Access one talent source for all your projects

Our freelancers and firms cover a wide range of capabilities:

Connect quickly with the right freelancer or firm

Post a project and you will receive applications from top freelancers and firms.Or connect directly through our search. Compare profiles, save favorites, connect and hire. It's that easy!

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Read more about how we work in our FAQs.

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To connect, interview and hire, choose the payment plan that best suits you:

  • Pay per project

    Think you'll post a couple projects per year?

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    Our pay per project plan means you'll pay a 20% fee on top of the rates you agree with freelancers or firms.

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    Enterprise Solutions

    Need top freelancers to work across multiple projects in your business?

    • Access to premium platform features to find and manage talent
    • Talent at a fraction of the cost of traditional talent providers

Why join Expert360?

  • One talent source

    Access over 8,000 vetted freelancers and firms with deep expertise and wide-ranging industry experience.

  • Flexibility

    Engage top talent when you want, for as long as you want, on your terms.

  • Connect instantly

    See who is available to start right now and connect with them directly.

  • Save on fees

    Source freelancers as individuals, or build tailored teams at a fraction of the cost of traditional talent providers.

Trusted by thousands of clients

Whether you're a small business or a 200,000 person company, Expert360 can help you hire great talent flexibly and at a fraction of the cost of traditional talent providers.

Looking to discuss your talent goals with our team?

We are here to help. Call 1 888 963 9185 or

  • 8,346 Vetted Freelancers
  • 87 Countries
  • 1,517 Clients