- published: 07 Jun 2016
- views: 305699
Mc4 may refer to:
Karim Kharbouch (born November 9, 1984), better known by his stage name French Montana, is an American rapper, entrepreneur, former videographer, and hip hop socialite. Born in Morocco, his family emigrated to the US when he was 13 years old. He is the founder of Coke Boys Music, and its predecessor Cocaine City Records. In 2012, he signed a joint-venture recording deal with Bad Boy Records and Maybach Music Group. Montana has been known for his frequent collaborations with producer Harry Fraud, and with rapper Max B before his conviction. More recently he is known for his collaborations with Rick Ross, Diddy and his MMG and Bad Boy labelmates along with his Coke Boys which include the late Chinx, Lil Durk, and his brother Zack.
French made his mixtape debut in 2007, and released his debut studio album Excuse My French on May 21, 2013. In 2003, he survived a gunshot to the head. Allegedly blackballed by radio and media in his earlier career stemming from his stint with Max B. In 2010, he had his breakthrough with "Choppa Choppa Down" which became a regional hit in clubs and radio throughout the South. By 2012, his single "Shot Caller" would be one of the most added/played tracks on urban contemporary radio in the country. His most successful commercial single "Pop That" remains a popular hit on club and summertime radio playlists to date. In 2014, French Montana was dating Khloé Kardashian, and the couple would be the frequent subject of tabloids and celebrity gossip. The couple formally broke up in mid-2015; French has also been linked to rapper Trina and actress Sanaa Lathan. Best known for his mixtapes, club hits, and feature collaborations, he has been called titles from "King of Mixtapes" to "King of Features".
French Montana: MC4
MC4 vs MC5 Review Opinión #JuevApps 13
MC4,en sabadazo( Jack,Aczino,pala+1) vs Topis,Ezko,elik,Rc 19 De Abril 2014(batalla de rap)
Mc4 Gameplay - Compakt-665 #noob#rusty
mc4 jack y aczino murciélago
Mamba Negra La Mejor Arma | MC4 60 FPS
Best Sniper Montage - Modern Combat 4 (MC4)
Let's Play MC4: Kampagne Part 1 [German]
French Montana dishes about his new album and addresses the comments Chinx's mother made on the one-year anniversary of her son's death.
Aunque estoy de vacaciones, no quería que me extrañaran tanto y les dejo un revisado comparación basado en mi opinión sobre Modern Combat 4 vs Modern Combat 5! Ver el Trailer de mi canal de Gaming! http://bit.ly/15DWv9I Lista completa de videos de los Jueves! http://bit.ly/1zNXbGP Enlace directo a nuestro podcast: http://bit.ly/1rpaPGV Wallpapers de MarcianoCast: http://bit.ly/1ptv5MI Subscribirte: → http://bit.ly/1nKi5LZ Usa nuestra extensión para que Google Chrome y Firefox te avisen cuando suba un vídeo: → http://bit.ly/1wPrlrA Los sitios donde me pueden encontrar: Facebook: → http://on.fb.me/1prbL1o Twitter: → http://bit.ly/1tUjiFs Trailer OFICIAL MARCIANOPHONE! http://bit.ly/1up60Ql
1. 0:00 DJ ASSASS1N - Frag Out 2. 4:35 Phantom Power Music - Overpowered 3. 7:01 The Prodigy - Omen (Mt Eden Remix)
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Ok, primero que nada disculpen la calidad del sonido de mi voz, no acomode el microfono junto a mi oreja jajajaja no me di cuenta, seguido de esto queria pedirles alguna ventaja adicional, pero la verdad no la necesitare, practicando con la mamba ya pude ganar una batalla :3 solo falta que sea grabada y comentada en directo jajajaj, aun asi estoy seguro les gustara ver sensuales gameplays con el arma mas pro de mc4 Bv. Suscríbete y no te pierdas ningún Video ►Canal iOS & Android: http://goo.gl/gWm7bq ►Canal PC & PS4: http://goo.gl/bxHsOC ►Twitch: http://goo.gl/YqlfJ4 Juegos y Tarjetas de Regalo ► http://goo.gl/598cKF ► http://goo.gl/u2GGjg Redes Sociales ► https://www.facebook.com/Herocharlyoficial ►https://twitter.com/HERO_Charly Dispositivo iOS: iPad Air 1G Dispositivo Android: ...
This is the best Modern Combat Sniper Montage I have ever seen. Huge Sniper Kill Streaks. Sniper Quickscoping. And more! Please consider subscribing to iOSGamingJoe @ youtube.com/iosgamingjoe. He has been amazing in working with me to get this incredible video on my channel.
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Bedarf keiner Beschreibung...nur Verbesserung Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=SPtToD4yAshC890FkYeiFfuPAS4GFEXxGA Mehr vom Modern Combat MultiPlayer: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtToD4yAshC_byNlFKE8GB8ZBLZ6rtup9 Erfahre die ganze MC3 Geschichte: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtToD4yAshC_AZ0ihOC6WZdj8yIAJXx1F
Teachers, parents and politicians
They ridicule my wild ambitions
They say, "settle down son, live decently,
Or you'll rot in jail before your 23!"
They don't know their stuck in the past
Can't stop me now 'cause I'm movin' too fast
Presidents, priests and old ladies too
They'll swear on the Bible
what's best for you
Atom bombs, Vietnam, missiles on the moon
And they wonder why their kids are shootin'
drugs so soon
Young men fightin' for democracy
And sacrificed for mediocrity
I can't stay in one place for too long a time
I get stone bored, I go outta my mind
I'm here and I'm there and doncha know I'm free
Gotta keep movin' baby, you and me
People wakin' up, but they've just begun
To realize what needs to be done
But as for me I keep movin' on
The future's now, yesterday is gone
I never let nobody tell me what to do
And no matter what I'm gonna see things through