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Recent Comments

Colin Stuart: My Fellow Americans: We Are Fools
Right on Margot. I feel much the same.! But the corollary is to ask what we as Canadians do…
James: Will Hillary Clinton Flip-Flop Again on TPP After Election Day?
The policy team got a wake up call because they were naughty and dodn't kniw they did a wrong thing…
Lee Cummings: The Content of Trump’s Character
I had to register an account simply to call attention to the transparent Yellow Journalism exemplified by the above article.…
Ana Rcisi: Build, Bernie, Build
I am not going to vote for a person I regard, with good reason, as a war criminal. Everyone…
Wei-Ting Chen: Graduate schools for public policy/affairs?
Did you try to ask Noam Chomsky? He is likely to provide the information he know or refer you to…
Chris Reed: The Diverse Left and White Working-Class Right
It doesn't get any more white working class than West Virginia. We said no to Obama twice-as well as Reagan…
Tom Johnson: Progressive Social Change And Reinventing American Politics
A big part of grassroots funding should come from labor unions. They shower tens of millions of dollars annually on…
Richard Bluhm: Can You Confront the Death Toll in Syria?
There was an early 2000 Hollywood remake of the classic science fiction film of the 50s called "The Day the…
Michael: What Happened to the Pink Tide?
Kyla presents a valuable analysis. I lived in Latin America for 15 years and at times it was difficult…
Lary Fuku: What Happened to the Pink Tide?
Article is long on stating what happenned and short on why. It tries to gloss over the "why" by obscuring…
Philip Log: Answering David Swanson
one last thing - just a suggestion from someone who is not to involved here. as i assume you know…
Philip Log: Answering David Swanson
so after 8 years of bush and the shit storm of the 2008 financial meltdown the country elected a…
Philip Log: The Trump-Putin Fallacy
putin is a threat to the world as we know it? have you been paying attention to what the usa…
Phil Smith: Answering David Swanson
I'm not sure why the last question is any weirder than the rest. They're all weird. And the current reality…
Ana Rcisi: Attacking Trump for the few sensible things he says is bad strategy
This is a tribal election, so the fact that one of the candidates says anything that makes sense, even a…
Michael Albert: Answering David Swanson
Perhaps the issue is well vented here on znet - but I am not so sure about other places.…
Gregory Koenderman: Answering David Swanson
Hi Michael, sometimes you have to write down the argument to see it's shortcomings. After writing mine, it became almost…
michael dittmar: Answering David Swanson
Hi again, First of all, what might be good in The short term for people in…
Michael Albert: Answering David Swanson
The fact that the two parties are really better described as two wings of one corporate party - is true,…
Michael Albert: Answering David Swanson
Okay Phillip, and yet this is the time, not only in my life, but in history I am familiar with,…
Michael Albert: Answering David Swanson
Hi Phil. The issue at hand is not everyone. It is progressives, People who share a considerable…
Michael Albert: Answering David Swanson
Hi Chris. Remember, votes in primaries, are, well, votes in primaries - without the main opposition. I think…
Michael Albert: Answering David Swanson
Hi Gregory... I have to tell you, I am hating the debate and very much wish it…
Michael Albert: Answering David Swanson
1. Same thing as now - strategic lesser evil voting... I am not sure people know that Gore would have…
Tyler Healey: Who Should Bernie Voters Support Now?
Hedges says, "And the fact is, from climate change alone, we have no time left." So,…
Philip Log: Answering David Swanson
what are you missing when you argue for armed revolution? how about sanity? not sure - maybe you saw the…
michael dittmar: Answering David Swanson
Hi from Europe, Perhaps i am missing something, but here are my points: 1) a serious analysis about…
Kelvin Yearwood: The New Working Class: Trump Can Talk to Disaffected White Men, but They Don’t Make up the ‘Working Class’ Anymore
"There is no doubt in my mind that the Democratic Party is the party of the working class — white,…
Gregory Koenderman: Answering David Swanson
I am enjoying this debate - not just this string, but the LEV debate in general - thanks Michael.…
Tom Johnson: Why Doesn’t Middle America Trust Hillary? She Thinks She’s Better Than Us and We Know It
After decades of lying compulsively and often getting caught at it, why should she change now. It's got her to…
Tom Johnson: Why Doesn’t Middle America Trust Hillary? She Thinks She’s Better Than Us and We Know It
Empathy is not grown. Either you have it or you don't. Nice piece. Honest, clear, truthful. No parsing about "safe…
Robert Everett: Why Doesn’t Middle America Trust Hillary? She Thinks She’s Better Than Us and We Know It
All Hillary has to do is stop lying and be honest and crooked!! She needs to stop being so ambitious…
Chris Reed: Answering David Swanson
The first thing I would like to say is that I would not be the human being that I am…
Kelvin Yearwood: Trump Can Win
"I think the may reason that Trump may win may simply be because he is what America deserves."…
Ogden Monk: Trump Can Win
I think the may reason that Trump may win may simply be because he is what America deserves.…
patrick weisback: Answering David Swanson
Can't we see that none of this matters? Voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for…
Phil Smith: Answering David Swanson
I am fairly certain that this whole argument has no end. Maybe the debate is just a fun philosophical exercise?…
Philip Mayall: Trump Can Win
And what's voting for Hillary Clinton going to get you? Choose the devil or the deep blue sea.
Philip Log: Answering David Swanson
again i want to say that i know we agree on most of the issues. no need to state your…
Philip Log: Answering David Swanson
i understand your position - i know we agree on almost every issue. i voted for the first time in…
Michael Albert: Answering David Swanson
Since for all those years I have opposed relentlessly all those Democrats, and more to the point, sought to help…
Michael Albert: Answering David Swanson
What I offered was not follow the leader, at all. I was simply saying there are people, and he came…
Philip Log: Answering David Swanson
i am not at all sure what you are trying to say. first of all in the last 24 years…
Philip Log: Answering David Swanson
it is a very weak argument to say that chomsky sees the difference between clinton and trump so we should.…
Michael Albert: Answering David Swanson
Actually I went there to indicate that David's extreme examples weren't really very relevant, just like mine weren't...other than demonstrating…
Tyler Healey: We Still Need a Future to Believe In
Yawn. Let me know when you're ready to do something like this: https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/before-occupy-dc-there-was-resurrection-city/2011/12/01/gIQAoNqcPO_story.html
Michael Albert: Answering David Swanson
What does "worked" mean - that the lesser evil wins? Or that we have transformed basic institutions in society?…
David Danforth: Answering David Swanson
This isn't Clinton vs. Duke or Clinton vs. Hitler, although I can see why you go there. There are…
Philip Log: Answering David Swanson
do you think that voting for the lesser evil has worked for the last 30 years? seems to me the…
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