
Documents of the 1st Congress of the RNCPGB(M-L)

Full documents of our historic founding conference and 1st congress of the RNCPGB(M-L) are now available for download:

Documents 1

Documents 2

Documents 3

General Secretary’s Closing Speech

We hope to make available various videos on youtube in the coming weeks.  A massive thank you to all comrades who attended this historic event, our international guests, and the many comrades who would have liked to attend but circumstances prevented them.

The future belongs to us.

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1 Response to “Documents of the 1st Congress of the RNCPGB(M-L)”

  1. 1 David
    October 21, 2010 at 10:08 am

    Dear comrade, I note that the links to the documents of the historic 1st congress of the RNCPGB(M-L) are not working correctly. Is this a result of state suppresion unleashed by the fascist Cameronist-Osbournist faction and their running dogs in the Liberal Democrats, or a mere technical problem?hyena

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