Mark Latham political seeker

For last year my online commentary focus has been The Conversation. I am relaunching this blog. Today I have a review of former Labor leader Mark Latham’s recent book Not Dead Yet at The Conversation.  With seven respondents to Latham’s opening essay it is difficult to cover. Some additional points. The popular Labor party reform […]

Labour history and cultural studies

A theme in my current research is the question of what capitalists do (some early thoughts are in my recent Labour History conference paper, although it gives almost no attention to the vast economic sociology tradition of which I knew little at the time of writing). Via Terry Flew some interesting comments on cultural studies […]

Communism and history

Thinking of of writing a book on the modest topic of the past and future of socialist politics. Much Australian left commentary sees the history of socialism as irrelevant, in particular the Communist movement is either an embarrassment or else the product of malign individuals.

Primaries or collective self-governance

Primaries are back in the news in Australia following  media reports of their use by the British conservatives to endorse a candidate. Primaries seem to attract sympathy from the left judging by Larvatus Pradeo. I doubt however that the current uninspiring quality of Labor MPs would be much improved by primaries, although some of the […]

Indian Left at a loss

Earlier this year I had a chapter in The Politics and Culture of Globalisation; India and Australia.  The chapter addressed Indian Communism. Since then the Indian Left has suffered a severe setback in the national elections. The alliance of the two Communist parties (the CPI(Marxist) and the CPI), the All India Forward Bloc and the […]

Leszek Kolakowski and the fate of Marxism


Leszek Kolakowski the Polish philosopher died a few days ago. He began a zealous young Marxist in postwar Poland, was then a leading intellectual reform Communist in the 1950s and early 1960s who sought to revive an allegedly pure Leninist Communism shed of Stalinist corruptions and then finally renounced Marxism altogether. His major work on […]

1.5 cheers for New Labour


  British Labour is certainly in dire electoral trouble and there will be many on the left pleased exercise a posthumous revenge on Tony Blair. Yet the Blair-brown administration despite its flaw was a labour government even if of a strongly right-wing stamp. It was to a degree inevitable that there would be a reaction […]

Marxism and governance

‘Late Marxism and Parliamentary Government: Indian Communism Today’ (apologies to Frederic Jameson for the title) has now been published in The Politics and Culture of Globalisation: India and Australia (shortly to be available from Berghan). It considers whether Marxism can offer any guidance for contemporary governments. Is there an alternative both to populist ‘anti-capitalism’ and […]