The Saturday Paper


A weekly newspaper, from the publisher of and Quarterly Essay.

Unit: octubre de 2013

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  1. A quiet cider in a Northcote pub with the author of PTSD-memoir ‘Enemy’ .

  2. "the endless uncertainty [...] was her punishment for not drowning"

  3. Have you read this week? There's a feature on our CEO and Principal Solicitor Sue Higginson and our work:

  4. After the half-mast flags and the minutes of silence, what can America learn from Orlando?

  5. Attacked, defunded and dismissed, the Environmental Defenders Office hit back with big wins.

  6. .'s 'False Nostalgia' is a clever, strange sequence of poems that invites repeated readings.

  7. Wonderful truthful & hopeful Refugees struggle for freedom, millions don't remain silent

  8. Artefacts unearthed from beneath Xi’ang airport form the basis for 's new Tang dynasty exhibition.

  9. . on the Australians who are creating the change that politicians won’t.

  10. .'s Aaron Vandenberg on his team’s new logo and a new sense of hope.

  11. When politics fails, people step in. Thankfully. And thanks to and the The humanity crisis

  12. "Our borders are safe; it is our humanity that is threatened.” The humanity crisis, a brilliant article by

  13. Sue is one hell of a woman, "This is a lifetime engagement and it will go beyond my years."

  14. Trump, Clinton and Orlando’s Pulse nightclub massacre why I subscribe to the Sat Paper Gripping

  15. Amongst all the darkness, racism & fear; thank goodness is flying the flag of & in

  16. Andrew McConnell's "remedy to every bad fluorescent country restaurant’s sweet and sour."

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