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  • Today, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peak representative bodies delivered an historic statement and call for all political parties to listen to them to address the appalling disadvantage faced by First Peoples.ANTaR, as a supporting organisation to the statement, calls on all political parties to commit to the clear policy platform set out, and for the incoming government and parliament to work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their representatives to fully implement it.Read our Media Statement here. 
  • ANTaR pauses today to honour the legacy of ‪#‎EddieMabo‬. 24 years ago, the High Court ruled that terra nullius was a legal fiction and recognised that native title exists. Today at the ‪#‎SeaofHands‬ at Barangaroo we honour the strength of Eddie Mabo and the Meriam People and all who have fought for recognition as Traditional Owners. As this ‪#‎MaboDay‬closes ‪#‎NRW2016‬ we reflect on how far we've come and acknowledge how far we still have to go.  
  • Today, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peak representative bodies delivered an historic statement and call for all political parties to listen to them to address the appalling disadvantage faced by First Peoples. ANTaR, as a supporting organisation to the statement, calls on all political parties to commit to the clear policy platform set out, and for the incoming government and parliament to work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their representatives to fully implement it.
  • ANTaR, the national organisation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander reconciliation and rights, is partnering with the Barangaroo Delivery Authority to bring its interactive symbol of reconciliation, the Sea of Hands, to Barangaroo Reserve for National Reconciliation Week 2016. The Sea of Hands event begins with a free Opening Night Concert on Friday, 27 May (5:00pm- 8:30pm) featuring live performances by Christine Anu and Casey Donovan on Barangaroo Reserve’s Walumil Lawns, where the first part of the installation will be illuminated. 


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About ANTaR

ANTaR is a national advocacy organisation dedicated specifically to the rights - and overcoming the disadvantage - of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

ANTaR has been working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations and leaders on rights and reconciliation issues since 1997. ANTaR is an independent, national network of organisations and individuals working in support of justice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia.

ANTaR is an independent non-government organisation and is non-party-political.

ANTaR has a close and unique working relationship with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders.

ANTaR's purpose has always been to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people speaking for themselves, rather than to speak for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

ANTaR's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Reference Group, comprising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders and prominent individuals from around Australia, provides ANTaR with direction and feedback.

Central to ANTaR's activities has been the Sea of Hands. Over 300,000 Australians have put their signatures on a hand in the Sea of Hands and helped in its installation in locations around Australia.

ANTaR works on many levels to achieve its goals. This includes maintaining close liaison with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaderships and communities and assisting them to communicate their aspirations and concerns to the wider community; conducting national education and awareness campaigns on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander affairs issues, as well as training, advice and support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders.

Much of ANTaR's work is carried out by peak state and territory ANTaRs and by numerous local groups. This includes activities focused at a grass-roots level - local reconciliation initiatives which are carried out in conjunction with local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander groups and other members of the local community. There are in excess of 200 local ANTaR groups.

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