me to Do 31:50 Snooky Pryor - Judgment Day 34:33 J. London - A Nightingale Can Sing the Blues 37:41 Jelly Roll Morton - Michigan Water Blues 40:45 Shakey Jake - Love Me Baby 43:57 Sister Rosetta Tharpe - Everything to Me 46:34 Cecil Payne and His Orchestra - How About That Jive 49:08 S. Price and His Orchestra...
CooBee Coo EP Strikes Again release party 9-9-16 with Sara Robinson Band - Yod Aquarian Paul "Guitar", P.C. "Bass" & "Stan" Konstantin Bosch "Percussionist", Taylor Upsahl - Taylor Upsahl "Vocalist, Guitar Keyboard" Rachel Rinsema "Harmony Vocals", Anthony Germinaro "Bass", Dale Goodman "Percussionist", Mike aka. Dad or Zeus Upsahl "Guitar and tech" and CooBee Coo - K. C. Barras & Jesse Morrison "Featured guests" are The Hourglass Cats - Cori Rios "Guitar", PVCC - Dr. Keith Kelly "Sax" & Dr. Charles Hopkins "Trombone" and Scattered Melodies - Josh Montag "Percussionist" & Jake Johnston "Bass". Beef Vegan: Last Concert before going to Tucson appears at end of Taylor Upsahl. A harder Sara with a way cool band of bad asses.
Plenary session Chairs: Ilga Salīte & Charles Hopkins Keynote 1: E-learning development challenges and trends in new eEcosystem Atis Kapenieks, Latvia Keynote 2: Civic education for sustainable development and global learning in German didactics and curricula of secondary education Andreas Otto Brunold, Germany Keynote 3: Literacy and numeracy versus education for sustainable development and global citizenship: when did it become a choice? Karena Menzie, Australia Keynote 4: Apocalypse now? A plea for a positive turn in education for sustainable development Daniel Fischer, Germany
^Sinopsis^ El Héroe de Berlín es una película biográfica dramática deportiva sobre el atleta estadounidense Jesse Owens que ganó cuatro medallas de oro en los Juegos Olímpicos de Berlín 1936. Fecha de estreno: 19 de febrero de 2016 (Estados Unidos) Director: Stephen Hopkins Música compuesta por: Rachel Portman Productores ejecutivos: Jonathan Bronfman, George Acogny, Más Productores: Stephen Hopkins, Luc Dayan, Jean-Charles Levy, Más SUSCRIBETE:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClop2f4yb3rs-qyuHb70-wA
Hochrangige Gäste diskutierten die BNE in ihrer internationalen Perspektive. Nach einer Videobotschaft der Generaldirektorin der UNESCO, Frau Irina Bokova hielt Frau Dr. Maria Böhmer, die Staatsministerin im Auswärtigen Amt einen Impulsvortrag. Im Anschluss diskutierten der Generalsekretär der Japanischen UNESCO-Kommission, Herr Shigeharu Kato, der Leiter der Sektion BNE bei der UNESCO, Dr. Alexander Leicht und der Inhaber des UNESCO-Lehrstuhls für BNE, Prof. Charles Hopkins über die vergangene Dekade und die Umsetzung des geplanten Weltaktionsprogramms auf internationaler Ebene.