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Hillary Clinton Bets Against Fear

The first female nominee delivered an appeal for hope and unity, while the grieving father of a Muslim soldier killed in Iraq lowered the boom on Trump.

Joan Walsh

Election 2016

Americans Who’d Never Heard of Reverend William Barber II Won’t Be Able to Forget Him After Last Night

His remarkable speech at the DNC put racial, social, and economic justice at the center of the 2016 campaign.

Ari Berman

The Labor Party’s Spectacular Self-Destruction

The establishment would rather gut the party than allow Jeremy Corbyn to lead it.

Gary Younge
Election 2016

What the Leaked E-mails Do and Don’t Tell Us About the DNC and Bernie Sanders

Thousands of e-mails show that the committee came to loathe Sanders’ campaign. But there’s no evidence that they rigged the primaries.

Joshua Holland
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From the Magazine

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Focus on the DNC

Hillary Clinton Goes for Democratic—and National—Unity

With an embrace of Bernie Sanders, his supporters, and many of their progressive ideas, Clinton proposes a united front against Trump.

John Nichols

I’m #StillSanders, but Tonight Hillary Got to Me

I’m still mourning the dream of political revolution, but on the last night of the DNC, Clinton made voting for her a bit easier.

D.D. Guttenplan

Elizabeth Warren’s Urgent Plea at the DNC

An interview with the Massachusetts senator in Philadelphia.

Ari Rabin-Havt
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Focus on Brazil

Brazil For Sale: How a Legal Coup Set the Stage for Privatization

More austerity and the sell off of treasured public assets will worsen an already crippling recession.

Andy Robinson

Budget Failures, Displacement, Zika—Welcome to Rio’s $11.9B Summer Olympics

The disaster in Brazil is an extreme version of what happens when the International Olympic Committee comes to town.

Dave Zirin

Welcome to Brazil, Where a Food Revolution Is Changing the Way People Eat

How the country challenged the junk-food industry and became a global leader in the battle against obesity.

Bridget Huber

Books & the Arts

Máirtín Ó Cadhain: Found in Translation

They way to see the author’s satire of small-village life whole is to see the translations multiplied.

Aaron Thier

Where Is the New Cyberfeminism?

Virtual reality remains stuck in age-old ideas about women and their bodies.

Cecilia D’Anastasio

Jesse Ball’s Extreme Minimalism

His settings are dark, sketchy, and unrealistic by dint of what’s held back.

Sasha Chapin

Take Action

Take Action to End the Use of Tear Gas in Prisons

People in prisons across the country have described harrowing experiences that sound like nothing less than torture.

Take Action Now! >

Watch and Listen

July 22, 2016
July 5, 2016

View: Los Angeles Is a Very Different City After Dark

Photos show how the cityscape is remade each night.

July 6, 2016
