‘It is Time for Accountability’: International ‘Month Against the Apartheid Wall’ marks 10 years since ICJ ruling

on 37 Comments
(Image: Visualizing Palestine)

(Image: Visualizing Palestine)

July 9 will mark ten years since the International Court of Justice declared Israel’s wall in the West Bank illegal under international law. The ICJ also ruled that the wall must be torn down, that Israel must pay reparations for the damage caused by its construction, and that the international community should work to ensure Israeli compliance.

None of the above has occurred. Instead, Israel has used the past ten years to complete 70 percent of the more than 700 kilometer long wall. More Palestinians have been boxed in, cut off from their land, work, families and friends, education, and healthcare. Israeli and multinational companies have made millions off of constructing the wall. And shirking its obligations, the international community has stood by the sidelines, letting impunity reign.

Faced with this reality, a large number of Palestinian coalitions and organizations have issued a call for July to be the Month Against the Apartheid Wall. They write, “it is time for a ‘legal intifada’, an intensified popular struggle and more boycotts, divestment and sanctions. It is time for accountability.” The call urges individuals and organizations to raise awareness about the wall, to strengthen or begin BDS campaigns against companies profiting off the wall, and to pressure governments to respect their obligations as outlined in the ICJ decision.

Worldwide, actions are expected to occur in dozens of countries. In the US, the We Divest Coalition has called for a BDS National Day of Action on July 9. And the US Campaign to End the Occupation has encouraged its supporters to “take action against impunity.” Here are other ways to get involved:

Visit and spread the word about the Month Against the Apartheid Wall campaign website: http://icj10.stopthewall.org.

Organize a protest at the local offices of an occupation profiteer or Israeli embassy/consulate.

Join the online Thunderclap.

Find other action ideas here.

Contact the campaign with any ideas or questions.

The Apartheid Wall forms the backbone of Israel’s settler-colonial project in the West Bank. The court has spoken and where governments have failed, it is up to the people to act. Please join others around the world in making this July the Month Against the Apartheid Wall.

About Scott Campbell

Scott Campbell is a Palestine solidarity activist from the SF Bay Area and volunteer with the Month Against the Apartheid Wall campaign.

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37 Responses

  1. HarryLaw
    June 24, 2014, 11:32 am

    Abbas “I don’t like to go to the courts. I don’t like courts. I want to solve my problems directly between the parties.” also Abbas does not want BDS employed against the state of Israel, and security co-operation with Israel is sacred, Tells you everything you need to know about the Palestinian leadership.

    • Talkback
      June 24, 2014, 11:48 am

      Abbas is the Apartheid twin of Livni who is “against law — international law in particular. Law in general”.

    • Pat Nguyen
      June 24, 2014, 1:06 pm

      I think it tells me more about the option to go to the courts.

    • Hostage
      June 24, 2014, 4:28 pm

      … Tells you everything you need to know about the Palestinian leadership.

      I think you misinterpreting what Abbas had to say about his reluctance to pursue remedies in the international courts. It’s not unheard of for cases in the ICJ to drag-on for more than a decade and the ICC has many cases that look as if they too will follow that example. So his decision to accept Obama and Kerry’s promise of a final agreement within one year in exchange for a 9 month hiatus was a no brainer. He can always grant retroactive jurisdiction for any crimes committed after the UNESCO vote according to the VCLT and he has demonstrated that good faith negotiations are an exercise in futility. Here is a longer, more detailed comment on the subject:

      The Palestinian Authority may file charges against Israel with the UN’s International Criminal Court [sic] over the government’s recent decision to build 3,000 housing units in Jerusalem and the West Bank, President Mahmoud Abbas said on Tuesday.

      “We are not very inclined to resort to this path, but if Israel insists on its unacceptable plan, then we will use other methods,” Abbas said during a joint press conference with Turkish President Abdullah Gul in Ankara. “If Israel continues in this way, we will respond with all means – of course peaceful ones – including the possibility of going to this court.”

      — Abbas threatens to take Israel to ICC over E1 link to jpost.com

      FYI, the entire PLO Executive serves as the provisional government of the State of Palestine, and most have made statements in favor of the aims of the BDS movement and granting the ICC jurisdiction.

      • Shingo
        June 24, 2014, 4:47 pm

        FYI, the entire PLO Executive serves as the provisional government of the State of Palestine, and most have made statements in favor of the aims of the BDS movement and granting the ICC jurisdiction.

        So why is Abbas still in charge? When are they going to remove him? He’s clearly not prepared to give up power willingly.

      • Hostage
        June 25, 2014, 8:24 am

        So why is Abbas still in charge? When are they going to remove him? He’s clearly not prepared to give up power willingly.

        The Unity government plan called for elections within six months, and he’s not running for re-election.

      • Shingo
        June 25, 2014, 8:36 am

        The Unity government plan called for elections within six months, and he’s not running for re-election.

        One can only hope the Unity government survives till then.

      • Jackdaw
        June 25, 2014, 12:22 am


        The ICC is weak. Abbas is weak. The PA’s bid for Palestinian independence is weak, and no amount of shadow puppetry is going to change that.

        Hostage. Even you must be getting weak from constantly throwing hyper legalistic cow patties at the wall and hoping for some to stick.

      • Hostage
        June 25, 2014, 8:32 am

        The ICC is weak. Abbas is weak. The PA’s bid for Palestinian independence is weak, and no amount of shadow puppetry is going to change that.

        Who cares? The laws on the books in the ICC member states aren’t weak and Zionists can’t even bear to think about giving up their junkets to Europe as things stand now.

        Hostage. Even you must be getting weak from constantly throwing hyper legalistic cow patties at the wall and hoping for some to stick.

        No, all of the available evidence indicates that the international community is getting tired of Zionist’s doing that sort of thing.

      • Jackdaw
        June 25, 2014, 12:36 pm

        Whatever the international community is tired of, they are now more concerned with the rise of jihadis in the Middle East as well as Russian and Chinese expansionism. Or they should be.

      • Hostage
        June 26, 2014, 8:48 am

        Whatever the international community is tired of, they are now more concerned with the rise of jihadis in the Middle East as well as Russian and Chinese expansionism. Or they should be.

        Regardless of what you think they are more tired of, they know perfectly well that the predictable intransigence of Zionists has led to the collapse of the peace talks, and more settlement construction. All of that fuels the rise of jihadis in the Middle East. That’s why the largest EU states and the EU Commission have responded with warnings for their citizens and businesses not to do business with the settlements and have rejected Israeli certifications and labeling of settlement products.

      • amigo
        June 25, 2014, 4:25 am

        I think Abbas should hold a referendum amongst the Palestinian people and let them decide if Israel,s criminal leaders should face justice.

        That sure ought to piss off the zios.

        “Palestinian People vote to send Netanyahu to the Hague to face war crimes charges”.

        Great Headline.

      • Hostage
        June 25, 2014, 8:43 am

        I think Abbas should hold a referendum amongst the Palestinian people and let them decide if Israel,s criminal leaders should face justice.

        According to the documents he has forwarded to the 10th Emergency Special Session of the General Assembly and the Security Coucil, that decision has already been made:

        This letter is in follow-up to our previous 489 letters regarding the ongoing crisis in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, which constitutes the territory of the State of Palestine. These letters, dated from 29 September 2000 (A/55/432-S/2000/921) to 12 March 2014 (A/ES-10/620-S/2014/180), constitute a basic record of the crimes being committed by Israel, the occupying Power, against the Palestinian people since September 2000. For all of these war crimes, acts of State terrorism and systematic human rights violations being committed against the Palestinian people, Israel, the occupying Power, must be held accountable and the perpetrators must be brought to justice.

        – A/ES-10/621 link to un.org

  2. HarryLaw
    June 24, 2014, 11:58 am

    The Deputy Defence Minister Danny Danon now advocates additional war crimes already committed by Israel in Palestine, saying on Sunday, Israel should cut off electricity to all Palestinians. link to timesofisrael.com Article 33 of the Geneva Conventions 1949 say inter alia. “No protected person may be punished for an offence he or she has not personally committed. And Article 50 of the 1907 Hague Regulations says, on Collective Punishment.
    “No general penalty, pecuniary or otherwise shall be inflicted upon the population on account of the acts of individuals for which they cannot be regarded as jointly or severally responsible. But Danon cares not for International law, they think they are above it, As far as the UNSC is concerned they are, the US veto sees to that. As for the other legal venues, well Abbas say’s “I don’t like to go to the courts” Unbelievable isn’t it.

    • just
      June 24, 2014, 12:14 pm

      So the IOF reign of terror will continue in the dark??? Can you imagine the enormous trauma and privation of the Palestinian people? Trauma every single day…..

      “GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — The Gaza Strip’s sole power plant is expected to shut down Tuesday after the last shipment of Qatar-donated fuel runs out, Gaza’s power authority said.

      The Gulf state also donated $10 million to Gaza for fuel in the wake of the humanitarian crisis caused by severe weather in the region in December on top of difficulties caused by the Israeli blockade on the coastal enclave.

      The Gaza Strip has been under a severe economic blockade imposed by Israel since 2006, leading to frequent humanitarian crises.”

      link to maannews.net

    • Pat Nguyen
      June 24, 2014, 1:07 pm

      You realized that they have not paid the bill, right??

      • Shingo
        June 25, 2014, 5:12 am

        You realized that they have not paid the bill, right??

        You realize that as the occupying power, they have no right to charge for providing such basic amenities right?

        You also realize that Israel is withholding taxes owed to the PA right?

      • HarryLaw
        June 25, 2014, 6:10 am

        Pat Nguyen @ ” You realized that they have not paid the bill, right??” But Danons threat was not based on any non payment of electricity bills, this is his view as expressed in my link above from the Times of Israel, Danon .. ‘Why did you turn off the power?’ And then maybe we can tell them: ‘Sorry, didn’t you know three teenagers were kidnapped?’”

      • Hostage
        June 25, 2014, 8:15 am

        You realized that they have not paid the bill, right??

        I realize the bill is the result of creative bookkeeping and that the Israeli naval forces are preventing the Palestinians from exploiting the natural gas in their own exclusive economic zone. You realize that Israel will never be able to pay the compensation it owes the Palestinians for the theft of state and personal property and the illegal plunder of Palestinian natural resources, right???

  3. amigo
    June 24, 2014, 12:08 pm

    Perhaps the Knesset will pass legislation banning all use of the word Apartheid –anywhere and everywhere.

    I am sure the subservient Congress and Senate will do as they are told and threaten to cut off aid/funding to any miscreant nations who do not comply.

    Strange world we live in.

  4. just
    June 24, 2014, 12:29 pm


    “An eminent group of North American legal scholars on Tuesday called on President Barack Obama to commute the sentence of convicted Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard to time served – which would mean his immediate release.

    “Such commutation is more than warranted if the ends of justice are to be served, the rule of law respected and simple humanity secured,” the scholars wrote to the president.

    The signatories to the letter included Alan Dershowitz, Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law at Harvard Law School and former Canadian Minister of Justice and Attorney General Irwin Cotler. ”

    link to haaretz.com

    ‘Eminent’? ‘Scholars’?

    • jenin
      June 24, 2014, 2:42 pm

      not entirely related to your comment–but I happened to watch “Reversal of Fortune” over the weekend, about Alan Dershowitz getting Claus Von Bulow’s murder conviction overturned on appeal. I could hardly swallow watching Dershowitz portrayed as this upstanding civil rights attorney fighting for justice and the “underdog,” as he claims. I was really wondering how he squares that with his position on I/P and also the collective punishment, torture, and other horrible things he recommends inflicting on Palestinians. He must have some serious cognitive dissonance going on

      • Woody Tanaka
        June 24, 2014, 3:16 pm

        “I could hardly swallow watching Dershowitz portrayed as this upstanding civil rights attorney fighting for justice and the “underdog,” as he claims.”

        LMAO. He whored out his talent to a rich client when even his assistant on the case, Jim Cramer (yes, the tv money guy), admitted to himself that von Bulow was “supremely guilty.” I’ll leave to to you to figure out what Dershbag’s motives where, but “justice” and fighting for the “underdog” were hardly it, in my opinion.

      • jenin
        June 24, 2014, 3:34 pm

        I’m sure you’re right. That’s just how they portrayed him in the movie (ranting and raving about two African-American clients getting the death penalty for crimes they didn’t commit; taking Von Bulow’s case because he thought it would establish legal precedent to help poor people). I knew it was basically just advertising for Dershowitz, and almost couldn’t watch the movie because it upset me so much knowing the things he advocates doing to Palestinians. But I do the same thing (appellate criminal defense) so I was interested in the movie.

      • just
        June 24, 2014, 3:47 pm

        Cool that you do defense work– all roads should lead to justice.

        I watched the movie a long while ago for a couple of reasons… I’m glad you made it through with no damage. ;}

      • jenin
        June 24, 2014, 4:07 pm

        I am a public defender so hope that allows me to claim a little bit of moral superiority to Dershowitz :-)

      • just
        June 24, 2014, 4:19 pm

        Some of my best friends are/were public defenders!

    • Citizen
      June 24, 2014, 2:46 pm

      Free, Pollard? If we had the death penalty at the time, he would have met the same fate as the Rosenbergs. Here’s the 10 points the Israel Firsters claim support giving greedy Pollard his freedom to go be a hero in Israel: link to timesofisrael.com

      • jenin
        June 24, 2014, 3:53 pm

        I actually hope they free Pollard. when this was in the news a couple of months ago, a lot of people fairly ignorant/uninterested in Palestine got really up in arms about it (as I’m sure you know). I thought it really demonstrated for people who otherwise don’t care about the issue the power of the Israel lobby.
        that being said, it’s a topic on which I believe reasonable people can disagree. I see the arguments to the contrary as well and actually was on that side until I saw the Times’ comments section to the Pollard articles

      • Citizen
        June 24, 2014, 6:10 pm

        @ jenin
        What do you mean? How did the Times’ comments section change your mind?

  5. just
    June 24, 2014, 3:22 pm

    “He must have some serious cognitive dissonance going on”

    You are too kind, jenin.

    He’s a celebrity schmuckola. (a schmuck with lots of moola)

    • jenin
      June 24, 2014, 3:36 pm

      yes, you’re right. The movie is based on his book so it’s basically just an advertisement for him. I almost turned it off several times I was so frustrated by this portrayal of him as a civil rights hero, but was interested in the case itself so kept watching.

  6. Giles
    June 24, 2014, 4:06 pm

    It was pathetic watching Dersh being portrayed as champion of the poor and being firmly in the middle class (when I suspect he is far wealthier than Von Bulow).

    Jeremy Irons, however, was worth the price of admission.

  7. just
    June 24, 2014, 5:07 pm

    More from wtf?

    “PARIS (AP) – Israel was accepted into the Paris Club of creditor nations on Tuesday, in a clear indication of international recognition for its economic accomplishments.

    The news that Israel had been accepted into the influential group of rich nations that help poor indebted economies was welcomed by Israeli policy makers, who are facing calls to reduce high levels of poverty and inequality even as the country’s economy hums along.

    Finance Minister Yair Lapid lauded the Paris Club announcement, saying it “shows Israel’s economic might and presents additional proof that Israel’s place is alongside the strongest countries.”

    “We are like two Israels in one,” said Dan Ben-David, executive director of the Taub Center for Social Policy Studies, an independent Jerusalem think tank.

    “It is cutting edge by every stretch of the imagination, and fortunately for us, it’s leading the country,” he said. “The problem is that we have another Israel here, and that other Israel isn’t receiving either the tools or the conditions to work in a modern economy. That other Israel is huge and growing.”

    Israel is also facing a burgeoning movement calling for divestment and sanctions in response to its policies toward the Palestinians. Last weekend, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) voted to sell its stock in three U.S. companies whose products Israel uses in the West Bank.”

    link to haaretz.com

    On the US taxpayer dime, it’s humming along. I am heartened to see that divestment and sanctions is “burgeoning” though. What happened to the boycott part, though?

    • ritzl
      June 24, 2014, 5:45 pm

      This is coming to a head. We give Israel $3B+ in “aid” every year so they can join an “influential group of rich nations that help poor indebted economies?”

      Through the looking glass we are.

      You’re on a roll, just. Thanks. Rock on…

      • Citizen
        June 24, 2014, 6:24 pm

        @ ritzl
        Obama just gave Israel another half a billion for defense missile systems.

      • ritzl
        June 25, 2014, 1:05 pm

        @Citizen- Slap! Slap! Smack! Slap! At some point we run out of cheeks to turn.

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