Juicing doesn't have to be expensive! Here are some tips: buy a juicer that u can afford (not the most expensive one on the market), buy produce that is in season. always buy in bulk when possible, supermarkets usually cut produce prices before closing time, at farmers markets u can haggle also they sell things cheaper at the end of the day, try new things, make your own juice recipes, experiment and lastly
... ice, ice baby! =)
YESTERDAY: https://youtu.be/Q65gS54eYNw
BEFORE AND AFTER PICTURES: https://www.facebook.com/beautyonsaleyoutube/photos/pb.417550311743429.-2207520000.1445150320./541887915976334/?type=3&theater;
Breakfast juice recipe: apple, beet root, lemon, cauliflower leaves, butternut squash (lot's of ice - optional) - 500ml
Lunch juice recipe: apple, lemon, cauliflower leaves, zucchini, butternut squash, canary melon (lot's of ice - optional) - 500ml
All the juices and "snacks" are consumed between 12pm and 8pm. Ideally Breakfast is at 12pm, Lunch at 3pm and Dinner at 6pm. Any pre or after meal "snacks" are still going to fit in the 8h interval that i've mentioned. Between 8:01pm and 11:59am i drink only water or tea (just hot water and a tea bag - nothing else added). This is how i have incorporated intermittent fasting into my juice fast. =)
The juicer that i have is the Heinner
Fresh SF-400.
Workout of the day: 10 km bicycle ride (fast pace - no breaks)
Fed Up - https://youtu.be/2EOo5SNlxTg
Forks Over Knives Trailer - https://youtu.be/O7ijukNzlUg
Living on One Dollar Documentary Trailer - https://youtu.be/Ze72rpWp_Dg
To Live On $3 a
Day | One Dollar Meals |
Day One - https://youtu.be/qiSg6lwIItU
How to live on $3 a day | Day 2 - https://youtu.be/-CMA7UCOoO4
My bicycle - https://www.facebook.com/beautyonsaleyoutube/photos/pb.417550311743429.-2207520000.1446150423./489372701227856/?type=3&theater;
All about my juicer and juice recipes ?
Juice Fast Day 14 - https://youtu.be/8KahtDNfR94
How much weight did I lose in
30 days? Juice Fast Day 33 - https://youtu.be/Kz66q1mlQ08
Juice Fast
Day 1 - https://youtu.be/9j6fCSewUr8
Story of Stuff - https://youtu.be/9GorqroigqM
The Story of Cosmetics - https://youtu.be/pfq000AF1i8
Food Inc - https://youtu.be/2_KoSjAB0vQ
Super Size Me Documentary - https://youtu.be/IitBvdNskZA
Raw Food Documentary - https://youtu.be/uDnd_C8Hkp8
Intermittent Fasting (
John Bergman) - https://youtu.be/gu8KqV90pKk
Jason Vale –
Super Juice Me! Documentary - https://youtu.be/Aaxa7rxEbyk
Juice Feasting vs Juice Fasting vs
Modified Juice
Feast - https://youtu.be/p92aA5SeZDs
100 Day Juice Fast (in
10 Minutes) - https://youtu.be/gjt3bxyKcCI
Left-over Juice
Pulp Doggie Treats -
How I Quit Smoking - https://youtu.be/4UZs0x8wSOY
What is the
Best Juicer to Buy? - https://youtu.be/qNLitk6B4v8
The Law of Attraction - https://youtu.be/xeABQkVgMug
The Secret Trailer - https://youtu.be/san61qTwWsU
Things You
Need to Know About
Losing Weight - http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/10-things-you-need-to-know-about-losing-weight/
Joe Cross turns to juices in battle vs. the bulge - https://youtu.be/a0Cf9WBVqYQ
Fruits &
Vegetables Produce Prep - http://www.rebootwithjoe.com/juicing/produce-prep/
Top 10 Most
Common Juicing
Mistakes and How to Fix Them - https://youtu.be/wJcSa_17s1A
Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead Trailer - https://youtu.be/Gv3vEXy_EwU
Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead 2 Trailer - https://youtu.be/UDeTKomY4P8
FACEBOOK : http://www.facebook.com/beautyonsaleyoutube
TWITTER : http://twitter.com/OnSaleBeauty
TUMBLR: http://onsalebeauty.tumblr.com/
FRAGRANTICA : http://www.fragrantica.com/member/380411/
JUICE FAST - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLptUyMqs2ID3c7ByocbnZPvTrAmwtEaic
ADVICE - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLptUyMqs2ID0h0y2HS21LGH33LUbmUJNX
HAULS & DIYs - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLptUyMqs2ID1-0D1FcDqY1VShgSLgUteG
PRODUCT REVIEWS - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLptUyMqs2ID2OLCyqmSfR2I0YoWE-kYTx
KALLOS - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLptUyMqs2ID3F6-JYcxbVmpqFYT6_C6y7
TAG VIDEOS - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLptUyMqs2ID0r6j0mGyIgR-y0qTcbvL9C
FRAGRANCE REVIEWS - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLptUyMqs2ID3Ehldu0sQo1lcVuEbwZvYQ
HAIR & MAKEUP - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLptUyMqs2ID2RBFF6CiZq1BwbpIFsAphe
FAVORITES & EMPTIES - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLptUyMqs2ID0S3Ic8Q6LDfYn6PXY07fDo
COLLECTIONS - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLptUyMqs2ID0kBWO4VntytVDgXh3vX8H4
Microsoft LifeCam HD-5000
Windows Movie Maker
- published: 31 Oct 2015
- views: 249