- published: 22 Jan 2016
- views: 44252
An image (from Latin: imago) is an artifact that depicts visual perception, for example a two-dimensional picture, that has a similar appearance to some subject—usually a physical object or a person, thus providing a depiction of it.
Images may be two-dimensional, such as a photograph, screen display, and as well as a three-dimensional, such as a statue or hologram. They may be captured by optical devices – such as cameras, mirrors, lenses, telescopes, microscopes, etc. and natural objects and phenomena, such as the human eye or water.
The word image is also used in the broader sense of any two-dimensional figure such as a map, a graph, a pie chart, or a painting. In this wider sense, images can also be rendered manually, such as by drawing, the art of painting, carving, rendered automatically by printing or computer graphics technology, or developed by a combination of methods, especially in a pseudo-photograph.
A volatile image is one that exists only for a short period of time. This may be a reflection of an object by a mirror, a projection of a camera obscura, or a scene displayed on a cathode ray tube. A fixed image, also called a hard copy, is one that has been recorded on a material object, such as paper or textile by photography or any other digital process.
A carousel (American English: from French carrousel and Italian carosello), roundabout (British English), or merry-go-round, is an amusement ride consisting of a rotating circular platform with seats for riders. The "seats" are traditionally in the form of rows of wooden horses or other animals mounted on posts, many of which are moved up and down by gearwork to simulate galloping, to the accompaniment of looped circus music. This leads to one of the alternative names in American English, the galloper. Other popular names are jumper, horseabout and flying horses.
Carousels are commonly populated with horses, each horse weighing roughly 100 lbs (45 kg), but may include diverse varieties of mounts, like pigs, zebras, tigers, or mythological creatures such as dragons or unicorns. Sometimes, chairlike or benchlike seats are used as well, and occasionally mounts can be shaped like airplanes or cars.
In a playground, a roundabout or merry-go-round is usually a simple, child-powered rotating platform with bars or handles to which children can cling while riding.
In baseball, a slider is a breaking ball pitch that tails laterally and down through the batter's hitting zone; it is thrown with speed less than a fastball but greater than the pitcher's curveball.
The break on the pitch is shorter than that of the curveball, and the release technique is 'between' those of a curveball and a fastball. The slider is similar to the cutter, a fastball pitch, but is more of a breaking ball than the cutter. The slider is also known as a yakker or a snapper.
Depending on velocity, a pitch can fall anywhere on the continuum from "fastball" to "slider":
The most notable difference between a slider and curveball is that the curveball delivery includes a downward yank on the ball as it is released in addition to the lateral spin applied by the slider grip. The slider is released off the index finger, while the curveball is released off the middle finger. If the pitcher is snapping his wrist as he throws, and the movement is more downward than sideways, then he is probably throwing a curveball or slurve, and not a true "slider". When throwing a slider, the pitcher should create a "dot" on the baseball; this means that as the ball approaches home plate, the rotation of the ball is forming a dot. On a good slider, the "dot" will be down where it is not noticeable for a hitter to pick up. From the batter's perspective, this dot appears white, whereas the dot is red for a curve ball (created by the seam movement), allowing many skilled batters to immediately recognize the type of pitch. By having the dot on the bottom part of the ball, the pitcher will create good depth to the pitch. A good, hard slider has a slight break across the plate and a slight drop on its plane to the hitter.
Adobe After Effects is a digital visual effects, motion graphics, and compositing application developed by Adobe Systems and used in the post-production process of filmmaking and television production. Among other things, After Effects can be used for keying, tracking, rotoscoping, compositing and animation. It also functions as a very basic non-linear editor, audio editor and media transcoder.
Adobe After Effects is software primarily used for creating motion graphics and visual effects. It allows users to animate, edit, and compose media in 2D or 3D space with many different built-in tools and third party plug-ins which can be downloaded from the Internet depending on what type of plug in the user is looking for. It also provides individual attention to variables like parallax and also user adjustable angles of observation.
Adobe After Effects is a layer-oriented program. Each individual media object like video clips, still images, audio clips, etc. runs on its own. In contrast, other Non-Linear Editing Systems use a system where individual media objects can occupy the same track as long as they do not overlap at the same time. This track-oriented system is more suitable for editing and can keep project files more simple. The layer oriented system that Adobe After Effects has is suitable for extensive video effects work and also key framing. Other compositing packages, especially the ones that employ tree or node workflows, such as Nuke and Fusion, are better suited to managing complex interconnected data flow within a composite. Adobe After Effects is capable of countering the problem somewhat by selectively hiding layers or by grouping them into pre-compositions.
In this tutorial, I will be showing you how to create a carousel (image slider) which has been much requested by viewers. You will also be able to add captions and make the carousel auto-slide. I cannot supply the placeholder images as they may be subject to copyright. A quick Google Image search for some wallpapers will be easy though, then just rescale them. Website: http://coders-guide.com Twitter: http://twitter.com/coders_guide Facebook: http://goo.gl/DmWtB Google+: http://goo.gl/cGyk8 Donate: http://goo.gl/q3MPw
In this video, I will show you how to add an image carousel in WordPress, with the free to use Elementor page builder for WordPress. To learn more about using Elementor's many widgets and features, subscribe to this channel or visit http://docs.elementor.com
In this After Effects tutorial, you'll learn how to create a photo carousel animation. This tutorial only uses one simple expression, and is pretty easy to set up. You can also download the project file here: https://motionarray.com/tutorials/after-effects-photo-carousel-tutorial Let us know what you think!
Quelques images prises sur le vif et tournées au ralenti des carrousels de l'Abbaye de Fleurier. On vous y voit peut-être ! Et c'est l'occasion de présenter le nouveau logo d'ombre-AZUR réalisé par Jorge. Pour l'aspect technique : elles sont filmées à 180 images par seconde, si on veut voir le film à vitesse normale (à 25 ips) il faut l'accélérer à 720 %.
How to create waterwheel carousel slider slideshow using jquery plugin
Classe di Strumenti a Percussione del Conservatorio di Musica di Potenza. Docente Nunzio Pietrocola. Eulalia Varricchio e Luciano Brancati eseguono Carousel by David Friedman and Dave Samuels duo per marimba e vibrafono.
An introduction and basic tutorial for the Divi Testimonials Carousel/Slider plugin by Tortoise IT This can be obtained from Elegant Market Place here: https://elegantmarketplace.com/downloads/divi-testimonials-carousel-slider/
Download plugin from WordPress.org https://wordpress.org/plugins/carousel-slider/
Arguably the best few minutes of the last season of television, and certainly the best of Mad Men. From the season finale.
Plugin Home: https://www.themescode.com/items/owl-carousel-wp-pro/ Plugin Demo: http://owlcarousel.themescode.com Free Version link: https://wordpress.org/plugins/owl-carousel-wp/ Some Free WordPress Plugins: https://profiles.wordpress.org/themescode#content-plugins Owl carousel wp is a WordPress Carousel plugin based on owl carousel. You can add Image carousel on any WordPress Website. It is a responsive carousel plugin works perfectly on any Device Screen. Add Image through custom post type and have a category to pull the image in the carousel from any specific category. ########## owl carousel, WordPress (software), plugin, WordPress carousel, jquery carousel, WordPress slider, image carousel, plug-in (software genre), WordPress, tutorial, carousel, slider revolution WordPress tuto...
WordPress Slick Slider Plugin is a quick, easy way to add and display multiple WordPress Slick Slider using a shortcode. Free Download Link:- https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-slick-slider-and-image-carousel The homepage is an integral part of any blog or website. The homepage is a kind of gateway through which a visitor would enter into your world. If you fail to deliver what the visitor wants, your website will not be able to retain the visitor, and he or she will simply click on the ‘close’ button. For this reason, entrepreneurs and big companies spend a lot of bucks on making their homepage, not just attractive, but also interactive and user-engaging. Customized WordPress themes by WPOnlineSupport is one such way to keep your visitor on the website so that they can be turned into a p...
In this tutorial I show you how to create a 'carousel' or a 'slider' in bootstrap. You also get to see some juicy looking fruit. Sponsored by DevMountain. Get yourself career ready, check out their website: http://goo.gl/enNbQV Useful links: ----------------------------------- Don't forget to subscribe: www.youtube.com/QuentinWatt Follow me on Twitter: www.twitter.com/QuentinWatt Follow me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/quentin.watt Feel free to donate: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted;_button_id=CH68DBULMJ37N ------------------------------------
http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFVBQRZ3DroBX7dsMYz2m-A?sub_confirmation=1 https://goo.gl/y3SIyZ
Today, I'm going to show you all how to make a image slider using only CSS and HTML, no JavaScript or Jquery. It is very simple to build a simple image slider by just in CSS3, why use JS or JQ when you can code it in seconds and feel happy that you done it all by yourself. Source code be found on my GitHub Account. https://goo.gl/0YSB0M
Our trendy Carousel Slider Widget lets you showcase your images in a continuous scrolling gallery. Displayed over the full width of your browser for maximum impact, this widget has room for up to eight images, while customizable buttons and speed ensures the gallery operates on your terms. Available at http://www.Muse-Themes.com. Preview all of our widgets and tools here: http://www.musewidget.com Download this widget and 90+ additional tools and templates for one low annual price: http://www.muse-themes.com/pages/join
This Plugin allows you to easily create logo carousel slider to display logos of clients, partners, sponsors, affiliates etc. Pro Version: http://adlplugins.com/plugin/logo-carousel-slider-pro/ Free Version: https://wordpress.org/plugins/logo-carousel-slider/
1958 Le carrousel aux images "Le Carrousel aux Images"est l'émission phare de la RTB consacrée au cinéma. Créé et présentée par Sélim Sasson, le magazine fait la part belle aux interviews des plus grandes stars du 7ème art. Cette émission connaît une longévité exceptionnelle puisqu'elle est diffusée de la fin des années 50 (date imprécise) à 1985. Le programme présenté ce soir rassemble différentes séquences extraites des premiers numéros du Carrousel aux images : une journée avec Jeanne Moreau, Brigitte Bardot sur un plateau de tournage, une interview de Sofia Loren jeune comédienne et pour conclure, un long entretien avec le charmant comédien français Jean Desailly.
music : http://www.jaqverstappen.nl images : various artists
Quelques images prises sur le vif et tournées au ralenti des carrousels de l'Abbaye de Fleurier. On vous y voit peut-être ! Et c'est l'occasion de présenter le nouveau logo d'ombre-AZUR réalisé par Jorge. Pour l'aspect technique : elles sont filmées à 180 images par seconde, si on veut voir le film à vitesse normale (à 25 ips) il faut l'accélérer à 720 %.
In this tutorial I show you how to create a 'carousel' or a 'slider' in bootstrap. You also get to see some juicy looking fruit. Sponsored by DevMountain. Get yourself career ready, check out their website: http://goo.gl/enNbQV Useful links: ----------------------------------- Don't forget to subscribe: www.youtube.com/QuentinWatt Follow me on Twitter: www.twitter.com/QuentinWatt Follow me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/quentin.watt Feel free to donate: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted;_button_id=CH68DBULMJ37N ------------------------------------
Aprende como crear un hermoso carousel en 3D solo con html5 y css3, de una manera muy facil y practica. aprenderas como posicionar objetos con css3 y como convertir objetos en 3D. Tambien aprenderas como añadir una animacion a tu sitio de web. y todo esto solo con html y css. ¡Espero que te guste! Este carousel es muy interesante introducirlo en sitios web que tienen como necesidad brindar un conjunto de imagenes para que el usuario vea de que se trata equis sitio web, tambien este caousel le dara a tu sitio web una apariencia muy linda y moderna. Esto es para que tu web no se quede atras a nivel de diseño y cosas lindas. ▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄ ╔═╦╗╔╦═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╦══╦═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╬╗╔╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝╚╝╚═╝ ▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄ Suscribete a mi Canal ► ...
http://www.amazingpopup.com Carousel Pop up card: Made by joining of 28 paper parts and fixing to a base card paper. Origamic Architecture,oa, custom pop-up cards, Paper Arts of Pop-up bulidings, christmas cards, greeting cards & other assorted pop-up cards in our pop-up cards books. Amazing paper arts. Masahiro Chatani, Keiko Nakazawa, Takaaki Kihara
Tutoriels After effects en français - Caroussel photo 3D http://www.videocopilot.net/tutorials/reflection_plug-in/ Suivez Daniel Lafrance sur Facebook https://www.facebook.com/imaginnee http://www.productionsimaginnee.com Cette chaine est destinée aux utilisateurs des logiciels de postproduction Adode en particulier le logiciel de composition After effects et ces plugins tel que; Element 3D v2, Trapcode Particular, form, pour ne parler que de ceux là. Nous allons aussi bien entendu explorer des autres logiciels d'Adobe comme Première pro, Illustrator, Photoshop...
En esta entrada vamos a crear un slider a partir del componente Carousel de Bootstrap3. No os perdáis las nuevas entradas del curso, suscribiros y así estáis siempre informados de los nuevos videos que se van subiendo. Muchas gracias.
We undertake what looks to be an intimidating project to fully customize the Bootstrap carousel. Upon inspecting the HTML, however, we realize that it's really just simple code structured in an elegant and sophisticated way. With a greater understanding of the code we've imported, we then proceed to modifying our carousel accordingly. To achieve our desired design, we leverage some of Bootstrap's other tools like Thumbnails and Grids. Guten Code 2014
Tutorial de como crear un carrousel de fotos con after effects.
This tutorials is for the beginners who are interested in learning this beautiful prototyping tool (AXURE RP 7.0)
Le Carrousel de la GRC est composé de 32 cavaliers et de leur monture. Il s'agit d'un spectacle qui comprend des figures complexes et des exercices chorégraphiés exécutés au son de la musique. Ces exercices exigent une grande maîtrise, beaucoup de synchronisme et une excellente coordination. Le Carrousel se produit de mai à octobre, dans 50 localités au Canada. Il aide à recueillir des milliers de dollars pour des organismes locaux de bienfaisance et sans but lucratif. Faire connaître le patrimoine et les traditions de la GRC, voilà la mission de ses cavaliers qui agissent comme porte-parole chargés de promouvoir l'image de la GRC dans tout le pays et partout dans le monde. ********************************************************************* ABONNEZ-VOUS / SUBSCRIBE ► https://www...
In this After Effects tutorial we'll create a carousel rig using expressions in After Effects. Download Project Files: http://bit.ly/2tc2y4y
This is a tutorial / example of how to build a carousel with a 3D effect. http://dev.aftc.co.uk/lessons/08_JavaScript_3DCSS_Carousel.zip For a simpler look at sin and cos please view: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hPn8YMAhFk
Hey guys, welcome to my new tutorial in which I am going to teach you how to create a Carousel effect to display your image. This tutorial is based on Swift 2 & Xcode 7. - Project Link - https://www.mediafire.com/folder/curqabv5yex1o/iCarousel_Effect - Images And iCarousel File Link - https://www.mediafire.com/folder/1x9cepz94ikep/Framework_%26_Images - Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/IDT-188107338190325/ Hope you like my tutorials, Please subscribe and comment !
Salut et bienvenue dans ce nouveau tutoriel consacré à la réalisation d'un carousel en trois dimensions! Source : https://desandro.github.io/3dtransforms/docs/carousel.html Abonnez-vous, likez, partagez, commentez!!!!! hugopb82
Abonnez-vous à Grafikart: http://bit.ly/19nGK3G A propos de ce tutoriel http://grafikart.fr/tutoriels/jquery/carrousel-javascript-87 Dans ce tutoriel vidéo vous apprendrez à réaliser un carrousel en javascript. Vous apprendrez donc, dans un premier temps, comment créer la structure du carrousel en HTML et CSS. Puis, dans un second temps, vous verrez comment utiliser javascript ... Suivez nous sur Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Grafikart/483920250642?fref=ts Plus de tutoriels : http://www.grafikart.fr - Abonnez-vous à Grafikart: http://bit.ly/19nGK3G Retrouvez un concentré du web autour du monde du développement web et du graphisme... Formez vous et améliorez vos compétences à travers près de 161 heures de formation vidéo... Plus de tutoriels : http://www.grafikart.fr Retrouve...
Plus d'infos : https://www.grafikart.fr/formations/vuejs/tp-carousel Nous allons continuer notre mise en pratique avec un exemple qui va faire intervenir le système de transitions : La création d'un carousel. Retrouvez tous les tutoriels sur https://www.grafikart.fr
Abonnez-vous à Grafikart: http://bit.ly/19nGK3G Dans ce tutoriel je vous propose de découvrir Owl Carousel. Comme son nom l’indique ce plugin jQuery va vous permettre de réaliser de créer des sliders et des carousel très simplement et RESPONSIVE ! Retrouvez un concentré du web autour du monde du développement web et du graphisme... Formez-vous et améliorez vos compétences à travers près de 161 heures de formation vidéo... Suivez Grafikart sur: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Grafikart/483920250642 Twitter: https://twitter.com/grafikart_fr Plus de tutoriels : http://www.grafikart.fr
DOWNLOAD RESOURCES: https://www.dropbox.com/s/993g4rpysdd8ha0/Resources.zip?dl=0 iOS Development Tutorial - Build Interactive and Social Networking Apps with Parse Hey everyone, It's Duc. Welcome to the first sample chapter from Build Interactive Social Networking Apps Course. I designed this course to help developers design, prototype, and build interactive apps with social networking apps. I also hope that from the learning experience and hands-on challenges in this course, my students will go out there developing their apps with great care for design in mind. I do hope that this course can attract a large amount of designers and push them to try out developing their own apps from their wonderful ideas and prototypes and designs. The course will focus on four main goals by accompl...