
Danny Schechter: And The Winner is? Get Ready for the Next Academy Awards!

We are not just talking about movie quality here, but programming that sells more than it tells. The marketing is intense and it is a wasteful business

Danny Schechter: Wall Street Reform Aims To Bring Back The “Wild Old Days”

You win the modern financial-regulation game by filing the most motions, attending the most hearings, giving the most money to the most politicians and, above all, by keeping at it, day after day, year after fiscal year, until stealing is legal again

Danny Schechter: Washington vs Daesh

Bottom line: It is as much about money as anything else

Danny Schechter: Voices From The Ghosts of Vietnam Are Being Heard Again: Which Should We Listen To?

It’s been nearly 40 years since what the American media called “The Fall of Saigon” and the Vietnamese referred to as the Liberation. I saw it then as the Fall of Washington

Danny Schechter: How Will the Republicans Deal With Turmoil Overseas?

The split in the country is not just between the parties, but within the parties and the range of ideologies they represent

Danny Schechter: The Day After

Say Good Bye To What Was Posing as American Democracy

Danny Schechter: Body Counts Rise As Chaos Deepens: Is There A Way Out?

It’s almost as if the US strategists have beheaded themselves when it comes to fashioning a sensible strategy that could work instead of the current one that is guaranteed not to

Danny Schechter: Oh, Ye Masters of War: Marking 9/11 Again With A New Dragon To Slay

As 9/11 makes its annual calendar turn, let’s understand who has benefited from the Terror wars and who hasn’t

Danny Schechter: Some Fines, No Jail Sentences

The Obama Administration’s Response To The Frauds Behind The Global Financial Crisis

Danny Schechter: Bring Back Adolf: Needed, A New Furor About the Führer

When you don’t understand the culture of countries you invade, it’s easy to demonize

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