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Puncher & Wattmann
invite you to a booklaunch -

Ken Bolton's Sly Mongoose

(launch speechette by Pam Brown)

The Fiend in Hand
58 Cowper Street, Glebe
Sunday 5th June 3-5pm

Sly Mongoose deals with the vagaries of the Adelaide
art-scene, the career of Cy Twombly, the Sydney of the 1920s, 40s
and today. A quartet of poems treats a single locale and time-frame
from the point of view of an ‘ordinary punter’, a beaver, a worried
mother and a cyclist; and there is a sequence drawn from a diary of
travel through an imaginary Africa in the 1970s, each entry partly
structured around a buried pun or near-pun; a further pair of poems
deals with after-echoes, among his friends, of the passing of John

Ken Bolton is self-described as a gay, light-hearted bastard, who cuts
a moodily romantic figure within the dun Australian literary landscape,
his name inevitably conjuring perhaps that best known image of him,
bow-tie askew, lipstick-smeared, grinning cheerfully at the wheel of his 1958 Jaguar D-type, El Cid.

Ken Bolton has published a good deal of art criticism, some of it
collected in Art Writing (Contemporary Art Centre of South
Australia). He edited Homage To John Forbes (Brandl & Schlesinger)
and wrote the monograph Michelle Nikou. He edited the magazines 'Magic Sam' and 'Otis Rush' and has published many books of poetry. Wakefield Press published The Circus in 2010 and Vagabond Press A Whistled Bit Of Bop. His earlier titles from Wakefield Press are At The Flash And At The Baci and Untimely Meditations.

The Coalcliff Days exhibition closes next Sunday so there is still some time to visit. Here are a few images from the exhibition and you can find out more about it here.

     Coalcliff living room replicated

     Movie in the living room

     Jane Zemiro watching films at the exhibition.

     Laurie Duggan making a crucial choice at the jukebox at Clifton pub.
     Excerpt from a film by Pam Brown,1980

     Space Creatures, Drawing by Micky Allan, 1981

     Laurie Duggan, Drawing by Ken Bolton, 1981

                            Vale Kerry Leves
                            1948 - 2011

Kerry Leves (foreground), Merv Lilley, Ian Syson (in background) at Bobbin Up launch,
Sydney 1999

The indefatigable Vagabond Press
is launching two new chapbooks by Brisbane poets.

Seastrands by Felicity Plunkett
Career by Liam Ferney

on Sunday 8th May at 3.30pm
at Gleebooks Upstairs
49 Glebe Point Road,
Glebe, Sydney

Click here for details of the launch
and here for more about Vagabond Press.

Happy fifth birthday to Mark Young's Otoliths magazine. Read the issue here