Census night Will I have to pay a Census fine?

Will I have to pay a Census fine?
THE site is down, your Census isn’t done. Here’s what you need to know about fines and other crucial myths explained.

Dire warning ‘We are living in the Matrix’

‘We are living in the Matrix’
THE financial system has been hijacked by an “unelected communist dictatorship” steering the world towards a Soviet-style collapse.

Census 2016 Your 5 minute guide to the Census

Your 5 minute guide to the Census
TODAY is officially Census day — here’s everything you need to know before you fill out your form and what to avoid.

Census night Will tonight’s Census be derailed?

Will tonight’s Census be derailed?
PRIVACY concerns have led to high-profile calls for a boycott of the Census. If you refuse to give your correct details, expect a knock at the door.

Trump Donald Trump drags Aussies into debate

Donald Trump drags Aussies into debate
DONALD Trump just gave a major speech on economic policy - and dragged Australia into the US presidential race.

Census 2016 Will Census be a massive fail?

Will Census be a massive fail?
ABOUT 15 million Australians are expected to flood online today to complete their Census forms. Will it break the internet?

National security China is about to get even more powerful

China is about to get even more powerful
THE government is about to make a crucial decision on whether to sell NSW’s power network to the Chinese. Are we making a big mistake?

Census 2016 ‘Don’t be a d*ck’

‘Don’t be a d*ck’
SUCK it up people and stop freaking out about our national survey. We all have to do it for a very good reason.

Analysis The truth about the Census

The truth about the Census
WE’VE all got to do it and a lot of people are worried about it. A demographer debunks the myths about the Census.

Inquiry debate Proof our banks are the greediest

Proof our banks are the greediest
AUSTRALIAN banks — which this week withheld interest rate relief from borrowers — are officially the most profitable in the world.

Census The answer to your Census panic

The answer to your Census panic
THERE’S only three days left until Census night, but you still haven’t received the form in the mail. This is what you need to know.

Another coming Brexit has officially stuffed the economy

Brexit has officially stuffed the economy
THE UK has joined Australia in slashing interest rates to record low levels in a stimulus package to ward off a post-Brexit recession.

Census 2016 All your Census questions answered

All your Census questions answered
WHY do I have to do this thing? With the Census less than a week away, we’ve answered your most asked questions.

Economics This explains the rise of Trump

This explains the rise of Trump
AUSTRALIAN politics needs to pay attention to income equality if it wants to avoid the emergence of our own Trump.

Banks Wagging finger at banks won’t work

Wagging finger at banks won’t work
WITH the big banks failing to pass on the full rate cut to homeowners, Bill Shorten says the PM is too weak on the issue.

New report Is Queensland about to go bust?

Is Queensland about to go bust?
THE mining industry is terminal, and 3223 businesses are on the brink. What has happened to the sunny state?

Recession question Low interest rates are here to stay

Low interest rates are here to stay
WE haven’t had a recession for 25 years and record low interest rates have caused some people to worry that one is around the corner.

Digital headcount The big problem with the Census

The big problem with the Census
IT IS building into the most controversial census as, one week out, the agency in charge is being accused of snubbing families.

Global roundup Finance news you need to know today

Finance news you need to know today
THE numbers have been crunched on the true cost of Brexit to the British economy, and it’s not pretty.

Interest rates Cash rate hits new historic low

Cash rate hits new historic low
BREAKING: The RBA slashed the cash rate to its lowest level ever. It’s good news for borrowers but means more pain for savers.

Analysis Why rate cut was a risky move

Why rate cut was a risky move
AFTER today’s record low interest rate cut, we could be in trouble. The Reserve Bank is playing a risky game.

Aussie survey Huge fine for not filling out Census

Huge fine for not filling out Census
NEXT week millions of Aussies will be expected to fill out the Census and those who don’t will face significant fines.

Global roundup Finance news you need to know today

Finance news you need to know today
BIG changes are coming to the beer industry, with the merger of two of the world’s largest brewing companies about to be signed off.

Real Estate RBA rate cut tipped as growth slows

RBA rate cut tipped as growth slows
DESPITE hitting record levels, home value growth has continued to slow, giving the Reserve Bank of Australia one less reason to hold back on a rate cut tomorrow.

Global roundup Finance news you need to know today

Finance news you need to know today
THE film studio lot where Harry Potter and James Bond movies were filmed, Pinewood Studios, is set to be sold for $569.97 million.

Stress testing $500bn crisis looming for Europe

$500bn crisis looming for Europe
EUROPE could be plunged into a new economic crisis this week amid fears over $500 billion worth of bad debts.

Global roundup Finance news you need to know today

Finance news you need to know today
VERIZON has agreed to buy troubled Yahoo Inc for about $6.67 billion, in a deal likely to end the four-year reign of chief executive Marissa Mayer.

Budget 2016 Now we’ll see the real Sco-Mo

Now we’ll see the real Sco-Mo
THE Coalition is clinging to power by a fingernail, and its Budget measures are very unpopular. So why is Scott Morrison promising ‘No more Mr Nice Guy’?

Mortgage deals More rate cuts coming your way

More rate cuts coming your way
HOME loan customers are revelling in more out-of-cycle interest rate cuts after one of Australia’s largest lenders slashed rates by as much as 0.19 per cent.

Cleveland sexscapade Sex workers spill beans on Republicans

Sex workers spill beans on Republicans
THERE’S one group of sex workers who’ve reported a big spike in trade thanks to the Republican National Convention.

Markets FX Cross Rates

AUD AUD 76.54 69.01 58.93 7.7423 1.07 1.2769
-0.05 -0.07 0.18 0.01 0.0 0.01
USD 1.0063 USD 0.9 0.77 7.7911 N/A 1.2851
-0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.0 0.01
EUR 1.3698 1.11 EUR 0.858 10.6049 1.7612 1.7492
-0.02 0.0 -0.0 -0.1 -0.02 -0.01
GBP 1.5964 1.5864 1.1655 GBP 12.3595 2.0524 2.0388
-0.01 -0.01 0.01 -0.06 -0.01 0.0
HKD 0.1292 0.1284 0.943 N/A HKD 0.1661 0.1649
-0.0 0.0 0.01 -0.0 0.0
NZD 0.7778 0.773 0.5679 0.4872 6.0215 NZD 0.9932
-0.0 0.0 0.01 0.0 0.01 0.01
SGD N/A 0.7782 0.5717 0.4905 6.0632 1.0068 SGD
-0.0 0.0 -0.0 -0.03 -0.01