- published: 17 Nov 2016
- views: 2477
I Am may refer to:
A heath or heathland is a shrubland habitat found mainly on free-draining infertile, acidic soils and is characterised by open, low-growing woody vegetation. Moorland is generally related to high-ground heaths with — especially in the British Isles — a cooler and more damp climate.
Heaths are widespread worldwide, but are fast disappearing and considered a rare habitat in Europe. They form extensive and highly diverse communities across Australia in humid and sub-humid areas. Fire regimes with recurring burning are required for the maintenance of the heathlands. Even more diverse though less widespread heath communities occur in Southern Africa. Extensive heath communities can also be found in the California chaparral, New Caledonia, central Chile and along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. In addition to these extensive heath areas, the vegetation type is also found in scattered locations across all continents, except Antarctica.
Heathland is favoured where climatic conditions are typically warm and dry, particularly in summer, and soils acidic, of low fertility, and often sandy and very free-draining; mires do occur where drainage is poor, but are usually only small in extent. Heaths are dominated by low shrubs, 20 centimetres (7.9 in) to 2 metres (7 feet) tall.
Deep Sleep is a 2012 point-and-click adventure game by Scriptwelder. It is a free browser game in which players attempt to navigate a dream world inhabited by shadow people. It was designed for and won first place in the 2012 Jay Is Games Casual Gameplay Design Competition.
Interested in lucid dreams, a researcher constructs a world in his mind to explore. However, the world in his dream quickly turns nightmarish, and the researcher becomes trapped. He needs to wake up, which is explained when the player finds a telephone saying he "must wake up". Shadowy figures haunt this world and attempt to restrict the player from guiding the researcher to freedom. At the beginning of the game, the player appears to be in a bedroom. To escape, the player must first find a key, then go into the next room and use the key on a locker. A cube with a keyhole in it appears, and the walls of the room melt down. The player will then have to explore his or her surroundings, and use acquired items to escape. The main obstacle in the game are locked doors, and cannot be opened unless certain items are acquired. After a long period of time, the player finally escapes the building he is in, but still has not woken up yet. Near the end of the game, shadowy figures start to appear and will advance towards the player. The player will then have to escape, as it is impossible to kill them. Running away, the player reaches a lighthouse with a Shadow Figure inside. The player then turns the light so it directly faces the Shadow Figure, and it vanishes. The game then ends, as the player "wakes up". However, the character is curious about the Shadow Figures he encountered and declares that he wants to visit them again.
The law of attraction may refer to:
我與我的憂鬱症 || 心理疾病 || Depression || Mental Health
twenty one pilots 二十一名飛行員 - Heathens 異類 (from Suicide Squad 自殺突擊隊 電影配樂) 中文字幕
放弃我抓紧我 02 未删减版(陈乔恩、王凯、乔任梁、领衔主演)
1,000 ★POWERFUL★ Abundance Affirmations & Images - Wealth Money Prosperity Cash Law of Attraction #2
小心!乳癌因子就在你身邊 預告 健康2.0 20151010 六21:00
★ 30 Mins★ Peaceful Music for Deep Sleep and Relax / 舒壓放鬆睡眠音樂:睡眠引導, 調節呼吸【睡眠用BGM】
不要被失眠綁架 這樣做一覺到天亮 健康2.0 20160227 (完整版)
★ 30Mins ★ Peaceful Music for Deep Sleep and Delta Waves / 深層紓壓睡眠音樂:幫助睡眠, 肌肉放鬆【睡眠用BGM】
大家好,我想和大家分享一些關於心理疾病的看法,希望看完影片後對你有些幫助,不要害怕去表現出自己脆弱的一面,過程當然一定是辛苦困難的,我也是從拍片前一直斷斷續續地哭到拍片的時候 在發表影片的時候我也看到一位有心理疾病的學生跳樓的新聞,我覺得非常心疼,如果他或他身邊的人有機會看到這樣的影片,因此找到愛他的人陪在他的身邊,也許就可以避免這樣的事情發生,畢竟如果當事人和我以前一樣自己藏在心裡不和別人說,身邊的人也很難有機會發現吧 身為同樣心理生病的人,我知道這段過程是多麼的辛苦,但是我要告訴那些和我一樣正在對抗心中的病魔的朋友們,這樣世界上一定有人是愛著你的,只是你還沒遇到或是感受到而已,也許你可以和我一樣,分享自己的故事,讓你自己被愛你的人發現 希望因為這部影片,能讓更多人一起共襄盛舉,分享自己的故事,也更希望我們能因此幫助到越來越多的人,讓對抗心魔的人不再孤單
如果想更深入了解歌詞背後的故事歡迎到我的blog看更多中文資訊 →http://achi851225.pixnet.net/blog *twentyonepilots music with Traditional Chinese subtitle* *I don't own this music video* Original Music Video:https://youtu.be/UprcpdwuwCg ******************************************************** hi~I'm老T 另有翻譯同為twenty one pilots的Holding On To You https://youtu.be/OnmQ-GQWEbc 以及Ode To Sleep https://youtu.be/0KC8MwEF3Z8 一起愛上top吧! [chorus] All my friends are heathens, take it slow 放心,異類不會只有我一個而已 Wait for them to ask you who you know 等等我的朋友就會來跟你打招呼了 Please don't make any sudden moves 不過 別輕舉妄動 You don't know the half of the abuse 因為你根本對我們一無所知 All my friends are heathens, take it slow 放心,我的朋友們都是異類 Wait for them to ask you who you know 等等他們就會來跟你打招呼了 Please don't make any sudden moves 不過 別輕舉妄動 You don't know the half of the abuse...
►播放列表:https://goo.gl/2Ewoi5 ►欢迎订阅:https://goo.gl/wm2Vhj ►剧情介绍********** 一次意外溺水,长时间脑部缺氧让著名服装设计师厉薇薇失去了部分记忆,她的记忆停留在23岁。记忆中热恋的同为设计师的男友竟成了竞争对手,而一个陌生人却成了她的未婚夫。薇薇不相信自己会和前男友陈亦度分手,她努力调查前因。未婚夫霍骁为了保护薇薇,追回自己的未婚妻,千方百计阻挠薇薇调查,守在她周围。 厉薇薇回溯过去,发现自己和身边的人在忙碌中逐渐忘记了最初的梦想。薇薇和陈亦度分手的原因,也是因为两人在追逐事业的过程中,忽视了爱与沟通,在斗气和误会的道路上越走越远,陈亦度误会薇薇和霍骁的关系,最终和她分手。30岁的厉薇薇决定改变现状,她逐步解开过去的误会,和对手冰释前嫌,不但找回了爱情,也重拾了初心和梦想。
These Incredible Wealth Affirmations Will Change Your Life and Finances!! Use the Law of Attraction to Draw Abundance, Wealth, Riches, Success, Money, and Prosperity into your life !! Like A 401k & Insurance plan for your well being and finances. Like My Content? Subscribe for More Success and Abundance! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=GrowingForever GrowingForever Playlist https://www.youtube.com/user/GrowingForever/playlists? THE FIRST 75 AFFIRMATIONS: I know there is ample prosperity for all. I have the power to be successful. I let go of all resistance to prosperity, and it comes to me naturally. I am magnetic to money, and it is magnetic to me. Prosperity now happens to me. Money flows freely in my life. I am relaxing into greater abundance. I now release th...
SUBSCRIBE! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=amazingphil 10% SALE ON MERCH http://www.danandphilshop.com this month! Use the code: HAPPY2017 I tell the story of how 2017 wants me dead in the form of diseased dogs, socks, pecan pies and gas! GAMINGMAS PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNL9AEI3MsiP4x6-ILNcr8Fb0y6iXj-0s Twitter: http://twitter.com/AmazingPhil Tumblr: http://AmazingPhil.tumblr.com Facebook: http://facebook.com/AmazingPhil Instagram: http://instagram.com/AmazingPhil Music: Kevin Macleod: Incompetech.com WARNING: DO NOT ACCIDENTALLY SET YOUR SOCK ON FIRE FOR A YOUTUBE VIDEO IT IS DANGEROUS
「我用笑面對很多事情。」對林美秀來說,笑是萬靈丹,是撫平一切毛躁困境的簡單秘方。保持微笑面對生活,是怎麼做到的?是否有「忘憂神器」?林美秀笑說:「大概因為我是雙子座。」她解釋,自己是聰明的,也很清楚目標、方法,偏偏常在最重要的時候忘記接下來要幹嘛。 如果有一天真的忘記自己是誰,該怎麼辦?林美秀希望自己是可愛的病人,說要像網路熱門影片,有個失智老人「老夏」一樣可愛、快樂,而不是只記得身體病痛,這樣自己和身邊的人都不會有太多痛苦。就算到了人生盡頭,她仍希望開開心心,而且希望大家記得她就是那麼開心的一個人,帶著她的笑和可愛,溫暖地離別。 【康健雜誌官網】http://www.commonhealth.com.tw 【康健雜誌手機版】http://m.commonhealth.com.tw 【康健雜誌臉書】https://zh-tw.facebook.com/commonhealth
「When sleep is sound, health and happiness abound」(2015 World Sleep Day Slogan). Have you been having trouble sleeping recently? Has your brain been unable to stop functioning before going to bed? Have you been unable to fall asleep because of overwhelming stress? Do you lack energy when you wake up in the morning? Insomnia is a common problem that takes a toll on your energy, mood, health, and ability to function during the day. This video can help you to take a daytime nap as well as to get a full night's sleep every day. Let’s put a stop to sleepless nights. 「當睡眠充足,健康及快樂就會充滿在你我身邊!」(取自2015世界睡眠日主題)。 睡眠對於我們應該是最簡單、最享受的行為,但現代人卻常常因為生活壓力、步調快、環境變遷等因素,而睡不著睡不飽。此段音樂經由國內自律神經研究權威醫學團隊驗證,可以幫助我們於5分鐘內快速調節自律神經,10分鐘內有效提升放鬆α波21%。不僅能引導我們快速的進入熟睡放鬆狀態,更能讓精疲力竭卻無法好好放鬆休息的人,享受真正得到休息後,所帶來的寧靜與幸福感! Tracklist...
要好睡,最簡單的方法就是從飲食下手,你一定有疑問,睡眠跟飲食有關係嗎?答案是肯定的!但是,要在對的時間吃對的食物才能夠幫助睡眠!要一夜好眠,怎麼挑選食物?又有哪些好的方法?要健康,輕鬆一覺到天亮,千萬要鎖定今天的節目! 健康大來賓: 鄭光男/精神科醫師 黃淑惠/營養師 小彤/媒體人 洪素卿/醫藥記者 【健康2.0】蒐羅整集精彩內容都在這 http://videos.tvbs.com.tw/show/health/ TVBS新聞台(56台) 每週六、日晚間9點首播 主持人:陳月卿 TVBS官網:http://health.tvbs.com.tw/index.html FB粉絲頁:https://goo.gl/zV7X1n
「When sleep is sound, health and happiness abound」(World Sleep Day 2015 Slogan). Have you been having trouble sleeping recently? Has your brain been unable to stop functioning before going to bed? Have you been unable to fall asleep because of overwhelming stress? Do you lack energy when you wake up in the morning? Insomnia is a common problem that takes a toll on your energy, mood, health, and ability to function during the day. This video can help you to take a daytime nap as well as to get a full night's sleep every day. Let’s put a stop to sleepless nights. 「當睡眠充足,健康及快樂就會充滿在你我身邊!」(取自2015世界睡眠日主題)。 睡眠對於我們應該是最簡單、最享受的行為,但現代人卻常常因為生活壓力、步調快、環境變遷等因素,而睡不著睡不飽。此段睡眠音樂結合意象導引、呼吸、聲波共振、氣脈流動、中醫五音等中西自然醫學音樂療法,可以幫助你快速的進入熟睡放鬆狀態,全面提升午休小憩、夜間睡眠的睡眠品質,讓你不僅睡得好,更能睡得精神充沛! Tracklist (You can download on iT...