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Sorry, Khizr Khan (And Clinton Democrats), Muslim Immigration Is Just a Bad bet

After a mediocre convention, the Democrats and their Main Stream Media allies are trying to dominate the news cycle with Khizr Khan, the Pakistani-Muslim immigrant whose son Captain Humayun Khan died in Iraq. The extent of Khan’s speech was that his son died honorably in Iraq and “[i]f it was up to Donald Trump, he never would have been in America” because “vows to build walls, and ban us from this country.” But the plain fact is that Trump is right: Muslim immigration is still a bad bet.

Trump initially called for a temporary ban on Muslim immigration. He has modified his immigration stance from prohibiting Muslims to people “from any nation that has been compromised by terrorism until such time as proven vetting mechanisms have been put in place.” This is not ideal—remember how often we hear the media refer to Islamic terrorists as “Belgian Nationals” like Ahmad Dahmani and Abdelhamid Abaaoud, or “French Nationals” like Salah Abdeslam. [ Paris attacks: Who were the attackers?, BBC, April 27, 2016]. Nonetheless, barring those from terrorist nations is simpler to implement—it’s easy for someone to lie about their religion—and as a practical matter would greatly restrict Muslim immigration.

Trump has not yet specified what countries

Immigrant Mass Murder Syndrome Update: 556 Killed, Over 1500 Wounded In North America Alone As Of June 30, 2016 (And...


See also our updated FAQ “What is Immigrant Mass Murder Syndrome?” which has an extensive list of immigrant Mass Murders.

In Nice, France, a Muslim immigrant truck driver deliberately crashes his truck into a French crowd. It’s not shown that this is an external terrorist plot for sure, although he does seem to have been a member of a Muslim immigrant family that also behaves badly. In Munich, a “German-Iranian” youth, said by German authorities to be something of mental case rather than a formal terrorist asset, commits a mass shooting of his “fellow” German citizens. Then there’s the guy with the ax in the German train, and the other Muslim guy with the machete.

Those are Muslim crimes, presumably done for Muslim reasons, and there have been many of them committed in the United States by (a) Muslim immigrants, and (b) the “absimilated”   children of Muslim immigrants, of whom Omar Mateen is the most recent in the US.

Absimilation, a word coined by John Derbyshire, is the reverse of assimilation. A non-terrorist example of absimilation would be George P. Bush, the son of Jeb and Columba Bush, who famously said (in Spanish, Read more >>

Donald Trump, Kennedy Democrats, And The Ghost Of Jimmy Hoffa

See also by Kathy Knechtges: Earth To AFL-CIO’s Trumka—It’s Not 1917 Anymore

It seems like forever since I have seen such excitement and HOPE in blue collar Michigan, where I live. That the Democratic Party is definitively no longer interested in the white working class was proved this year by the failure of Senator Jim Webb’s candidacy and the non-candidacy of Vice President Biden. But Donald J. Trump is connecting with Michigan’s shattered blue collar class. [ Dems, unions try to repel Trump’s labor appeals, by Nolan Finley, Detroit News, July 27, 2016]. Oddly, he reminds me of another outrageous champion of Michigan blue collar workers—the late Teamster Union president Jimmy Hoffa, raised in Detroit, destroyed by that icon of the modern Coalition Of The Fringes Democratic Party, Robert F.  Kennedy.

Hoffa, born in 1913, became the Teamsters Union president without a high school education. His father died young and he had worked in his mother’s home laundry as a child, but they were unable to make enough to support the family. Hoffa became a Teamster organizer in Detroit in the 1930s during the Depression.

At that time, employers sometimes hired mobsters to beat up union members. See Strikebreaking and Intimidation, by Stephen H. Norwood (2002). Henry Ford, for example, had a close friend executive who ran a huge in-house agency to spy on Ford workers and rough them up if necessary. In his autobiography ( Hoffa: The Real Story, 1975), Hoffa said he had his head split open 6 times and was beaten at least two dozen times by police or strikebreakers during his first year as a Teamster agent. Hoffa also acknowledged that Read more >>

Philadelphia Vs. Cleveland: Divided We Stand

Wednesday was the best night of Hillary Clinton's campaign.

Joe Biden, Tim Kaine and Barack Obama testified to her greatness and goodness and readiness to be president. And all saw in the Republican Convention in Cleveland a festival of darkness and dystopia.

Nor is this unusual. For, as the saying goes, Read more >>

The Democrats Go Full Merkel: Platform Says Immigration To Remake America According To “Our [Their] Values”...

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has just described the recent attacks by Muslim “refugees” as “shocking, depressing and terrifying” but is still sticking with her incredible decision to allow their mass influx—over a million last year [ Germany's Merkel stands by refugee policy despite 'terrifying' attacks , By Angela Dewan and Jason Hanna, CNN, July 28, 2016]. Of course the attacks are not “shocking” at all but entirely predictable. Merkel simply doesn’t care; Germany’s welfare is not her priority. Ominously, this is the woman Hillary Clinton wishes to “emulate” [ Hillary Clinton on Running and Governing as a Woman , by Jay Newton Small, Time, January 7, 2016]. Clinton is also planning to unleash an Amnesty/ Immigration Surge if elected—and the 2016 Democratic Platform has now dropped all pretense that that this will benefit America

Last Fall, Merkel famously proclaimed: “Germany is a strong country, we will manage” [ Defiant Merkel vows to stand by refugee policy despite security fears, Reuters, November 25, 2015]. This was significant because of the implicit acknowledgement that the “refugees” were a burden. Even accepting that Germany is strong enough to “manage” refugees, a nation does not need to “manage” peace, prosperity, and freedom. It manages, or at least attempts to manage, recessions, famine, and war.

As Ann Coulter put it i
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