Five keys to understanding the Spanish election

A second Spanish general election in six months saw gains for the right-wing PP, which is again expected to form a government. But the insurgent left has also shown that it is here to stay, writes Oscar Reyes.


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A question of leadership
The ‘new politics’ Jeremy Corbyn proclaims must be an explicit agenda of institutional change, not simply a change of style at the dispatch box, writes Hilary Wainwright

So you think the EU can't be reformed?
A look at history will show you otherwise argues Hilary Wainwright and Mary Kaldor

Awakening from a nightmare: hope in an Out vote
Michael Calderbank forsees a bright future for the left in the event of an Out vote in the referendum

The Brexit nightmare
Tom Walker imagines waking up screaming at the hard-right ascendancy following a referendum Out vote

Why the City loves the EU
David Cameron’s EU deal has made the fight for democratic control of finance even 
more difficult, writes 
Kenneth Haar

It's happening: 2016 is the year of climate disobedience
Kara Moses describes a season of record-breaking milestones in the fight against climate change

John McDonnell: it's time for the left to save the Europe debate from the Tories
Shadow chancellor John McDonnell puts forward the left wing case for voting to stay in Europe and transform it

Video debate: The EU referendum – should the left vote in or out?
Marina Prentoulis and Luke Cooper (for in) debate Hannah Sell and Michael Calderbank (for out) in this episode of The Wedge, produced in collaboration with Red Pepper

The resistible rise of urban dispossession in Europe
Stuart Hodkinson traces the effects of the housing crisis across Europe in light of a new report, 'Resisting Evictions Across Europe'


Spanish elections: ceiling or turning point for the 'new politics'?

If the new politics is to succeed it must be more than a mere rebranding exercise, writes Kate Shea Baird

'We're standing up for democracy in the party – for the members to choose the leader'

Shadow chancellor John McDonnell on the attempted coup against Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn

Building a progressive majority: Left strategy after the Brexit vote

After the EU referendum we are seeing both horror at anti-migrant sentiment and pandering to it, writes Joseph Todd – but only a radical economic offer can carve a way through

Brazil: Recolonising a continent

Sue Branford examines the past failures and future prospects of the left in Brazil in the face of a concerted US-backed right-wing offensive

In print

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Ten things you can do to combat racism and xenophobia
#PostReferendumRacism has exposed the racist and xenophobic belly of Britain. Luckily, there is a lot that you can do. Siobhan McGuirk has gathered 10 suggestions, feel free to add your own below.

Can I vote in the Labour leadership campaign?
The rules have been changing rapidly, complete this short survey to find out whether you're eligible to vote and find out how to do it

The ‘new colonialism’: Rio Tinto in Madagascar
As its wealth is seized by foreign interests, Africa is facing a colonial invasion in many ways as devastating as the one it suffered in the nineteenth century. Ross Hemingway reports.

Event: Black Words Matter
Join us to explore media justice with Gary Younge, Shake! and Numbi Arts, on Tuesday 19 July at Rich Mix in London

7 reasons why Jeremy Corbyn's leadership is a success story
Simon Hardy gives the facts about Corbyn's victories so far that you won't read in the rest of the press

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