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Wrap 3 crayons together and include them with a tract in a plastic bag. The young kids absolutely love (and remember) this unique gift.   Take one tract, 3 round candies, and rubber band them together. Prepared ahead of time, these are so easy to give out.
Fill a large bowl with candy and put tracts around the edge. This is quick and easy and kids like to pick what they want.   Put a variety of tracts on a tray and let them CHOOSE their favorites.
Click here to see all 9 Halloween witnessing ideas!

This Halloween, trick-or-treaters will come to your door asking for a treat. It's the perfect time to drop a gospel tract in their bag along with the candy. What better "treat" is there than the gospel?

As Christians, we don't celebrate Halloween, but it is one of the greatest opportunities we have to point a dying world to Jesus! It never gets easier than this to give kids and their families the gospel in one night.

"Your tracts make witnessing easy. Growing up my children loved passing out tracts and candy on Halloween."
J.W., Oregon
"It went very well as this is the 2nd time we did the tracts with the candy along with crayons for the smaller children. I had 44 children this year!"
K.B., Pennsylvania
"We gave out 136 tracts, information about a local Christian radio station, and candy. What joy and enthusiasm my family and I shared that night in doing so from our house."
A.R., New York
"It was the most fun we have had in a long time. You were right! The kids were so excited to see the comics they would almost forget the candy. We gave out over 90 comics. Not one Chick tract was left on the ground the next morning."
B.H., Arizona
"When I gave out my first little bag (my little bags had candy and a tract), a group formed in front of me for treats. One kid said, 'What is that?' and I said 'candy and a comic.' And one kid or the same kid said 'cool.'"
K.E., Facebook
"Our 11-year-old son handed out all we had, about 30 tracts!! He was so proud."
H.C., Facebook
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When handing out Chick tracts on Halloween, consider the ages of the trick-or-treaters when deciding which tracts to drop in their bags. Some tracts are designed for young children, while others are better suited for older kids and teens. Chick tracts are $.16 each or $4.00 per package of 25. (Discounts begin at quantities of 1,000 or more.)

Enter the number of tracts you want to order in the boxes below. Then click "Add to Cart."

Young Children
Older Kids and Teens

The Little Ghost



The Little Princess

Happy Halloween


Charlie's Ants

The Nervous Witch


Best Friend



Bed Time

The Devil's Night


Soul Sisters

This Was Your Life


One Way!

The Walking Dead?



A Love Story


The Present!

The Greatest Story Ever Told

Description: Here's why Jesus really came to earth...from His birth to His resurrection.
Description: Who loves you so much he gave you life and left heaven to die for you? It was Jesus!
Description: We are all like zombies. The spirit inside us is dead, thanks to Adam. Here is how to change it.
Description: Everything you have said or done will be played back at judgment. Will your name be in the Book of Life?
Description: This tract, written for older kids and teens, shows how Halloween started and leads them to a decision to accept Jesus as their Saviour.
Description: This takeoff on horror films reveals the truth about Halloween.
Description: When Saul visited the witch of Endor he discovered the terrible price God requires of those who play with witchcraft.
Description: It was supposed to be a fun Halloween, visiting a "Haunted House" for a great scare. But when an accident claims a boy's life, his friends learn there is a real hell waiting for all those who die without Jesus.
Description: Simple gospel for older kids. Sam dared to accept Jesus. Is Mr. Hill brave enough to do the same?
Description: The king had a present that he wanted to freely give to those in his kingdom who would receive it. God wants to give you a free gift...eternal life through His Son, Jesus.
Description: When Cleo is rescued from the animal shelter, her owner learns how Jesus redeemed us.
Description: Using just pictures and very few words, this tract shows that Jesus is the only way to obtain eternal life. Great for children!
Description: Let me tell you about my very best friend! He made everything, and is even getting a big mansion ready for me! His name is Jesus. (Adapted for black audiences.)
Description: Emily had never heard of Jesus or the Gospel. But now she understands. The gospel for young children.
Description: Let me tell you about my very best friend! He made everything, and is even getting a big mansion ready for me! His name is Jesus. Written especially for children.
Description: Through Charlie's ants, young readers learn that God became a man to die for us. Great salvation message!
Description: Heidi is terribly sick. But when she gets saved on Halloween night, her whole family finds Christ too. An emotional story with a happy ending.
Description: "I'm not afraid of you... because Jesus loves me!" The simple Gospel for young children.

     Helpful Articles About Halloween:
     History of Halloween
     Should Christians celebrate Halloween?
     What happens when you give tracts?
     Jack Chick's Halloween Message
     VIDEO: What About the Children?

Here is another great way to reach parents with the gospel!

An irresistible gift you can give to anyone of any religious background. It's written in a conversational and nonthreatening tone that engages the reader right away, carefully explaining that they have a problem and that there is a solution.

9 Ideas You'll Love! October Witnessing Ideas