.us is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for the United States. It was established in 1985. Registrants of .us domains must be United States citizens, residents, or organizations, or a foreign entity with a presence in the United States. Most registrants in the country have registered for .com, .net, .org and other gTLDs, instead of .us, which has primarily been used by state and local governments despite any entity having the option of registering a .us domain.
On February 15, 1985, .us was created as the Internet's first ccTLD. Its original administrator was Jon Postel of the Information Sciences Institute (ISI) at the University of Southern California (USC). He administered .us under a subcontract that the ISI and USC had from SRI International (which held the .us and the gTLD contract with the United States Department of Defense) and later Network Solutions (which held the .us and the gTLD contract with the National Science Foundation).
Postel and his colleague Ann Cooper codified the .us ccTLD's policies in December 1992 as RFC 1386 and revised them the following June in RFC 1480. Registrants could only register third-level domains or higher in a geographic and organizational hierarchy. From June 1993 to June 1997, Postel delegated the vast majority of the geographic subdomains under .us to various public and private entities. .us registrants could register with the delegated manager for the specific zone they wished to register in, but not directly with the .us administrator. In July 1997, Postel instituted a "50/500 rule" that limited each delegated manager to 500 localities maximum, 50 in a given state.
I can never go back to the little cafe with the candle light
That was our cafe and to go there without you just wouldn't seem right
Besides I don't want to touch that part of life that meant so much
The days the world belonged to us just us
And I'd telephone at three in the morning just to say hello
And all sleepy eyed you breathed and sighed I love you so
And sometimes we just talked for hours dreaming dreams and building towers
All the world was filled with flowers for us
And I'm gonna miss you for a long long time
I can never go back to the cabin there on the mountain side
Where I built a fire and held you close while it snowed outside
And remember you let me sleep all day so we could love the night away
Oh it just found yesterday and us
I've tried making new friends walking new streets finding new thrills
But nothing new replaces you and it never will
I'll just live my life in memory grateful that you once loved me
Thankful that there used to be and us