- published: 19 Oct 2015
- views: 133304
Opium (poppy tears, lachryma papaveris) is the dried latex obtained from the opium poppy (Papaver somniferum). Opium latex contains approximately 12% of the analgesic alkaloid morphine, which is processed chemically to produce heroin and other synthetic opioids for medicinal use and for the illegal drug trade. The latex also contains the closely related opiates codeine and thebaine and non-analgesic alkaloids such as papaverine and noscapine. The traditional, labor-intensive method of obtaining the latex is to scratch ("score") the immature seed pods (fruits) by hand; the latex leaks out and dries to a sticky yellowish residue that is later scraped off, and dehydrated. The word "meconium" (derived from the Greek for "opium-like", but now used to refer to infant stools) historically referred to related, weaker preparations made from other parts of the opium poppy or different species of poppies.
The production of opium itself has not changed since ancient times. Through selective breeding of the Papaver somniferum plant, the content of the phenanthrene alkaloids morphine, codeine, and to a lesser extent thebaine, has been greatly increased. In modern times, much of the thebaine, which often serves as the raw material for the synthesis for hydrocodone, hydromorphone, and other semisynthetic opiates, originates from extracting Papaver orientale or Papaver bracteatum.
Afghan Overdose. Inside opium trade
Opium Farming - How do they do it ?
Where Does Opium Come From? - Addicted To Pleasure - BBC
Opium, Morphine & Heroin
First Opium War - I: Trade Deficits and the Macartney Embassy - Extra History
Dead Can Dance - Opium
The First Opium War - IV: Conflagration and Surrender - Extra History
How to grow opium poppies
Don't Do Drugs: One Hit Of Opium Got This Woman Out Of Her Mind!
Actors: Quentin Tarantino (producer), Michael Madsen (actor), Leonor Varela (actress), Francesco Quinn (actor), Vincent Rivera (actor), Diana Prince (actress), Eric Balfour (actor), Diana Terranova (actress), Eric Balfour (actor), Michael Beach (actor), Dennis Hopper (actor), David Carradine (actor), Vinnie Jones (actor), Harvey Weinstein (producer), Bob Weinstein (producer),
Genres: Action, Adventure, Drama, Thriller,Actors: Moon Dailly (actress), K. Michel Parandi (writer), K. Michel Parandi (director), Caroline Demangel (actress), Emmanuel Fayer (producer), Soheil Forouhi (composer),
Genres: Drama, Short,Actors: Cliff Curtis (actor), Michael Hurst (actor), Reza Mokhtar (miscellaneous crew), David Pollison (miscellaneous crew), Sam Raimi (producer), Joseph LoDuca (composer), Kevin Sorbo (actor), Martyn Sanderson (actor), Marley Shelton (actress), Robert G. Tapert (producer), Anthony Quinn (actor), Stephen Hall (actor), Bill L. Norton (director), David Eick (producer), Jorge Gonzáles (actor),
Plot: Hercules is finally a happy family man with his wife Deianeira, two young sons Aeson and Clonus, daughter Ilea and in-living centaur Nessus. When a trickster lures men to fight -using a fake- Eryx the Boxer, they are slain, so Hercules is called and slays the giant, but to Zeus' disappointment loses his temper when Hera shows by a peacock feather to be behind it again, and wrecks her temple. Nessus grumbles he's tired of the Herc-idolatry. The next call for help is made by Iole, from a city where people are killed by the fume from an entrance to the underworld which opened the earth there. He goes, but when an old woman recognizes the pendant the messenger gave Deianeira, saying it proves she belongs to maidens trained so well in the art of seduction they can get any man in their power, she finally believes jealous Nessus' warnings not to trust her with Hercules; they catch up with him, but he convinces her to trust him, then Nessus tries to rape her and dies cursing Hera's failure to protect him and showing Deianeira the cloak his blood drenches can secure his love again. They continue their journey, discussing their past and popularly exaggerated reputations. Iole demonstrates how her power can work for good, stopping an apparently ranging men from causing a major fight be touching him and diagnosing he just burnt his mouth at hot soup. She also stops Hercules killing Lycastus from her village, who attacks anyone he considers a rival for Iole. When they arrive at the village, the hell-mouth is stronger then ever. The half-god hesitates to believe his father Zeus, who answers reluctantly he can die, yet turns Ioles desperate plea -offering herself- down but when the cloak drenched in Nessus' blood nearly kills him as he puts it on setting out to return home and displays Hera's peacock-sign, he jumps into the underworld. He forces the ferryman Charon to bring him over the river Styx. Back home, a messenger tells his wife Deianeira the cloak killed him, driving her to despair as she gave it to him. Numerous monsters attack Hercules, but fail to stop him, nor can a hosts of villains he killed and cleverly makes fight each-other. The centaur Nessus is worse: he shows him Deianeira has committed suicide and is in Elysium, but enjoys Hercules' torment enough to grant him a 'last view', so he can jump into the magical image. There Hades tells him she is happy but oblivious of everything, even him, but parental love gets trough. When Hades tells him she still can not be relieved, he makes a deal: they can go if he delivers back the three-headed hell-hound Cerberus, who got loose and causes havoc all trough the underworld. The hunt is arduous, but his physical force and kindness at the right time do the job, so Hera closes the hell-mouth and Hercules' family can resume its earthly happiness too.
Keywords: action-hero, adventure-hero, ambush, bare-knuckle-boxing, battle, battlefield, boxer, boxing, boxing-match, brawlActors: Billy Franey (actor), Reed Howes (actor), Donald Keith (actor), Philo McCullough (actor), Tom Santschi (actor), Ted Wells (actor), Blanche Mehaffey (actress), Gene Layman (actor), Jack Irwin (writer), Mark Hamilton (actor), Jack Irwin (writer), Jack Irwin (producer), Tom Murray (actor), Jack Irwin (director), Martha Barclay (actress),
Genres: Western,Afghanistan is the world’s biggest exporter of black-market opium from which heroin is made. It’s a multi-billion dollar business, responsible for around a hundred thousand deaths every year and it’s a major source of income for terrorists. RT Doc travelled to the poppy fields where death is harvested to find out why no one can put a stop to this deadly trade. When it comes to heroin, a non-intervention policy is still going strong in Afghanistan where over 90% of the world’s black market opium is produced. Most finds its way onto the international drug market and the profits fund organized crime and terrorist groups like ISIS, which is growing in strength here. The dealers and manufacturers aren’t hard to find: they live in luxurious houses, have fields blooming with poppies and sell th...
Opium is called “Afeem” in India and it is obtained from poppy plant- scientifically known as Papaver somniferum. Opium is dried latex obtained from the opium poppy i.e. fruit of this plant. Seeds of poppy, locally known as Khas-khas are sowed in the month of November. By February, the poppy plants are fruited enough to yield opium. At this time, farmers do rituals and pray for the good yield, and then collection of opium starts. Two special handmade instruments are used for opium collection “Nakhi” and “Sarapla”. This video shows how do the opium farmers harvest their opium crop.
Brian Cox learns the origins and history of the modern-day opium addiction. Taken from Addicted To Pleasure. Subscribe to the BBC Worldwide channel: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=BBCWorldwide BBC Worldwide Channel: http://www.youtube.com/BBCWorldwide This is a channel from BBC Worldwide who help fund new BBC programmes.
The British Empire's grasp on the Americas was slipping right at the time when they needed those resources most. The massive amounts of tea they imported from China had created a huge trade deficit, but the Chinese were reluctant to let any Europeans trade outside of the Canton port strictly controlled by the Hong. So Britain sent a formal embassy led by Earl George Macartney. Support us on Patreon! http://bit.ly/EHPatreon --- (Episode details below) Grab your Extra Credits gear at the store! http://bit.ly/ExtraStore Subscribe for new episodes every Saturday! http://bit.ly/SubToEC Learn about the disastrous Macartney Embassy that tried and failed to improve British trade relations with China: http://bit.ly/28Ro4B1 Play games with us on Extra Play! http://bit.ly/WatchEXP Talk to us on ...
The 6th track from "Anastasis"(2012) by Dead Can Dance. All rights reserved by Dead Can Dance.
MOONSPELL - Opium. From the album "Irreligious" Century Media 2003 CMDistro - http://www.cmdistro.com/Item/Moonspell_-_Irreligious_-2CD_Reissue-/26330 Best Buy - http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=8705136&st;=moonspell&lp;=9&type;=product&cp;=1&id;=1824853 iTunes (us) - http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAlbum?id=304511203&s;=143441&uo;=4&v0;=WWW-NAUS-ITUWEEKLY-IPOD%2BITUNES Amazon MP3 - http://www.amazon.com/Irreligious-2-CDs-Moonspell/dp/B0012RCMJM/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&s;=music&qid;=1246979811&sr;=8-8 EMP.de - http://www.emp.de/bin/shop.php?prog=shop∣=&article;=432699&funktion;=PRODUCTINFO&bildrub;=&product;=Moonspell: Irreligious&tc;=SEARCH Amazon.de - http://www.amazon.de/Irreligious-Moonspell/dp/B000025QYT/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&s;=music&qid;=1246980753&sr;=8...
The Chinese attempt to retake Canton by force failed. New British commanders took charge and would accept nothing less than total Chinese capitulation. They captured cities all the way up to Nanking, forcing the Emperor to negotiate. He had no choice but to accept an unequal treaty, kicking off a period of subservience to Europe which China still remembers today as the Century of Humiliation. Support us on Patreon! http://bit.ly/EHPatreon --- (Episode details below) Grab your Extra Credits gear at the store! http://bit.ly/ExtraStore Subscribe for new episodes every Saturday! http://bit.ly/SubToEC Learn about the disastrous Macartney Embassy that tried and failed to improve British trade relations with China: http://bit.ly/28Ro4B1 Play games with us on Extra Play! http://bit.ly/WatchEX...
Warning: Opium is very addictive. The legality of growing poppies varies from country to country I imagine but do research and consider the repercussions before growing. For more info: Google it. I also plan on putting together a comprehensive guide that be like 10 minutes for the next grow season, and try to upgrade my camera lol.
lost in the haze so far away how can we get back home
lost in the haze so far away who's going to guide us home
i've struggled to get near it to backwards engineer it
but all i find is a smoke and mirror game
the recondite monopolise the airwaves
till all believe there is no other way
and this is how we live our lives our opium is televised
till finally they watch us fade away
our lifeless generation is going to the wall
a languid demonstration of daze before a fall
a preconceived condition imagined long ago
but will we ever know all that lies below
they'll print it on the front page to synthesise an outrage
but all we find is a decoy once again
duplicity and trickery surround us
till all believe there is no other way
and this is how we fall asleep their opium is running deep
till finally they watch us fade away
our lifeless generation is going to the wall
a languid demonstration of daze before a fall
a preconceived condition imagined long ago
but will we ever know all that lies below
waiting to play are we the pawns in this game
paving the way watching the kings make their claim
martyrs and spies although we don't realise
falling away under the watch of their eyes
this is the way we've chosen to be
this is the road that we go down
as clear as the day but still we don't see
we'll only know when it's over
lost in the haze so far away how can we get back home
lost in the haze so far away who's going to guide us home
and this is how our nation died our opium has satisfied
and finally they watch us fade away
our lifeless generation is going to the wall
a languid demonstration of daze before a fall
a preconceived condition imagined long ago