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BBC America’s 'Orphan Black' Season 3 premiere: ‘Wouldn’t It Be Nice’

A fantasy dream sequence opened Season 3 of “Orphan Black” Saturday on BBC America with a lovely baby shower for Helena. In the background is a cover version of the classic Beach Boys song “Wouldn’t It Be Nice” for an added soundtrack. Her other sestras (sisters) are doting over her, while Alison and foster brother Felix are at the bar-b-que grilling Ukraninan favorites. Cosima’s all dressed for the occasion in costume from Helena’s native Ukraine. Finally Helena is dining on a marinated in Horilka ox liver dish when she suddenly awakens from her sweet dream.

'Orphan Blac' logo
Ewilkie via Wikimedia Commons

Helena’s now confined in a coffin-like box far away from her loving sisters. A scorpion shows up that looks real. As crazy as it sounds, the scorpion actually talks to Helena. Is it real or simply another delusional fantasy of Helena’s? Whatever it is the scorpion soothes the Russian clone from Project Leda during her tortuous confinement at an undisclosed location within Project Castor. The latter project and its other male clones were further introduced in the premiere episode. Little by little elements briefly mentioned in the past season are coming to the forefront in this science fiction TV drama. For starters that would be Topside, who seem to be the parent organization or secret cabal for the Dyad Institute.

Topside seems to be in cahoots with both black operation projects. Sarah Manning (Tatiana Maslany) finds out from Mrs. S., her own foster mother, she was the one who sold them out to the military for Sarah’s and Kira’s safety. That is why Helena has disappeared. Sarah is now determined than ever to get her twin sister back. She’ll do anything, which means to pose as Rachel. Delphine has replaced Rachel at Dyad who is even more ruthless underneath her sweet, soft-spoken demeanor. That means she has to cool her love relationship with Cosima. They were both in tears over the break-up.

Another character is introduced on "Orphan Black" by the name of Ferdinand, a “cleaner” from Topside is investigating Dyad. He evidently has a long history with Rachel. Another curve ball is thrown to viewers when the Helsinki incident from 2006 is mentioned. At first Delphine thought Rachel didn't know about Helsinki. Ferdinand revealed it was a venture where six clones and 32 collaterals (?) were murdered that later resulted in some heavy consequences. He also informs the imposter Rachel they're both planning to do the same with the other Project Leda clones. One of Ferdinand’s henchmen is already at Allison’s home. He’s ready to put her whole family under chloroform and burn down their house.

Sarah as Rachel decides to get kinky with Ferdinand. She’s either doing it for autoerotic asphyxiation or to actually kill him when Delphine stops them in their tracks. Turns out his sick plan to get rid of the Leda clones failed and Delphine gets rid of him promptly. Thankfully Allison and her family are now safe and sound. While Helena is still in the box, someone decides to get her out of there.

In the meantime, the season premiere closes with a male clone with a mustache comes to the rescue. He had paid a visit to Mrs. S earlier. The Mr. Mustache clone kills the guard where another male clone in captivity, who thinks he’s Buddha, is detained. Buddha and Mr. Mustache are finally reunited. The box where Helena was lying in is finally opened. What happened to her talking scorpion? According to Greek mythology, the scorpion is the protector of pregnant women. Furthermore, the myth states a scorpion was sent by the gods to kill the huntsman Orion.

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