Greg Baum

Greg Baum is chief sports columnist and associate editor with The Age

"This is the gift horse everyone makes sure keeps its mouth shut." Illustration: Jim Pavlidis.

Gambling reform? Don't bet on it

When Nick Xenophon and Andrew Wilkie announced their mission to loosen the nexus between gambling and sport in Australia on Thursday, it was not hard to imagine that in the offices of some corporate bookies, the first thing they did was to frame a market on the likelihood of the politicians' success, complete with cash-back options and bonus bets.

Illustration: Jim Pavlidis.

England and the lose canon

Everyone loves a winner. But what we love even more is a loser, if it is the right loser. There can have been few more ideal losers than England when they crashed against lowly Iceland in the European soccer championships this week. We really, really loved that.

The public have a fascination with what goes on behind the scenes in sport. Illustration: Jim Pavlidis

Sport: Where reality and make-believe cross paths

One of the best sports movies ever made is Bull Durham, a riff on the machinations of a minor league baseball club, starring Kevin Costner and Susan Sarandon. One poignant motif is the moment the manager, Jo Riggins (Trey Wilson) calls a declining player into his office and says with a stagy sigh: "This is the hardest thing a manager has to do." You know what comes next. Eventually, it comes even for the Costner character, Crash Davis.