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    Labor is deeply disappointed it hasn't been consulted on terms of ref, royal commissioner, Plibersek says

  3. "The Prime Minister is not able to assert his authority..to bring the nasties into line" -

  4. Remember when racist walked out of 's apology to the stolen generation? This is his revenge.

  5. Can *you* spot the differences? This is the puzzle baffling millions of Australians!!

  6. I honestly expected better of Malcolm particularly given JBishop's recommendation in favour. I'm sad 4 Aus!

  7. So if not suitable for UN, perhaps Turnbull should cancel this man's appointment

  8. This tweet is pretty much applicable any day of the year now, really. And sadly.

  9. Former PM has released a statement on the Govt's refusal to nominate him for UN Secretary-General

  10. The irony! "isn't suited" for UN role, yet Hockey failed treasurer, gets US ambassador. However MT spins it, looks vindictive

  11. Malcolm Turnbull is a sad, petty & small minded man, completely unsuited to be an MP, let alone PM.

  12. Random Chinese Proverb He who makes courageous Captain's Calls is more often than not, ultimately strung up by his privates ...

  13. Former PM has posted a statement on Facebook re. 's decision on his UN bid

  14. KRudd had critics but one thing he tried to do as PM was put an end to partisan appointments. Not so this PM

  15. Despite his faults, got us through the GFC spectacularly well. That alone is more than will ever achieve.

  16. Mandate??!! 4 weeks after election, ALP lead by 52%:48% in the latest poll, AND in the AEC's 2PP count!

  17. The grand narrative of "market good-govt bad" is dead. Killed by the greed of rent seekers. my column

  18. This is what rabble you have voted back in

  19. Very petty indeed but against the national interest as well!

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