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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha, that is very cool. I am facing the horrors of the open mic as we speak. Wooster is a great site, one of the best collections of street art on the web and there is a nexus there, street art and the web, the democratisation of culture.

8:44 AM

Blogger pb said...

I hadn't thought of the Wooster Group as performing street art before. Didn't know they did. Spalding Gray made a couple of visits to Sydney years ago. 'Swimming to Cambodia' was brilliant and influenced some performance pieces I co-wrote with three other women as 'Generic Ghosts' in the mid '80s.

Open mic: courage !

3:16 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What I mean is, New York new wave hip. You gotta love it as an historical curiosity.

3:55 PM

Blogger pb said...

Ah - now I get it.

5:23 PM

Blogger pb said...

The text - street art - traces of graffiti.

11:24 AM

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