- published: 22 Sep 2011
- views: 20111
Polona Juh (born June 2, 1971) is a Slovenian actress. She is the daughter of the Slovenian actors Mojca Ribič and Boris Juh. After finishing her studies at High School for Ballet, she entered to study a play on Academy for Theatre, Radio, Film and Television, where she graduated. Since 1995, she is a permanent member of Slovenian National Theatre Drama in Ljubljana.
She had more than 50 different film and theatre roles so far, among them a lot of leading ones.
Juh (also known as Ju, Ho, Whoa, and sometimes Who; c. 1825 – November 1883) was a warrior and leader of the Janeros local group of the Ndéndai (or Nednhi) band of the Chiricahua Apache. Prior to the 1870s, Juh was unknown in the areas controlled by the United States. He went to many wars together with the Chihenne leader Mangas Coloradas and Chokonen leader Cochise, and was particularly close to the Bedonkohe di-yin and leader Geronimo; they grew up together even though they were from different bands. His name reportedly meant "He sees ahead" or "Long neck." He was also known as Tan-Dɨn-Bɨl-No-Jui - "He Brings Many Things With Him" or Ya-Natch-Cln - "See Far".
The home range of the Janeros Nednhi was usually in the remote wilderness of the Sierra Madre Occidental (called by the Apache "Blue Mountains") of northern Mexico, therefore they likely called themselves Dzilthdaklizhéndé - "Blue Mountain People". They constituted the northern local group of the Nednhi and lived from the Animas Mountains and Florida Mountains in SW New Mexico south into the Sierra del Tigre,Sierra San Luis, Sierra de Carcay, Sierra de Boca Grande, west beyond the Aros River to Bavispe (derived from the Opata word Bavipa - "place where the river changes direction") in NE Sonora, and east along the Janos River and Casas Grandes River toward the Lake Guzmán in the northern part of the Guzmán Basin in NW Chihuahua. They were named Janeros after the Presidio and town Janos in northern Chihuahua, with which they were usually at peace and traded their goods (often stolen in neighboring Sonora).
Feri Lainšček (born 5 October 1959) is a Slovenian writer, poet, and screenwriter.
He was born as Franc Lainšček in a Slovene Lutheran family in the village of Dolenci (part of Šalovci), in north-eastern Slovenia, then part of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. He studied journalism at the University of Ljubljana. In the 1980s, he worked as a speaker at the Radio Ljubljana. Since the 1990s, he has been living and working in the town of Murska Sobota in his native Prekmurje region.
In 2007, he wrote the screenplay for the film Rooster's Breakfast, the most successful Slovenian film to date. The screenplay of the film is based on one of Lainšček novels.
In the parliamentary elections of 2008, Lainšček ran for the Slovenian National Assembly for the social liberal party Zares.
Lainšček also created works in Prekmurian, professed a Prekmurian identity, and claimed that Prekmurian is a distinct language.
Anna Karenina (Russian: «Анна Каренина»; Russian pronunciation: [ˈanːə kɐˈrʲenʲɪnə]) is a novel by the Russian writer Leo Tolstoy, published in serial installments from 1873 to 1877 in the periodical The Russian Messenger. Tolstoy clashed with editor Mikhail Katkov over political issues that arose in the final installment (Tolstoy's negative views of Russian volunteers going to fight in Serbia); therefore, the novel's first complete appearance was in book form in 1878.
Widely regarded as a pinnacle in realist fiction, Tolstoy considered Anna Karenina his first true novel, after he came to consider War and Peace to be more than a novel.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky declared it "flawless as a work of art." His opinion was shared by Vladimir Nabokov, who especially admired "the flawless magic of Tolstoy's style," and by William Faulkner, who described the novel as "the best ever written." The novel remains popular, as demonstrated by a 2007 poll of 125 contemporary authors in Time, which declared that Anna Karenina is the "greatest book ever written."
http://www.facebook.com/lahkonocgospodicna Hana je hipersenzibilna in sanjava, njen svet družinske sreče se podre, ko izve za moževo razmerje s sodelavko. Zapusti moža in se preseli k svoji mami. Tudi hčerko začasno prepusti možu. Zdi se, da bo njeno nesrečo omililo srečanje s prijateljem iz študentskih let, vendar je šarmantni Lev še manj zvest.
Slovensko narodno gledališče Drama Ljubljana / Slovenian National Theatre Drama Ljubljana Sezona /Season 2015/16 Uprizoritev /Performance 8 Veliki oder /Main Stage Premiera 6. januarja 2016 / Opening 6 January 2016 Lev Nikolajevič Tolstoj / Leo Tolstoy Ana Karenina / Anna Karenina Avtor dramatizacije /Adapted by Dušan Jovanović Po prevodu / Based on the translation by Gitica Jakopin Režiser / Director - Dušan Jovanović Dramaturginja / Dramaturg- Darja Dominkuš Scenografinja / Set designer - Jasna Vastl Kostumografinja / Costume designer - Urška Recer Skladatelj / Composer - Drago Ivanuša Lektor / Language consultant - Arko Avtor videa / Video - Matevž Jerman Oblikovalec luči / Light designer - Metod Novak Koreograf / Choreographer - Klemen Janežič Svetovalka za tango / Ta...
Igralka Polona Juh in igralec Saša Tabaković, ter glasbeniki Janez Dovč (harmonika), Goran Krmac (tuba) in Andrej Ftičar (piano) so bili del dobrodelnega koncerta "Praznovanje" v SNG Drama Ljubljana.
Feri Lainšček NE BODI KOT DRUGI, bere Polona Juh
Feri Lainšček POVEJ MU Glas Polona Juh Glasba Lado Jakša Zbirka NE BODI KOT DRUGI
Johann Wolfgang Goethe FAUST Directed by Tomaž Pandur Dramaturg and author of adaptation Livija Pandur Translators Božo Vodušek, Erika Vouk Set designer Sven Jonke (Numen) Costume designer Felype de Lima Video designer Dorijan Kolundžija Composers Silence (Boris Benko, Primož Hladnik) Language consultant Tatjana Stanič Light designer Tomaž Pandur Sound designer Srečko Bajda Make-up designer Julija Gongina Assistant director Jaša Koceli Assistant set designer Iztok Vadnjal Assistant costume designer Andrej Vrhovnik Assistant director Jan Krmelj Photo by Aljoša Rebolj Stage manager: Marko Simić Cast : Heinrich Faust: Igor Samobor Mephistopheles: Branko Šturbej Madame Mephistopheles: Barbara Cerar Margareth: Polona Juh Valentine: Branko Jordan Head of Cabinet: Uroš Fürst Cabinet: Robert K...
Slovensko narodno gledališče Drama Ljubljana / Slovenian National Theatre Drama Ljubljana Sezona / Season 2016/17 Uprizoritev / Performance 2 Mala drama / Small Stage Koproducent Mestno gledališče Ptuj / Co-producer Ptuj City Theatre Premiera v Ljubljani 23. septembra 2016 / Opening in Ljubljana 23 September 2016 Premiera na Ptuju 10. februarja 2017 / Opening in Ptuj 10 February 2017 Utopia Arheologija raja / An Archeology of Paradise Hommage à Fernando Arrabal Krstna uprizoritev / World premiere Avtor koncepta in režiser / Conceived and directed by - Jan Krmelj Dramaturginja in soavtorica strukture / Dramaturg and co-author of the structure - Katja Markič Raziskovalci in avtorji besedila / Research and texts by Jan Krmelj, Katja Markič, Tibor Hrs Pandur Scenografa in oblikovalca re...
Feri Lainšček "NAJIN DAN", bere Polona Juh. glasba Lado Jakša, pesem iz zbirke Ne bodi kot drugi
Slovensko narodno gledališče Drama Ljubljana / Slovenian National Theatre Drama Ljubljana Sezona / Season 2014/15 Uprizoritev / Performance 10 Veliki oder / Main StagePremiera 14. februarja 2015 / Opening 14 February 2015 Franz Kafka: Grad / The Castle Izvirni naslov romana / Original title -Das Schloß Izvirni naslov dramatizacije / Original title of the adaptation - Dvorac Avtor dramatizacije / Adapted by Goran Ferčec Prevajalka / Translator - Višnja Fičor Režiser / Director - Janusz Kica Dramaturginja / Dramaturg - Mojca Kranjc Scenografa / Set designers - Numen + Ivana Jonke Kostumografija / Costume designer - Bjanka Adžić Ursulov Skladatelj / Composer - Kyrre Kvam Lektor / Language consultant - Arko Oblikovalec luči / Light designer - Aljaž Zaletel Nastopajo / Cast K. K. - Branko Štu...
Slovensko narodno gledališče Drama Ljubljana / Slovenian National Theatre Drama Ljubljana Sezona / Season 2014/15 Uprizoritev / Performance 4 Veliki oder / Main Stage Premiera 16. oktobra 2014 / Opening 16 October 2014 Goran Stefanovski Figurae Veneris Historiae Prevajalka / Translator - Valerija Cokan Režiser / Director - Aleksandar Popovski Dramaturginja - Dramaturg / Darja Dominkuš Scenografija / Set designers - Numen + Ivana Jonke Kostumografija / Costume designer - JSP Skladatelj / Composer - Kiril Džajkovski Lektorica / Language consultant - Tatjana Stanič Oblikovalca luči / Light designers - Aleksandar Popovski, Roman Kosmos Asistentka kostumografije / Assistant to costume designer - Katja Magister Oblikovalec videa / Video desi...
Tko liječi psihijatre? Koliko vjerujemo ljudima samo zato što imaju bijelu kutu? Što točno znači uokvirena diploma na zidu? Novi film Zrinka Ogreste "Projekcije" donosi priču upravo o tome -- tko su ljudi kojima povjeravamo najdublju intimu. Psihijatri, psihoteraputi, defektolozi, psiholozi -- osobe su kojima u ruke dajemo svoj život kako bi nam pomogli. Očekujemo od njih neki magičan odgovor koji će rješiti sve naše probleme. Zaboravljamo pri tom da se oni ne razlikuju od nas ostalih. U "Projekcijama" osam stručnjaka pohađa edukaciju kako bi dobili cijenjeni certifikat. No, što oni kroz tu edukaciju zapravo dobivaju? Film otkriva njihove ambicije, ali i fobije. Malo pomalo oni pokazuju svoja prava lica, počinju svađe, manipulacije i međusobna optuživanja. Lik profesora Blaua, cijenjen...
Dok čekaju dolazak voditelja svoje edukacije, grupica koju čini osam psihijatra, defektologa i pedagoga pokazat će svoje pravo lice. Do malo prije tolerantna te puna razumijevanja i sažaljenja ova će skupina skinuti svoje maske u malenoj prostoriji u kojoj se već godinama sastaju zbog stručnog usavršavanja. Sada, kada nema više nikakvih tajni uvrede će prštati sa svih strana, prozivanja na nacionalnoj osnovi kao i politički nekorektni komentari. U maniri najboljih hitchcockovskih trilera, u PROJEKCIJAMA će gledatelji sami svakom od njih lako odrediti dijagnozu ili pripisati terapiju, a netko će, naravno, morati i umrijeti. Film Zrinka Ogreste "Projekcije" snimljen je prema scenariju Lade Kaštelan, a u glavnim se ulogama pojavljuju: Jelena Miholjević, Bojan Navojec, Polona Juh, K...
Eros Ars Sistem (Glej, 1990) - izbrani (še ohranjeni) TV prispevki + celotna predstava: http://youtu.be/OnyxcH6OnCE TV: - Eurokaz, HTV, Zagreb, junij 1991 - TV SLO 1, TV Dnevnik, Matjaž Tanko, marec 1991 - TV SLO 1, Oči kritike, Majda Knap, 1990 - TV SLO 1, Majda Knap, Borštnikovo srečanje 1991 Eros Ars Sistem / Eros Ars System gledališka instalacija / theatrical installation avtorja / authors: Igor Štromajer (režiser / director) & Bojana Kunst (dramaturginja / dramaturg) igralci / actors (po abecedi / alphabetically): Petra Govc, Polona Juh, Rastko Krošl, Boris Mihalj Gledališče Glej / The Glej Theatre Umetniška voditeljica / artistic director: Nevenka Koprivšek Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1990 [trajanje / duration: 19 min 38 sec] Nagrade / Awards: - Grand Prix FJATT 1991 (Festival Jugosla...
Unfortunately, you€™re what I€™m looking for
Don€™t be scared, it wont hurt anymore
Consequently, your feelings get involved
But who cares, when it is your time to go, to go
Come to me, you€™re the soul I need
Tell me what do you believe in?
I kind of hated, the answers as to why
You€™re ripped away
With out so much as a goodbye
I contemplated, all the reasons why
You had to go
And when you say your last goodbye
Come to me, you€™re the soul I need
Tell me what do you believe in
This my task, so that I may ask
Tell me what do you believe in?
Please stop this right from the start
I can€™t take it
I€™ll see you there, one day I€™ll be
By your side, once again my friend
Unfortunately, you€™re what I€™m looking for
Don€™t be scared, it wont hurt anymore
Come to me, you€™re the soul I need
Tell me what do you believe in
This my task, so that I may ask
Tell me what do you believe in?