Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine

Hillary Clinton's running (to the right) mate

The Clinton campaign dangled Elizabeth Warren's name before picking a tame champion of "bipartisanship" to be the vice presidential nominee.

Allying with the coup-makers

The Workers' Party in Brazil wants to curry favor with the same corrupt right-wingers who voted to impeach Dilma Rousseff.

A call for police accountability

Activist groups rallied outside the Madison Police Union headquarters to take a stand against racism and police brutality.

The Silver standard is double

NBA Commissioner Adam Silver made two decisions with political implications last week: one courageous and one craven.

Racism, racists and racecraft

To say that racial inequality is part and parcel of a system of economic inequality doesn't mean that racial inequality isn't real.

International Socialist Review | ISReview.org
Find out about the activities of the International Socialist Organization
Series: The Russian Revolution

In 2007, Socialist Worker marked the 90th anniversary of the Russian Revolution of 1917 with a yearlong series outlining its course and consequences. Get started with the first article in the series here.

How they got over the Rainbow

Those who hope Bernie Sanders can still transform the Democrats should consider the fate of Jesse Jackson's 1980s presidential campaigns.

Converging on Philadelphia

Hillary Clinton and the Democrats won't be the only show in town--here's why you should come to the Socialist Convergence.

Taking on the right at the RNC

As many as 1,000 people took to the streets outside of the Republican Convention to declare the need for an alternative.

Is their party over?

Trump's carnival of reaction may embarrass its leaders, but the Republican Party will keep its power to do damage to workers and the poor.

A vote for the greater good

Dr. Jill Stein speaks to a packed audience in Burlington, Vermont (Jonathan Flanders)

Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein is giving people a chance to vote for what they believe in rather than what they fear.

The bully picks a bigot

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence may be even more offensive to opponents of the Republican Right than the man who chose him to be his running mate.

Blue is not beautiful

The pro-police cry of "Blue Lives Matter" implies something its supporters don't intend: The cops act as a caste set apart--and above the law.

Denied the "right to know"

New York City’s liberal leaders blocked a mild police reform bill that many advocates thought was too watered-down to begin with.

"Blue wall of silence" on trial

The victim of a hit-and-run in New York is aiming to put a chink in the shield that allows police to get away with crimes every day.

Hidden behind a call for unity

Another shooting of police officers has put opponents of racism and police violence under new pressure to moderate their rhetoric and demands.

What killed Philando Castile?

Barack Obama reversed cause and effect when he suggested that Philando Castile was killed because of "the color of his skin."

Immigrant rights at an impasse

Immigrant rights activists gather in front of the U.S. Supreme Court (Susan Melkisethian)

The outcome of a Supreme Court case on immigration has dashed millions of people's hopes--and raised urgent questions about what comes next.

Why I'm voting no at CUNY

A member of the faculty and staff union at the City University of New York explains why he opposes ratification of a new deal.

We won't be preyed upon

More than 400 people defied the state's scare tactics and joined a demonstration against racist police violence in Syracuse.

#Justice4Jerry on the march

The police killing of Jai "Jerry" Williams in Asheville, North Carolina, is sparking outrage and bitter protest against unaccountable violence.

A compromised revolution

Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega (left) speaks at a press conference alongside Ecuador's Foreign Minister Ricardo Patiño (Fernanda LeMarie)

Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega once led a vibrant radical movement, but he and the Sandinistas are compromised today.

Indonesia's backlash isn't over

An Indonesian government symposium on the 1965 anti-communist massacres reveals that the fight for democracy must continue.

Year four of the Sisi coup

This month marks the start of Egypt's fourth year under the el-Sisi dictatorship, but the moment calls for cautious optimism.

Punishing a union leader

The South Korean government has sentenced union leader Han Sang-gyun to five years in jail for the "crime" of organizing.

Their reaction leads to worse

After another violent attack in France, the rush to scapegoat Muslims and increase state repression is bound to produce more terror and suffering.

A reawakening in Zimbabwe

The national shutdown against the Mugabe dictatorship has revived one of Africa's most militant and long-suffering working classes.

How the coup was defeated

The masses who protested a coup in Turkey may not have all backed the government, but they opposed a new dictatorship.

Mourning a Mexican comrade

Marco "Toño" Antonio García Barrera, a comrade and friend of the Mexican working class, was killed in the state of Morelos.

The shake-up in British politics

Jeremy Corbyn speaking at a protest outside parliament (RevolutionBahrainMC)

The UK referendum vote to leave the European Union was a political earthquake that has upended both major political parties.

The Spanish Civil War

SW marks the 80th anniversary of a crucial moment of the Spanish Revolution with Geoff Bailey's two-part article.

I: Revolution in 1930s Spain

Seventy-five years ago, Spain's future hung in the balance--between the rising forces of fascism and the potential of a working-class revolution.

II: The Spanish Civil War

Seventy-five years ago, the workers of Spain led a heroic fight against fascism--and their rebellion gave the world a glimpse of workers' power.

Views in brief

Democrats don't own our votes | Reaching across cultural boundaries | Anti-immigrant "jokes" aren't funny | The racist war on Black men

Yes, he was killed by racism

Your recent article by Barbara and Karen Fields leaves far too much to interpretation and can lead in all the wrong directions.

For a subculture of our own

We should reckon with music subcultures as processes that can be shaped by forces around them, rather than as static "things."

Cuentan más que nunca

Las renovadas protestas contra el racismo y la violencia de la policía ofrecen una alternativa contra aquellos que nos piden ser "pacientes."

Resistamos la ola pro-policiaca

La policía tratan de oscurecer las víctimas de la violencia policiaca culpando a los que protestan por las muertes en Dallas.

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