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McCain's Granddaughter Voting For Clinton, Cites Trump's POW Comments
Caroline McCain's post, titled "For This Republican, Never Trump Means 'I’m With Her'" outlined that reasoning for her decision and her many issues with Trump's rhetoric. She decried his comments in which Trump doubted if her grandfather was a war hero because he "liked people who don't get captured."
"My grandfather responded with grace and forgiveness — as only a man who was held in captivity for years can," she said. "But I’ve been nursing a grudge ever since. Trump’s statement, in my view, is unforgivable, and speaks to the kind of man he is: a coward who has never faced danger in his life, an insecure brat who shirked duty for comfort, and a man who is wholly unfit to serve as commander-in-chief."
McCain went on to slam Trump for his comments about different groups, saying that it would not be conscionable for her to vote for Trump, calling him a racist, a sexist and a demagogue. She specifically cited the Democratic Convention's reach out to wary Republicans, and President Obama's speech as the last straws that brought her to decide to vote for Clinton.
"There are so many things I disagree with President Obama on, but this is a moment I will always respect him for," she said. "And maybe this was the moment I needed to fully own the choice I would have to make in November."
McCain said she still identifies as a Republican, but said the party will need to be reborn, a task which she called "impossible" with "Trump and his talk-radio minions at the helm."