- published: 03 Jun 2016
- views: 1213812
Hachiōji (八王子市, Hachiōji-shi) is a city in Tokyo, Japan, about 40 kilometers west of the center of the 23 special wards of Tokyo.
As of June 30, 2014, the city had an estimated population of 563,265 and a population density of 3,023.26 persons per km². The total area is 186.31 km².
It is the eighth largest city in the Greater Tokyo Area. The city is surrounded on three sides by mountains, forming the Hachioji Basin which opens up toward the east in the direction of Tokyo. The mountain ranges in the southwest include Mount Takao (599 m) and Mount Jinba (857 m), two popular hiking destinations which can be reached by train and bus, respectively. Two major national roads, Route 16 (which connects Kawagoe in the north with Yokohama in the south) and National Route 20, the former Kōshū Kaidō.
Although Hachioji only gained city status on September 1, 1917, it has been an important junction point and post-town along the Kōshū Highway, the main road that connected the historical Edo (today's Tokyo) with Western Japan since medieval times, especially during the Edo period. For a short period of time, a castle, Hachioji Castle existed in the area. The castle was built in 1584 by Hōjō Ujiteru, but was soon destroyed in 1590 during General Toyotomi Hideyoshi's attempt to gain control over all of Japan. During the Meiji period, Hachioji prospered as an important location for the production of silk and silk textiles. The industry faded away, however, in the 1960s. Today, Hachioji mainly serves as a commuter town for people working in Tokyo, and as a location for many large colleges and universities.
Hatsune Miku (Japanese: 初音ミク), sometimes referred to as Miku Hatsune, is a humanoid persona voiced by a singing synthesizer application developed by Crypton Future Media. Hatsune Miku is portrayed as a 16-year-old girl with long turquoise twintails. She uses Yamaha Corporation's Vocaloid 2 and Vocaloid 3 singing synthesizing technologies. She also uses Crypton Future Media's Piapro Studio, a singing synthesizer VSTi Plugin. She was the second Vocaloid sold using the Vocaloid 2 engine, and the first Japanese Vocaloid to use the Japanese version of the Vocaloid 2 engine. Her voice is sampled from Japanese voice actress Saki Fujita. Hatsune Miku has performed at her concerts onstage as an animated projection.
The name of the character comes from merging the Japanese words for first (初, hatsu), sound (音, ne) and future (ミク, miku), thus meaning "the first sound from the future," referring to her position as the first of Crypton's "Character Vocal Series."
Hatsune Miku was the first Vocaloid developed by Crypton Future Media after they handled the release of the Yamaha vocal Meiko and Kaito. She was built using Yamaha's Vocaloid 2 technology, and later updated over time to newer engine versions. She was created by taking vocal samples from voice actress Saki Fujita at a controlled pitch and tone and those different samples all contain a single Japanese or English phonic which, when strung together, create full lyrics and phrases. The pitch of the samples was to be altered by the synthesizer engine itself, and was constructed into a keyboard style instrument within the Vocaloid software.
Leæther Strip is a Danish musical project founded on January 13, 1988 by Claus Larsen. Its influence has been most felt in the electronic body music and electro-industrial genres. Leæther Strip was one of the earliest and most prominent acts on Germany's now defunct Zoth Ommog record label. For distribution outside of Europe, the music has been licensed to the U.S. labels Cleopatra Records and Metropolis Records. After the demise of Zoth Ommog in 1999, Larsen signed to Bloodline Records, which only released a single before also going out of business. In 2005 Leæther Strip signed with the Belgian based label Alfa Matrix. On June 3, 2011, Larsen announced his split from Alfa Matrix in order to self release future material.
According to founder Claus Larsen, Leæther Strip is, and always will be, only him. Larsen was born on November 13, 1967 in Aalborg, Denmark. He first released music under the name of Leæther Strip in 1989. However, his 1995 release G.A.W.M.U.S. (Getting Away With Murder U. S.) included two early demos from 1982 and 1984, with the latter forming the unknown beginning of the band according to an interview conducted with Claus Larsen. In 1991, Larsen created a side-project called Klute in which he also remained the sole member.
八王子P 「気まぐれメルシィ feat. 初音ミク」(6/15発売Best AL「Eight」収録)
八王子高校 初優勝の瞬間 2016年7月27日(水)平成28年 第98回全国高等学校野球選手権大会 西東京大会【決勝】東海大菅生戦
八王子ロングディスタンス 男子10000m A組 2016年11月26日
kz(livetune) feat. 初音ミク「Hand in Hand -八王子P Remix-」
八王子vs実践学園(Q1)高校バスケ 2016 ウインターカップ東京都予選決勝リーグ3日目
八王子vs京北(Q1)高校バスケ 2016 ウインターカップ東京都予選2日目
八王子P「Carry Me Off feat. 初音ミク」Music Video
Dir.JET Choreographer. めろちん(Melochin) 2016/6/15(水)にBEST ALBUM「Eight -THE BEST OF 八王子P-」が リリース決定!初回限定盤に付属される「気まぐれメルシィ feat. 初音ミク」MVを一足早くお届け! (Lyrics: Hachioji P/q*Left Song & Arrangement: Hachioji P) I will release my vocaloid best album [Eight -THE BEST OF Hachioji P-] on 15th June 2016. Don't miss it! This movie is my new song's music video "Kimagure Mercy"!! 6/15発売「Eight -THE BEST OF 八王子P-」予約受付中! Scheduled to be released on15th June , reservations are welcomed! 初回限定盤(Limited Edition 2CD+DVD)http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B01DP6J9QG 通常盤(2CD Only) http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B01DP8FUM6 八王子P BEST ALBUM 「Eight -THE BEST OF 八王子P-」 (読み:エイト –ザ ベスト オブ ハチオウジピー-) 2016年6月15日(水)Release!! 初回限定盤(2CD+DVD) TFCC-86559 ¥4,444+税 通常盤(2CD) TFCC-86560 定価¥3,056円+税 [2CD+DVD] 「HATSUNE MIKU EXPO 2016」テーマソ...
チャンネル登録よろしくお願いします! 新しいサブチャンネルのゲーム実況はこちらのリンクからお願いします! :タイチ TAICHI ゲーム実況 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCni54mJu4x4cQSA7jrdLGpA :チャンネル登録はこちら https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCThWlkdbsFQtLbn6K3j8zVQ :ツイキャス http://twitcasting.tv/marimo19931027 わからない場合は【marimo19931027】で検索してみてね!暇な時に 急に生放送するから!www :インスタグラム ツイッターにリンクされているのでフォローしていれば投稿されます! インスタ内で【taichi1919】で検索!みてね! :Twitter https://twitter.com/marimo19931027 :755トークアプリ 【YouTube タイチ】で検索すると出てくるよ! :タイチのおすすめ商品 http://astore.amazon.co.jp/marimo1027icl-22 :フリー音楽素材(使用いてない場合もございます) 魔王魂 http://maoudamashii.jokersounds.com/music_bgm.html その他 http://dova-s.jp/ ※コラボなどの依頼はYouTubeのメッセージかTwitterのリンクからお願いいたします
甲子園初出場おめでとう!! 八王子市民としてこれはとても嬉しい 2016年7月27日(水) 明治神宮野球場 【決勝】延長11回 八王子学園八王子高校 初優勝 一塁側 三塁側 東海大菅生 3 - 5 八王子 八王子 111 000 000 02 5 東海大菅生 001 020 000 00 3 プレイボール 13:07 ゲームセット 15:53 先攻 八王子 投手 早乙女 米原 捕手 細野 三塁打 山口 ニ塁打 川越 山口 後攻 東海大菅生 投手 伊藤 捕手 高橋 三塁打 高橋 ニ塁打 伊藤 高橋 ---
競技場:法政大学多摩校地陸上競技場 1位 ロナルド ケモイ 小森コーポレーション 27:33.94 2位 ジェームス ムワンギ NTN 27:38.24 3位 クリス デリック バウマン・トラック(USA) 27:38.69 4位 アレクサンダー ムティソ NDソフト 27:39.25 5位 パトリック ムエンド ムワカ 愛三工業 27:41.28 6位 テレッサ ニャコラ マツダ 27:42.75 7位 カッサ マカショウ 八千代工業 27:43.55 8位 村山紘太 旭化成 27:44.39 9位 サムエル ムワンギ コニカミノルタ 27:45.27 10位 大石港与 トヨタ自動車 27:48.56 11位 ベナード キマニ ヤクルト 27:51.67 12位 マミヨ ヌグセ 安川電機 27:52.69 13位 ロジャース シュモ ケモイ 愛三工業 27:53.49 14位 サイモン カリウキ 日本薬科大学 27:53.50 15位 大六野秀畝 旭化成 27:54.75 16位 ダニエル キプケモイ 西鉄 27:58.32 17位 アンドリュー バンバロウ バウマン・トラック(USA) 28:09.35 18位 ゲノ アルフレッド 日清食品グループ 28:14.10 19位 市田孝 旭化成 28:14.40 20位 浅岡満憲 日立物流 28:16.95 21位 サイラス キンゴリ SGホールディングス 28:17.30 22位 設楽悠太 Honda 28:26.61 23位 設楽啓太 コニカミノルタ 29:11.59 中村匠吾 富士通 DNF ビタン カロキ DeNA DNF
ご存知、八王子界隈の盆踊り会場で必ずかかるゴーゴー歌謡曲(!?)「太陽おどり」こと「新八王子音頭」です。 ちょっと映像を付けてみましたが、いかがでしょうか? ちなみに今度、イベントをやります。 12月23日(祝・水)新宿ロフトプラスワンにて! 詳しくはこちらをどうぞ↓ http://www.geocities.jp/saitoukanchou/
ベストアルバムのリリパ用に制作したHand in HandのRemixです。 精一杯のリスペクトを込めて制作しました。 Happy Birthday to MIKU!! Original : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKtoreimcQ8 Music : kz(livetune) https://twitter.com/kz_lt Remix : 八王子P https://twitter.com/8_Prince Illust : はちぷよ https://twitter.com/hachipuyo <関連リンク> ◎八王子P Official HP http://www.hachiojip.net/ ◎八王子P twitter https://twitter.com/8_prince ◎八王子P facebook https://www.facebook.com/hachiojip
2016年11月13日「麻布高校」にて行われた、ウインターカップ東京都予選決勝リーグ3日目。 八王子学園八王子(白)vs実践学園(緑) Q1:https://youtu.be/zXuCsJ6UKT0 Q2:https://youtu.be/J2ETfvW4VZU Q3:https://youtu.be/bCmr7MBd8QE Q4:https://youtu.be/wBx7W77U8Do
【八王子の魅力発信PR動画「グルメ編」】 八王子の魅力発信PR動画、第三弾はグルメ編。 「きっとまた来たくなる街 八王子」をテーマに、八王子駅周辺のグルメスポットを紹介します。
2016年11月12日「都立三鷹中等教育学校」にて行われた、ウインターカップ東京都予選決勝リーグ2日目。 八王子学園八王子(白)vs東洋大京北(紺) Q1:https://youtu.be/-mVINDs14Hc Q2:https://youtu.be/TowrryoWrXE Q3:https://youtu.be/WFN4e78hBXI Q4:https://youtu.be/xRWMC9DdKDE
Dir. wakamura P 八王子Pの8/27発売のアルバム「Twinkle World」から 「Carry Me Off feat. 初音ミク」のMVを公開! 初回盤(CD+DVD)Limited Version http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B00L3V1QPS 通常盤 http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B00L3V4EVG 八王子P New Album「Twinkle World」 2014.8.27 Release [初回盤](CD+DVD)TFCC-86481 ¥2,500+税 [通常盤](CD) TFCC-86482 定価:¥2,000+税 <関連リンク> ◎Official HP http://www.hachiojip.net/ ◎twitter https://twitter.com/8_prince ◎facebook https://www.facebook.com/hachiojip ©Crypton Future Media, INC. www.piapro.net
Driving in Japan - From Tokyo to Hachioji I really enjoy driving in Japan. There are so many different streets to drive on with lots of traffic which requires a good amount of skill. I know it isn't a race track but the speed people driver over here seems like it is sometimes. Anyway I hope you all enjoy this short video. Please subscribe for more videos and like, comment and share: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqmJgaupKDtHFOMSgyAWctQ?sub_confirmation=1 Follow Japan Online on: Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/thejapanonlinechannel Twitter - https://twitter.com/JapannOnline Google+ - https://plus.google.com/114076196748583513805 Instagram - http://instagram.com/thejapanonlinechannel Also check out our website where we post many videos about Japan (not just our own), events, arti...
Where I started filming: http://goo.gl/maps/V7UX7 Although this video was filmed at 24p, being uploaded on YouTube, it might be not 24p anymore. I don't know. This video file was exported at 32 Mbps of bit rate in average and 32 Mbps at maximum. ISO, aperture, shutter speed, focus, all were automatically controlled.
Visited the Takao Trick Art Musuem right across the street from the Takaosanguchi train station at the base of Mt. Takao in Hachiōji, Tokyo, Japan. Tons of optical illusions and attractions and a lot of fun for the entire family and definitely a great place to get some unique pictures. Takao Trick Art English Website: http://www.trickart.jp/en/ Takao Trick Art Japanese Website: http://www.trickart.jp CHECK OUT MY VLOG STUFF: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TB-pBRxqXGY&list;=PLET6AxTYB5Ieb_mgGW6ghMmGLh0EHOMhg GET OUT AND ABOUT IN JAPAN WITH ME: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRbAI1zIPt4&list;=PLET6AxTYB5IfaQSOFx6MTWrTnME8XJ87Q My name is Ben Lindsey. I'm half-Japanese and half-American currently living in Tokyo, Japan and LOVING IT! Decided to start vlogging about it to share my experie...
Awaodori Festival . Hachioji . Tokyo , Japan .
Mount Takao (高尾山 Takao-san) Hachiōji, Tokyo, Japan Music by Funki procini
Welcome to Japan, Welcome to our school. Thank you for having our students every year.
Hachioji http://www.shanagrant.com/gallery8.html Hachiōji Hachiōji-shi is a city located in Tokyo, Japan, about 40 kilometers west of the center of the special wards of Tokyo. As of January 1, 2010, the city has an estimated population of 551,901 and the density of 2,962.27/km². The total area is 186.31 km². It is the eighth largest city in the Greater Tokyo Area. The city is surrounded on three sides by mountains, forming the Hachiōji Basin which opens up toward the east in the direction of Tokyo. The mountain ranges in the southwest include Mount Takao (599 m) and Mount Jinba (857 m), two popular hiking destinations which can be reached by train and bus, respectively. Two major national roads, Route 16 (which connects Kawagoe in the north with Yokohama in the south) and Rou...
about 5am right after night shift work. pardon me for my singing voice and lyrics😂😅😬 keep safe and warm everyone!
Learn about and travel to Tsukiji Fish Market in Tokyo, the biggest wholesale seafood market in Japan. Here you can view the famous crack-of-dawn Tuna Auctions, eat the freshest sushi anywhere, and explore the endless stalls of the wholesale market. (日本語字幕付き) ►COMMENT: What's your favorite type of sushi? More info about visiting Tsukiji: http://japanistas.com/en/archives/18511 The song in the video is "Shorelines" by Matthew Bolduc. Download it here: http://goo.gl/YjREKb This is episode 5 of 6 in season 1 of Tour Japan. This season we're visiting Tokyo's must-see tourist spots. New episodes of Tour Japan are released every Tuesday (EST) when in season (4 seasons/year). Japanese subs by Brad Loewen (hire him to translate your vids!): http://www.youtube.com/federalgrant15 Follow/Sub Ha...