- published: 05 Oct 2015
- views: 859
The square root of 2, written in mathematics as √2 or 21⁄2, is the positive algebraic number that, when multiplied by itself, gives the number 2. Technically, it is called the principal square root of 2, to distinguish it from the negative number with the same property.
Geometrically the square root of 2 is the length of a diagonal across a square with sides of one unit of length; this follows from the Pythagorean theorem. It was probably the first number known to be irrational. Its numerical value, truncated to 65 decimal places, is:
The approximation 99/70 (≈ 1.41429) for the square root of two is frequently used. Despite having a denominator of only 70, it differs from the correct value by less than 1/10,000 (approx. 6995720000000000000♠7.2×10−5). The approximation 665,857/470,832 is valid to within 6988112999999999999♠1.13×10−12: its square is 7000200000000000450♠2.0000000000045….
The Babylonian clay tablet YBC 7289 (c. 1800–1600 BC) gives an approximation of √2 in four sexagesimal figures, 1 24 51 10, which is accurate to about six decimal digits, and is the closest possible three-place sexagesimal representation of √2:
AM2R 1.41 Normal 100% in 48:54 RTA
War Thunder - Update 1.41
AM2R 1.41 Speedrun (65:51.88) Normal Mode
War Thunder: Обновление 1.41
Орёл и Решка. Шопинг - 1.41 Выпуск (Бангкок)
David Rudisha(1.41.54)800m.Paris,2012
Metal Slug Defense Review de unidades 1.41.1 Parte 1
Metal Slug Defense - Event Arena Open Online Ver 1.41.1 Part 2 - #ZEROJuega
I E Irodov problem 1.41
War Thunder - Patch 1.41
Improves over previous records by almost 4 minutes.
Update 1.41 for War Thunder has been released. See what has changed in the game here! Register now and play for free: http://warthunder.com/play4free?r=YouTube_T8NS1iVmwY0 War Thunder Update 1.41 makes Ground Forces available for everyone to play! Furthermore, we are introducing new aircraft, visual effects and other exciting additions. Full Changelog: http://warthunder.com/en/game/changelog Site: http://warthunder.com/ Twitter: http://twitter.com/WarThunderEN Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/WarThunder Forum: http://forum.warthunder.com/ G+: https://plus.google.com/+Warthunder/posts
Hellooo everyone, finally got a much better recording device. Here is my speed run of AM2R, or another metroid 2 remake. All credit goes to DoctorM64
С выходом глобального обновления 1.41 наземная техника War Thunder стала доступна всем игрокам! Кроме этого, вас ждут новые самолёты, обновлённые визуальные эффекты и многое другое. Полный список изменений обновления 1.41- http://warthunder.ru/ru/game/changelog/ Наш сайт: http://warthunder.ru Форум проекта: http://forum.warthunder.ru Мы Вконтакте: http://vk.com/warthunder Твиттер: https://twitter.com/warthunder G+ https://plus.google.com/+Warthunder/posts
«Орел и решка» - любимое трэвел-шоу для путешественников всех лиц, полов и возрастов. Один город и два ведущих. Но у кого-то на все удовольствия – сто долларов, а у кого-то - золотая банковская карта. Все решает монетка. Орел или решка – и ты миллионер или бедняк. Живешь в роскошных апартаментах или ночуешь в обычном хостеле. Обедаешь в элитном ресторане или перехватываешь в скромном фастфуде. Но золотая карта – вовсе не означает незабываемый отдых. Порой и ста долларов вполне достаточно, чтобы путешествие осталось в памяти навсегда. Все серии авантюрных путешествий! Для тех, кто ломает голову над вопросом, что бы такого привезти из поездки мы сделали программу Орел и решка. Шопинг. Для тех, кто хочет экзотических путешествий в самые необычные уголки нашей планеты - Орел и Решка. На краю...
A month before the 2012 London Olympics ,Rudisha gave fair warning to his fellow athletes of the level they'd be expected to compete at with this sparkling solo run. Simply awesome.
Una de las mejores actualizaciones (después de la introducción de KoF a MSD xD) que nos trae SNK :D Super Feliz y emocionado n.n. Esta es la primer parte de esta mega actualización.!!! Mis redes sociales para que sigan mis videos www.facebook.com/lixartin https://twitter.com/LiXartin?lang=es No olvides suscribirte y darle manita arriba a mi video y compartelo eso me ayudaria mucho.
Suscribete ES GRATIS: http://bit.ly/SuscribeteZTG Videoblogs: http://bit.ly/SuscribeEVDZ Mi vida :D: http://bit.ly/SuscribeteLLDZ Facebook: http://bit.ly/FacebookZERO Twitter: http://bit.ly/TwitterZERO Instagram: http://bit.ly/InstagramZERO Saludos!!! #ZEROJuega
It's official. TANKS are here! Play War Thunder http://warthunder.com/en/registration?r=1698987 Register an account and earn 50 gold Get your Jingles loot here! http://www.cafepress.com/mightyjingles Join me on Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Mighty-Jingles/415298048553149 Twitter: https://twitter.com/MightyJingles System Specs: Core i7 4820-K 3.7Ghz i7 CPU, 16GB DDR3 RAM, 3GB nVidia GTX780 Ti GPU, running at 1920x1080 resolution
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Ukwatta Exports. Address : 122 Cotta Road Colombo 008. Facebook page link : www.facebook.com/CeylonGemstones/ Instagram Link : www.instagram.com/ceylon_gemstones/ WeChat ID : crashoveroide Contact Number : +94770 850 397 Skype ID : crashoveroide.
The story of Robin Hood. Everyone always believed that this tale formed in the 12th century, but scrolls were found telling a tale that started at 23 february in the year 636. A tale about a brave man how after returning from a large and long war effort and found his house in ruin, an self proclaimed lord laid it to ashes. Robin infuriated and filled with the need of revenge set out to confront this lord, but looking down at his army he knew that he would not win this fight alone and retreated. On his way back to his former house he crossed a field covered with death, his mind more troubled now about what he witnessed just now, he forgot about his own revenge and set a new goal. He would fight for the weak, steal from the rich and make a better place for all under his banner. Knowing ...
Бриллиант формы Принцесса (PRN) 1.41 карат хар-ки D/VVS1 Размеры 6.42-6.24*4.46мм Огранка, и полировка ExEx (A). Флюоресценция: None (отсутствует). Подбор бриллианта по индивидуальным параметрам. Более 25000 бриллиантов можно купить на сайте www.brilliant24.ru
설명. 설명. 설명. 설명. 설명. 설명. 설명. 설명. 설명.
설명. 설명. 설명. 설명. 설명. 설명. 설명. 설명. 설명.
Suscribete ES GRATIS: http://bit.ly/SuscribeteZTG Videoblogs: http://bit.ly/SuscribeEVDZ Mi vida :D: http://bit.ly/SuscribeteLLDZ Facebook: http://bit.ly/FacebookZERO Twitter: http://bit.ly/TwitterZERO Instagram: http://bit.ly/InstagramZERO Saludos!!! #ZEROJuega
According to the Prime Minister's office, Narendra Modi's total wealth is worth only Rs 1.41 crore. For more news and updates subscribe to Tez: https://www.youtube.com/user/teztvnews?sub_confirmation=1
I quickly go over the bullet points of 1.41, the aircraft added, and the adjusted battle ratings.Oh the battle ratings :(
The story of Robin Hood. Everyone always believed that this tale formed in the 12th century, but scrolls were found telling a tale that started at 23 february in the year 636. A tale about a brave man how after returning from a large and long war effort and found his house in ruin, an self proclaimed lord laid it to ashes. Robin infuriated and filled with the need of revenge set out to confront this lord, but looking down at his army he knew that he would not win this fight alone and retreated. On his way back to his former house he crossed a field covered with death, his mind more troubled now about what he witnessed just now, he forgot about his own revenge and set a new goal. He would fight for the weak, steal from the rich and make a better place for all under his banner. Knowing ...
Headin' home, but not for long
Another day, another song
I'm a travelin' man, and I'm travelin' on
Good times come and good times go
On the road I never know
Just where I am or where I'll be
As the cars pass by, I'll think of you
When I see the signs I know,
This is Georgia, this is home
141 is a million miles away,
Somewhere down the line, I'll be comin' back to stay
141, my bags are packed again
No matter what I do
I wind up leavin' in the end
Evergreens are rollin' by,
Out my window, clear blue sky,
I'm passin' through and I'm travelin' on
Smell my kitchen, feel my bed
I know it's only in my head
It's the road I chose, and it's been a suite
Everywhere I go, I think of you
As the time passes by, I can see you in my mind
141 is a million miles away,
Somewhere down the line, I'll be comin' back to stay
141, my bags are packed again
No matter what I do
I wind up leavin' in the end
All I know(x3)
141 is a million miles away,
Somewhere down the line, I'll be comin' back to stay
141, my bags are packed again
No matter what I do