- published: 21 Mar 2015
- views: 2446
Central Jakarta (Indonesian: Jakarta Pusat) is one of the five cities (kota) which form Jakarta, Indonesia. It had 898,883 inhabitants at the 2010 Census.
Central Jakarta is the smallest in area and population of the five cities of Jakarta. It is the administrative and political center of Jakarta and Indonesia. Central Jakarta contains a number of large international hotels and major landmarks such as Hotel Indonesia.
Central Jakarta is bounded by North Jakarta to the north, East Jakarta to the east, South Jakarta to the south, and West Jakarta to the west.
Central Jakarta is divided into 8 kecamatan (districts):
Central Jakarta has an average of 19,000 residents per square kilometre, making it the most densely populated municipality in Jakarta.
Both GRDP at current market price and GRDP at 2000 constant price in 2007 for Municipality of Central Jakarta is higher than other municipalities in DKI Jakarta, which is Rp. 145 million and Rp. 80 million respectively.
Jakarta /dʒəˈkɑːrtə/, officially known as the Special Capital Region of Jakarta (Indonesian: Daerah Khusus Ibu Kota Jakarta), is the capital and largest city of Indonesia, (though Jakarta is also a province) and one of the most populous urban agglomerations in the world.
Located on the northwest coast of Java, Jakarta is the country's economic, cultural and political centre, and with a population of 10,075,310 as of 2014. The official metropolitan area, known as Jabodetabek (a name formed by combining the initial syllables of Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi), is the fourth largest in the world, yet the metropolis's suburbs still continue beyond it. Its unofficial built-up (metropolitan) area covers Bogor, Tangerang, Bekasi, Karawang, Serang, Purwakarta, Sukabumi and Subang regencies (123 districts) including also Tangerang, Bekasi, Tangerang Selatan, Depok, Serang and Cilegon Municipalities was home to 30,214,303 inhabitants as of 2010 census.
Established in the fourth century, the city became an important trading port for the Kingdom of Sunda. It was the de facto capital of the Dutch East Indies (known as Batavia at that time). Today, the city has continued as the capital of Indonesia since the country's independence was declared in 1945. The city is currently the seat of the ASEAN Secretariat as well as houses important financial institutions such as the Bank of Indonesia, the Indonesia Stock Exchange, and the corporate headquarters of numerous Indonesian companies and multinational corporations. Jakarta's business opportunities, as well as its potential to offer a higher standard of living, attract migrants from all over Indonesia, making the city a melting pot of many communities and cultures.
Hayam Wuruk, also called (after 1350) Rajasanagara, Pa-ta-na-pa-na-wu, or Bhatara Prabhu, (1334–1389), was a Javanese King from the Rajasa Dynasty and the fourth monarch of the Majapahit Empire. Together with his prime minister Gajah Mada, he reigned the empire at the time of its greatest power. He was preceded by Tribhuwana Wijayatunggadewi and succeeded by his son-in-law Wikramawardhana. Most of the accounts of his life were taken from Nagarakretagama and Pararaton.
According to Nagarakretagama canto 1 stanza 4 and 5 (composed by Mpu Prapanca in 1365), Hayam Wuruk was born in 1256 Saka or correspond to 1334 CE, the same year that Mount Kelud erupted. Prapanca argued that this was the divine sign that Batara Gurunata (Javanese name for Shiva Mahadewa) has manifest Himself on earth, reincarnated as the Javanese king. Also in the same, Gajah Mada declared his oath Sumpah Palapa.
Hayam Wuruk's name can be translated as "scholar rooster". He was the son of Tribhuwana Tunggadewi and Sri Kertawardhana or Cakradhara. His mother was the daughter of Raden Wijaya founder of Majapahit, meanwhile his father was the son of Bhre Tumapel lesser king of Singhasari. Both Pararaton and Nagarakretagama praised Hayam Wuruk as a handsome, bright, talented, and exceptional student in the courtly martial arts of archery and fencing, also mastering politics and scriptures, as well as arts and music. He was known as an accomplished ceremonial dancer in the court. Some accounts tell of Hayam Wuruk's performances in a traditional ceremonial Javanese mask dance. His mother, Queen Tribhuwana, educated and groomed him to become the next monarch of Majapahit.
Pasar Baru is an administrative village in the Sawah Besar district of Indonesia. It has postal code of 10710.
Ultra high frequency (UHF) is the ITU designation for radio frequencies in the range between 300 MHz and 3 GHz, also known as the decimetre band as the wavelengths range from one meter to one decimetre. Radio waves with frequencies above the UHF band fall into the SHF (super-high frequency) or microwave frequency range. Lower frequency signals fall into the VHF (very high frequency) or lower bands. UHF radio waves propagate mainly by line of sight; they are blocked by hills and large buildings although the transmission through building walls is high enough for indoor reception. They are used for television broadcasting, cell phones, satellite communication including GPS, personal radio services including Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, walkie-talkies, cordless phones, and numerous other applications.
The IEEE defines the UHF radar band as frequencies between 300 MHz and 1 GHz. Two other IEEE radar bands overlap the ITU UHF band: the L band between 1 and 2 GHz and the S band between 2 and 4 GHz.
Jl Hayam Wuruk, Jakarta Pusat dari Stasiun Kota lewat Glodok sampai Harmoni, Jl Hayam Wuruk, Jakarta Pusat dari Stasiun Kota lewat Glodok sampai Harmoni, Jl Hayam Wuruk, Jakarta Pusat dari Stasiun Kota lewat Glodok sampai Harmoni, Jl Hayam Wuruk, Jakarta Pusat dari Stasiun Kota lewat Glodok sampai Harmoni, Jl Hayam Wuruk, Jakarta Pusat dari Stasiun Kota lewat Glodok sampai Harmoni, Jl Hayam Wuruk, Jakarta Pusat dari Stasiun Kota lewat Glodok sampai Harmoni, Jl Hayam Wuruk, Jakarta Pusat dari Stasiun Kota lewat Glodok sampai Harmoni, Jl Hayam Wuruk, Jakarta Pusat dari Stasiun Kota lewat Glodok sampai Harmoni, Jl Hayam Wuruk, Jakarta Pusat dari Stasiun Kota lewat Glodok sampai Harmoni, Jl Hayam Wuruk, Jakarta Pusat dari Stasiun Kota lewat Glodok sampai Harmoni, Jl Hayam ...
Tonton kami di layar televisi anda: | Jakarta - 27 UHF | Garut - 26 UHF | Bandung - 30 UHF | Medan - 43 UHF | Surabaya - 58 UHF | Palangkaraya - 27 UHF | Padang - 35 UHF | Denpasar - 39 UHF | Pelaihari - 60 UHF Video Tutorial UHF NET: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Cd1oW94jWU Subscribe Netmediatama Official Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/netmediatama Netmediatama Official Page Homepage : http://www.netmedia.co.id Twitter : https://twitter.com/netmediatama https://twitter.com/netmedia_Info https://twitter.com/revolusionet Facebook Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/netmediatamaindonesia Acara TV dengan kualitas terbaik di Indonesia. ---------------------------------------------- PT. NET MEDIATAMA INDONESIA adalah bagian dari ke...
Update Berita TyoJB Via: - Web: http://tyojb.blogspot.com - Twitter: https://twitter.com/Jokowi_JK_Ahok - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jokowi.jk.ahok Kritik & masukan ke admin TyoJB dapat disampaikan ke: - SMS: 082132588207 - Email: tyo.jakartabaru@gmail.com Untuk pengaduan warga kepada Pemprov DKI Jakarta dapat disampaikan melalui: - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/infojakarta - Twitter: https://twitter.com/jakartagoid - SMS Center: 32881818 - Call Center: 164 - Email: dki@jakarta.go.id - Website Lapor: https://www.lapor.go.id/ TOP 10 Video Terpopuler Bulan Ini: ** https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0m89HXXcIM83MFUIn3ie8fxn5bB3aK8T ** Menyuguhkan Update Berita Video Terbaru: Basuki TP (Ahok), Djarot Saiful & Seputar Ibukota Jakarta Serta Pemprov DKI. 10 Januari 2016
Menolak Ditertibkan, Juru Parkir Liar Debat dengan Petugas Parkir liar di sekitar pusat perbelanjaan Thamrin City, Kebon Kacang, Jakarta Pusat ditertibkan. Salah satu juru parkir protes dan berdebat kepada petugas Dishub karena merasa telah mendapat izin.
Pasar Baru adalah salah satu objek wisata di Jakarta, Indonesia yang terkenal sejak tahun 1820 pada masa penjajahan Belanda. Kini Pasar Baru (Passer Baroe) menjadi tempat yang diisi oleh area pertokoan dan pusat belanja & kuliner. English: Pasar Baru is the one of the famous shopping tourism object in Jakarta, Indonesia since 1820 (in the Holland's Colonialism). Located at West of Jakarta.
Sambang Warga Kramat Pulo, Jakarta Pusat - 86 - Kompol Kasmono Tonton kami di layar televisi anda: | Jakarta - 27 UHF | Garut - 26 UHF | Bandung - 30 UHF | Medan - 43 UHF | Surabaya - 58 UHF | Palangkaraya - 27 UHF | Padang - 35 UHF | Denpasar - 39 UHF | Pelaihari - 60 UHF Video Tutorial UHF NET: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Cd1oW94jWU Subscribe Netmediatama Official Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/netmediatama Netmediatama Official Page Homepage : http://www.netmedia.co.id Twitter : https://twitter.com/netmediatama https://twitter.com/netmedia_Info https://twitter.com/revolusionet Facebook Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/netmediatamaindonesia NET. Terms & Conditions http://bit.ly/1jAbOYj Acara TV dengan kualitas terbaik ...
JAKARTA MEMBARA !!! KER1CUH4N pendemo dengan p0lisi demo 4 november 2016 Setelah aksi menuntut pengusutan kasus dugaan penistaan agama oleh Gubernur non aktif Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok berlangsung damai sampai sore tadi, akhirnya selepas adzan Isya kerusuhan pun pecah. Kerusuhan pecah pasca kelompok dari Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam (HMI) terus mendesak bergerak masuk ke kompleks Istana Merdeka, sambil melempari petugas dengan beragam benda, baik kemasan air mineral, kayu, dan batu, termasuk memukuli tameng polisi dengan tongkat bendera. Alhasil, polisi terpaksa mengeluarkan gas air mata dan menembakkan air dari kendaraan water canon. Di tengah kerusuhan ini, terlihat ada sebuah kendaraan yang terbakar di sekitar Monas, dekat dengan lokasi massa yang ricuh. Namun, kerusuhan tak m...
ini video awal baku tembak antara polisi dan teroris Ledakan Terdengar 3 Kali di Kawasan Sarinah Thamrin, Diduga Bom Jakarta - Ledakan keras terdengar tiga kali di kawasan Sarinah, Thamrin, Jakarta. Ledakan keras itu cukup mengejutkan, belum diketahui apa jenis ledakan, diduga bom. "Ledakan terdengar 3 kali," jelas saksi, Johan yang kantornya tak jauh dari lokasi, Kamis (14/1/2016). Ledarna itu terjadi di Pos Lalu Lintas Sarinah. Belum diketahui siapa pelaku peledakan. (dra/dra) http://news.detik.com/berita/3118248/ledakan-terdengar-3-kali-di-kawasan-sarinah-thamrin-diduga-bom Bom Teroris at Sarinah, Thamrin, Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia Bom Teroris at Sarinah, Thamrin, Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia Bom Teroris at Sarinah, Thamrin, Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia Bom Teroris at Sarinah, Thamrin, Ja...
Profile of CENTRAL JAKARTA City, Jakarta, Indonesia.
http://www.indonesia-travel-guide.com/Jakarta_Travel_Guide/Jakarta_Travel_Guide.html http://www.jejakbackpacker.com/ Jakarta Travel Guide, Jakarta is the biggest city in Indonesia with a role as the capital of Indonesia as well as the government center of Indonesia. Jakarta is also one of the 33 provinces in Indonesia, and therefore governed by a governor who reports to the President of Indonesia through the Internal Affairs Minister. Due to the multi role as both a province and the capital of Indonesia, Jakarta then given a status of Special Capital Region (Daerah Khusus Ibukota=DKI). DKI Jakarta has five municipalities and administrative regency. The five municipalities are North Jakarta (Jakarta Utara), East Jakarta (Jakarta Timur), West Jakarta (Jakarta Barat), South Jakarta (Jaka...
About Jakarta Travel Guide, Jakarta is the biggest city in Indonesia with a role as the capital of Indonesia as well as the government center of Indonesia. Jakarta is also one of the 33 provinces in Indonesia, and therefore governed by a governor who reports to the President of Indonesia through the Internal Affairs Minister. Due to the multi role as both a province and the capital of Indonesia, Jakarta then given a status of Special Capital Region (Daerah Khusus Ibukota=DKI). DKI Jakarta has five municipalities and administrative regency. The five municipalities are North Jakarta (Jakarta Utara), East Jakarta (Jakarta Timur), West Jakarta (Jakarta Barat), South Jakarta (Jakarta Selatan), Central Jakarta (Jakarta Pusat), and Thousand Islands Regency (Kepulauan Seribu). Each municipality he...
https://www.expedia.com/Hong-Kong.d178263.Destination-Travel-Guides Hong Kong, a former British territory, is one of the most densely populated places in China and in the world. You’ll find quiet neighborhoods full of temples and a dazzling skyline loaded with shopping and dining opportunities. Your Hong Kong tour must include visits to the many religious sites scattered around the city, where incense wafts from shrines and monasteries take over entire hillsides. You’ll have a marvelous time shopping in tax-free Hong Kong, where you’ll be able to find clothing, jewelry, furniture, and everything else under the sun. Don’t forget about Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade, which overlooks the stunning Victoria Harbor. From there, your Hong Kong sightseeing may detour to Central, the city’s main busin...
http://www.indonesia-travel-guide.com/Jakarta_Travel_Guide/Jakarta_Travel_Guide.html http://www.jejakbackpacker.com/ Jakarta Travel Guide, Jakarta is the biggest city in Indonesia with a role as the capital of Indonesia as well as the government center of Indonesia. Jakarta is also one of the 33 provinces in Indonesia, and therefore governed by a governor who reports to the President of Indonesia through the Internal Affairs Minister. Due to the multi role as both a province and the capital of Indonesia, Jakarta then given a status of Special Capital Region (Daerah Khusus Ibukota=DKI). DKI Jakarta has five municipalities and administrative regency. The five municipalities are North Jakarta (Jakarta Utara), East Jakarta (Jakarta Timur), West Jakarta (Jakarta Barat), South Jakarta (Jaka...
http://www.indonesia-travel-guide.com/Jakarta_Travel_Guide/Jakarta_Travel_Guide.html http://www.jejakbackpacker.com/ Jakarta Travel Guide, Jakarta is the biggest city in Indonesia with a role as the capital of Indonesia as well as the government center of Indonesia. Jakarta is also one of the 33 provinces in Indonesia, and therefore governed by a governor who reports to the President of Indonesia through the Internal Affairs Minister. Due to the multi role as both a province and the capital of Indonesia, Jakarta then given a status of Special Capital Region (Daerah Khusus Ibukota=DKI). DKI Jakarta has five municipalities and administrative regency. The five municipalities are North Jakarta (Jakarta Utara), East Jakarta (Jakarta Timur), West Jakarta (Jakarta Barat), South Jakarta (Jaka...
https://www.expedia.com/Bali.d602651.Destination-Travel-Guides Bali, located between the islands of Java and Lombok, is ready to welcome you. The southern part of the island is a dream for anyone who loves the ocean; it is full of breathtaking beaches and top surfing spots. Visit Kuta, a one-time fishing village turned mecca for restaurants, shopping, and culture. Put on your flip-flops and head north to tranquil Seminyak, where you can grab a bite to eat before exploring the beautiful Petitenget Temple, a fascinating space originally built to ward off mischievous local spirits. Any Bali sightseeing should include Ubud, the cultural capital of the island. Walk through stalls and galleries spotlighting the work of local artisans. You can also make friends with the varied wildlife at Bal...
http://www.indonesia-travel-guide.com/Jakarta_Travel_Guide/Jakarta_Travel_Guide.html http://www.jejakbackpacker.com/ Jakarta Travel Guide, Jakarta is the biggest city in Indonesia with a role as the capital of Indonesia as well as the government center of Indonesia. Jakarta is also one of the 33 provinces in Indonesia, and therefore governed by a governor who reports to the President of Indonesia through the Internal Affairs Minister. Due to the multi role as both a province and the capital of Indonesia, Jakarta then given a status of Special Capital Region (Daerah Khusus Ibukota=DKI). DKI Jakarta has five municipalities and administrative regency. The five municipalities are North Jakarta (Jakarta Utara), East Jakarta (Jakarta Timur), West Jakarta (Jakarta Barat), South Jakarta (Jaka...
Patricia is on a Go Tripping experience in the amazing Yogjakarta, with her local travel buddy, Teea. They start their day at the central market. Then, she tries out some local delicacies, like Gudeng and Nasi Kuching. Teea then brings her to the famous Alun-Alun Kidul where she tries the ‘Massagin’ game, where one is blindfolded and has to find his/her way to walk through two trees to prove that they are pure of heart. They end their day with a wayang kulit show. What is GO TRAVEL? GO TRAVEL is ASEAN's hottest new travel show, available exclusively on the GOASEAN travel channel. It's your one stop guide to travelling in the region, where our hosts will share travel tips and inspire you with their exciting adventures. What is GOASEAN? GOASEAN is a brand new ASEAN travel channel that se...
Get more things to do in Kuala Lumpur, and travel tips: http://migrationology.com/2014/02/kuala-lumpur-travel-guide-food-lovers/ I'm Mark Wiens and thank you very much for watching this video about a few of the top things to do in Kuala Lumpur, a city that just happens to be one of my favorite cities to visit in Southeast Asia. It's the largest and probably the most important and influential city in Malaysia and truly has some amazing sites to offer. Along with modern skyrise towers like the Petronas Towers, there are still lots of traditional historic buildings as well. The awesome mixture of cultures, the mix of traditional and modern, and very importantly, the outstanding cuisine is what makes Kuala Lumpur such a great city to explore! 1. On this list of top things to do in Kuala Lump...
http://www.indonesia-travel-guide.com/Jakarta_Travel_Guide/Jakarta_Travel_Guide.html http://www.jejakbackpacker.com/ Jakarta Travel Guide, Jakarta is the biggest city in Indonesia with a role as the capital of Indonesia as well as the government center of Indonesia. Jakarta is also one of the 33 provinces in Indonesia, and therefore governed by a governor who reports to the President of Indonesia through the Internal Affairs Minister. Due to the multi role as both a province and the capital of Indonesia, Jakarta then given a status of Special Capital Region (Daerah Khusus Ibukota=DKI). DKI Jakarta has five municipalities and administrative regency. The five municipalities are North Jakarta (Jakarta Utara), East Jakarta (Jakarta Timur), West Jakarta (Jakarta Barat), South Jakarta (Jaka...
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