WA News

Dangerous wind warning for south west - 100km/h gusts could damage homes

Householders and drivers have been warned that high winds forecast for Saturday evening could bring dangerous conditions to the south west of the state.

Weather forecasters say a strong cold front will bring winds of around 100 kilometres per hour. Gusts will be strong enough to damage homes, property and make road conditions treacherous.

Weather forecasters warn people in the south west to expect dangerous winds on Saturday night.
Weather forecasters warn people in the south west to expect dangerous winds on Saturday night. Photo: Fairfax Media

"Damaging winds my develop up to two hours ahead of the cold front. That will start around 6pm at Cape Leeuwin and then extend through the rest of the warning area as the front moves east," said the statement from the Bureau of Meteorology.

The Department of Fire and Emergency Services said the affected area will be south west of a line from Mandurah to Katanning to Bremer Bay.

This includes people in the Bunbury, Busselton, Margaret River, Bridgetown, Albany and Esperance areas. Mandurah and Katanning are unlikely to be severely affected.

DFES says people in that area should store or tie down outdoor furniture which could be picked up and thrown around by strong wind gusts.


People should make sure their emergency kit is ready, including a battery powered radio and torch as well as a first aid kit.

Pets and animals should be moved to a safe place and vehicles should be kept under cover.

Boat owners are urged to securely moor their boats and campers should find safe shelter.

Perth has a 70 per cent chance of rain on Saturday but there are only 1-3 millimetres forecast.

However on Sunday, when thousands will attend Domain Stadium for Matthew Pavlich's 350th AFL game, there is a chance of up to 8 millimetres rain, including the possibility of afternoon hail and thunderstorms.

If you need help from the State Emergency Service you should phone 132 500.


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