PM crazy to back Rudd’s UN dream

PM crazy to back Rudd’s UN dream

MALCOLM Turnbull’s support for Kevin Rudd’s bid to become UN Secretary-General betrays Liberal values and could backfire on the Prime Minister, writes Andrew Bolt.

Assange is a hero of the Right

Assange is a hero of the Right

THE leaking of the emails that have damaged Hillary Clinton at the Democratic Convention is another sign of Julian Assange’s shift to the Right, writes James Campbell.

If Hinch plan is wrong then tell us what’s right

If Hinch plan is wrong then tell us what’s right

DERRYN Hinch has been criticised for his calls for a public sex offender database, but we must do something, writes Wendy Tuohy.

Locking up kids will never solve our crime problems

Locking up kids will never solve our crime problems

THE problems at the NT’s Don Dale detention centre lie not with the facility, but with a broken system that fails to rehabilitate kids, writes Kerry McGrath.

Full story on youth justice must be told

Full story on youth justice must be told

THE ABC’s exposure of the NT’s Don Dale youth detention centre was shocking, and the abuse disgraceful, but there was more to the story than was told, writes Andrew Bolt.

A century on, our soldiers remain heroes

A century on, our soldiers remain heroes

WHEN Australian troops captured Pozieres on July 23, 1916, it was, literally, only half the battle. Much bloodshed and horror lay ahead, writes Hugh Sebag-Montefiores.

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Census stress to hit elderly

Census stress to hit elderly

SOME older Australians are in danger of being left out of next month’s online census because they either don’t use the internet or don’t own a computer.

Child abuses shame us all

Child abuses shame us all

AN appalling treatment of child prisoners has been revealed by security videos from a Northern Territory youth detention centre.

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