- published: 23 Mar 2009
- views: 637424
Marko "Mare" Kon (Serbian Cyrillic: Марко Кон; born 20 April 1972) is a Serbian pop singer, composer & producer. Kon was born to a Jewish father and Serbian mother. He was the Serbian entry for the Eurovision Song Contest 2009 with Milan Nikolić. The song Cipela was chosen after a national final. It competed in the second semi final but failed to reach the final. When looking at the number of votes given in the semifinals, Serbia finished 10th and would therefore have qualified to the finals, had the system been the same as that before 2008, where the top 10 qualify, but the judge votes had Croatia, placed 13th, go to the finals instead. He is one of the most wanted music producers in Serbia. Works as composer, lyrics writer, arranger and occasionally singer, He plays drums, guitar, bass guitar, clarinet, sax, Serbian pipe and keyboards, his music fluctuates from folk and ethnic pop to death metal, he influenced Serbian Pop scene in many ways.
Zvezde Granda (Grand Stars, Serbian Cyrillic: Звезде Гранда) is a televised singing contest in Serbia organized by the Grand Production record label. It is broadcast live on commercial television throughout the Balkans.
Airing on Pink TV in Serbia, as well as its subsidiaries Pink M and Pink BH in Montenegro and Bosnia-Herzegovina, the competition has so far been held in five seasons - 2004, 2005, 2007, 2009, and 2011 with the sixth season currently in progress. Musical numbers performed by the contestants usually fall in the folk, pop-folk and turbo-folk genres, although since the 2007 season there has been a significant increase of straight pop elements.
Similar to the Idol series, over the course of a season, the eventual Zvezde Granda winner is voted by the TV.
The show starts with a jury consisting of folk music stars and show's producers, led by the owner of Grand Production, Saša Popović, picking out the contestants in the auditions throughout Serbia and other Balkan countries.
The Image may refer to:
Powered by http://www.eurovision.tv Marko Kon & Milaan will sing "Cipela" at the 2009 Eurovision Song Contest. They will represent Serbia.
Label and copyright: Grand Production & Marko Kon You Tube distribution: Zabranjeno svako kopiranje video i/ili audio snimaka i postavljanje na druge kanale! Music: M. Kon, A. Kobac, M. Nikolić lyrics: M. Kon, A. Kobac Arr: Video: DMSAT TV
spot u produkciji "Onomatopeje Ideja" sastavljan iskljuchivo od klipova sa You Tube-a
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ZvezdeGranda... Twitter: https://twitter.com/Zvezde_Granda Zvezde Granda Management : +381 63 150 98 88 NEWS: http://www.kurir-info.rs/ GRAND NARODNA TELEVIZIJA ZA CEO SVET NET TV Plus https://www.nettvplus.com Satelit: Eutelsat 16A Frekvencija: 10972 MHz Polarizacija: Vertikalna SR: 27500 FEC: 5/6 SID: 1306 Srbija: Analogna SBB -- svi gradovi KDS JET TV Digitalna - Pozicija 211 D3 Beogrid D3i D3Go Total TV - Pozicija 11 Hrvatska: Total TV Bosna i Hercegovina: Telemach Total Tv - Pozicija 9 Slovenija: Telemach Total Tv - Pozicija 104 Crna Gora: Total Tv - Pozicija 8 Makedonija: Total Tv - Pozicija 10 Label & Copyright: Grand Production Zvezde Granda Management : +381 63 150 9888 Zabranjeno svako kopiranje video i/ili audio snimaka i postavljanj...
High Quality, RTS 13.3.2010. 3 pa 1 za Oslo
Zvanicna stranica: www.prakticnazena.tv Copyright: Zabranjeno svako kopiranje video i/ili audio snimaka i postavljanje na druge kanale!
Zrenjaninski festival, polufinale, 2003 Official fan page: http://www.facebook.com/MajaNikolicFanPage Label and copyright: RTS & Maja Nikolic Zabranjeno svako kopiranje video i/ili audio snimaka i postavljanje na druge kanale! Music: lyrics: Arr: Video:
Autor pesme i spota Srdjan Čolić Montaza: Vladimir Jovanović Gitare: Mile Novković / Ivan Mirković Trube: Dejan Petrović Spiker: Vladimir Petrović
KOAN, in the philosophy of Zen Buddhism, stands for an equivocal and hardly soluble question that forces a disciple to abandon unproductive attempt to understand the nature of universe through logic. The collapse of logic thinking enables a direct experience of reality. KENSHO stands for the first short experience of enlightenment which can also be defined as the first Satori. It is a short leap into the essence of reality – a moment when the distinction between the observer and the object of observation disappears and one becomes aware of the uniform an undivided reality hidden in apparent oppositions and differences. The experience of Kensho does not mean that we have forever got rid of common, »non-enlightened« way of thinking. Before the last we are to experience numerous momentary en...
EKIPA: produkcija: ALPHANOISESTUDIO, INVIDA režija,scenarij,montaža: TONI CAHUNEK potapljača ter podvodna snemalca: BOJAN ŠVABIČ, MARKO KRAŠOVEC direktor fotografije: ALJOŠA KORENČAN snemalec in oblikovalec zvoka: GREGA ŠVABIČ glasba: SPHERICUBE art direkcija: LJUBO BRATINA 2D animacija: JERNEJ ŽMITEK 3D animacija: IDRIZ-IDO BALIHODŽIĆ, KLEMEN PODJED barvna korekcija: JERNEJ LUNDER začetna in končna špica: JURE MALI angleški prevod: PETER FRANKL
Podoba knjige The Image of the Book Razstava Podoba knjige je del dogodkov, ki soustvarjajo mestno vzdušje v letu 2010, ko se Ljubljana ponaša z nazivom svetovna prestolnica knjige. Na razstavi so predstavljeni izdelki na temo knjige, ki so jih študentke in študenti Oddelka za oblikovanje Akademije za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje Univerze v Ljubljani oblikovali v zadnjih petnajstih letih. Na Oddelku za oblikovanje vizualnih komunikacij posvečamo posebno pozornost oblikovanju knjig in sicer v vseh elementih knjižnega organizma. Z raznolikimi vsebinami, ki kličejo po oblikovanju (ilustriranju) študentom in študentkam poskušamo približati občutek, ki je še najbolj podoben navdušenju s katerim naj bi se lotili oblike knjige. K oblikovanju knjig pristopamo zelo različno, odvisno od...
Tomaž Gorišek, Miha Markošek in Anja Klinar, so pripravili ustvarjalno delavnico kiparjenja iz siporeksa YTONG. V tem prispevku si lahko pogledate kaj ste zamudili tisti ki niste prišli. Končane kipce, si lahko ogledate v prostorih društva, vsak delavnik od 12-20h. Vabljeni! Ekipa ŠMOCLa.
Artistes et penseurs favorisent la singularité du paysage contemporain en Croatie, proposant de nouveaux ponts et de nouvelles formes avec la performance. Ces quêtes artistiques cristallisent bien plus que des niches disséminées sur le territoire croate. Foyer incontournable de l’art performance en Europe de l’Est, la Croatie est désormais l’une des scènes phares d’un mouvement artistique et culturel, catalyseur d’une énergie de pleine liberté cherchant à questionner et à réfléchir le monde. L’explosion du Bloc communiste, la disparition de l’ex-Yougoslavie puis la guerre ont contribué à l’émergence de nouvelles pensées artistiques examinant les contours d’un état en crise d’identité. La performance s’inscrit au cœur de cette catharsis guidée par le désir de transgresser, afin d’entrevoir...
Bible text on which the episode is based on: Gn 24 http://goo.gl/cYg5i BIBLE IN A MINUTE HOMEPAGE: http://www.minutke.com Plotline: Rebekah spends her days on a farm working hard, but still likes to remember the old days when she got to know her husband and married him. This morning she tells us her story and looks for her Lyn which is missing from the stall. Executive producer: Družina, d.o.o. Script/starring: Gregor Čušin Director/editor: David Sipoš Music/sound: Tim Žibrat Director of photography/color grading: Simon Gosnik Make-up: Janja Hasani Subtitles: Leon Jagodic Assistants: Gregor Matijec Special thanks: Marko Končan, Jože Rožmanec, Klarisa Sipoš http://www.minutke.com http://www.druzina.si http://www.haritude.com
"Projekt prenove naselij in izboljšaja zaupanja med sosedi" je primeren za vsak zaselek in se vedno za vse dobro obnese. Potebno si je le prisluhniti med seboj in izkoristiti prosti čas v dobro soseščine. Pri tem zelo pomagajo "domači motorji", kakršna je tudi Minka Veršič. Namen prospevka je predvsem v spodbujanju posnemanja. Moje povabilo, da vsak beleži svoje poglede na lastno in vsem nam skupno dediščino pa je obrodilo tudi dragoceno kroniko domačega kraja in župnije: 569. Srce za zapahi : kronika Brezovice / Minka Veršič-Tomažinova. - Brezovica pri Ljubljani : samozal., 2007 ISBN 978-961-245-304-694(497.4Brezovica) COBISS.SI-ID 233223680 Knjiga pa je tudi že spodbudila nadgradnjo Cirila Mraka, ki jo objavljam, v nadaljevanju: Dopolnitev vsebine h knjigi Minke Veršič Srce za z...
Creative Director: Dejan Kovačević Director of Photography: Dragan Stojković - Pixi VFX Director: Dejan Kovačević Music & Voice: Marko Kon Editing & Postproduction: Aref Zaabi, Dejan Kovačević
Helmet camera na čeladi končnega zmagovalca - Marko Berginc -KTM EXC 530
My old shoe
has travelled around the world,
Wherever I put my feet, that's my home.
Here and there,
East and West,
Wherever I go, that's where I belong.
A rush of panic comes over me,
It's something I'm accustomed to.
My heart yearns to go after her.
I'm a fool,
mischievous rascal,
I'll do what I want no matter what it takes.
No, no. She didn't want me,
until I had pockets full of money.
No, no. She wouldn't be with me
until I became a wealthy man.