Exclusively in the New Print Issue of CounterPunch


The Criminalization of Black Life

Yvette Carnell on the murders of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile; Lawrence Reichard tells the story of the wrongful conviction of Gary Tyler; and Christopher Ketcham on the unfettered power of prosecutors. Work and Suicide in France: Sarah Waters explores the economic forces driving the rise of workplace suicides in France; Dan Glazebrook on the neo-colonialism of offshore tax havens; David Macaray on the inglorious history of the Secret Service and Andrew Smolski dissects the biases of the New York Times’ coverage of Mexico. PLUS: Jeffrey St. Clair’s epitaph for the Sanders Revolution; Mike Whitney on the low interest con-job; Chris Floyd on the consequences of a permanent State of Emergency; Daniel Raventos and Julie Wark on Brexit and the Spanish elections; Lee Ballinger on the zealots of recycling and Kim Nicolini on the surrealist films of Yorgos Lanthimos.

Obama Said Hillary will Continue His Legacy and Indeed She Will!

Leading up to Monday’s Democratic Party convention, Hillary chose Blue Dog Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia as her VP. This was followed by the Wikileaks release of Democratic National Committee (DNC) e-mail files showing it acting as the Clinton Campaign Committee even to the point of using the same lawyers as her own campaign to oppose Bernie Sanders.

The response across the Democratic neocon spectrum, from Anne Applebaum at the Washington Post to red-baiting Paul Krugman and the Sunday talk shows it was suggested that behind the Wikileaks to release DNC e-mails was a Russian plot to help elect Trump as their agent. Former US ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul lent his tattered reputation to claim that Putin must have sponsored the hackers who exposed the DNC dirty tricks against Bernie More

She Stoops to Conquer: Notes From the Democratic Convention

+ First things first. I want to apologize to the Sandernistas, to those of you who rose up after your leader abandoned you, after Bernie wiped out your votes and muted your voices, after he turned you over to the DNC’s thuggish floor managers and security guards, after he sat passively as your brave chants of “No More Drones” were drowned out by the fascist war-cry of “USA! USA!!” I want to apologize for doubting your resolve. I want to apologize without qualification. You didn’t cry when Bernie betrayed you. Not for long. You marched right back into the Wells Fargo Center intent on spoiling the party. You didn’t sour on your ideals. You refused to be domesticated. You pissed on their carpet. You shouted down their war criminals. You made this squalid affair fun for a few precious hours. And that ain’t bad. Somewhere Abbie Hoffman is cracking a smile (though perhaps not at the spectacle of Meryl Streep ripping off his wardrobe during her bewildering performance, an act so incoherent it made one long for the Absurdist theater of Clint Eastwood and his empty chair.) More

Long Live the Queen of Chaos

For those to whom this hasn’t yet occurred, if Hillary Clinton is elected President she will be President. The Democratic Party platform, Bernie Sanders’ program proposals and Mrs. Clinton’s theorized move Left will be but distant memories. If Mrs. Clinton brings with her a Democratic Congress (or not) she will use it to pass the TPP and TTIP ‘trade’ agreements, to launch ‘liberal’ wars across the Middle East and rattle sabers against Russia, she will re-launch the ‘Grand Bargain’ to cut Social Security and Medicare under the pretext of a fiscal crisis and should Wall Street falter, she will ‘hold her nose’ and once again bail out her benefactors. This is the program her supporters are voting for. More

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This Week on CounterPunch Radio
Dr. Anthony Monteiro

  • HOST: Eric Draitsercpradio-podcast
  • GUEST: Dr. Anthony Monteiro
  • TOPICS: The RNC and Trump’s movement plus so much more!

Andrew Cockburn: Modern War

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