First international Botathon picks up steam: Apply by Friday, July 8!

Edit Venture Beat 05 Jul 2016
We’re delighted to announce that the international Botathon VentureBeat has organized with a group of regional partners is off to an excellent start ... We’ve just added another regional botathon in Chicago ... When ... Aleph is a $150 million early stage fund, which partners with Israeli entrepreneurs looking to build companies that are scalable, global change agents. Aleph was founded in 2013 by Eden Shochat and Michael Eisenberg ... ....

Through three prisms

Edit The Hindu 03 Jul 2016
I am one of those readers who thinks of a publishing company as a living entity, a huge commons of ideas that cooks new books and serves them up in interesting ways. Harper Perennial recently published U.R ... Aleph has now come up with On Nationalism, a triptych of essays, each delightfully different, each articulating a world view that needs to treasured and protected ... Begin any way you like ... Ananthamurthy ... Sheshadri, and URA more....

No Heaven for Artificially Beardless or Bald-headed Men! (Part I)

Edit Modern Ghana 02 Jul 2016
By NngmingBongle Bapuohyele ... I think it would be wise for Christians to take a very critical look at all of their beliefs, the false assurances they hold concerning their salvation and their confidence of making it to spend Eternity with Yahuwah Elohiym in the light of this article and many others of this column! ... ... YahuKhanan Aleph (First John??) 3.4; and sin, as stated earlier, is the ONLY barrier to the presence of Yahuwah Elohiym!....

How mushrooms fueled a scientist's flight out of North Korea

Edit Deccan Chronicle 24 Jun 2016
Hwaseong, South Korea.  Lee T.B. fled North Korea not because he suffered from dire poverty or persecution at home, as many other defectors have. He did it for mushrooms, and to fulfill his wife's dying wish ... He felt his work was constrained by, and ultimately even in some danger from, the North Korean government, so he fled to South Korea in 2005 ... They founded the Seoul-based Aleph BioChem after Lee decided to work with them ... ....

How mushrooms fueled a scientist’s flight out of North Korea

Edit The Himalayan 23 Jun 2016
Scientist Lee TB who fled North Korea to South Korea, looks at packs of mushrooms at his newly-built laboratory in Hwaseong, South Korea, on June 1, 2016. HWASEONG. Lee TB fled North Korea not because he suffered from dire poverty or persecution at home, as many other defectors have. He did it for mushrooms, and to fulfill his wife’s dying wish ... They founded the Seoul-based Aleph BioChem after Lee decided to work with them ... ....

Israel Tech-Hub Status Hampered by Growth Slump, Talent Drought

Edit Bloomberg 22 Jun 2016
Israel’s long-held status as a hotbed of tech innovation is under threat ... Meanwhile rival economies are picking up the slack ... Alphabet Inc ...   ... It may not be easy ...  . If the government would just wake up and take the steps needed to build the human capital needed to grow the industry, Israeli entrepreneurs would be able to build world leading companies, said Michael Eisenberg, founder and partner at early stage venture fund Aleph....

Colour away those blues

Edit DNA India 19 Jun 2016
--> ... This is me. I am an executive. Executives are important. They go to important offices and do important things ... India too has been catching up on the craze with a plethora of diverse titles such as publisher Dreamland's Refreshing Mandalas, Penguin and Good Earth's Bagh-e-Bahar, on Persian and Mughal charbagh gardens peppered with Rumi's quotes and Aleph Book Company's Kahlil Gibran-inspired The Mystical World ... ....

Why Jorge Luis Borges matters 30 years after his death

Edit BBC News 14 Jun 2016
He was famous for mixing the real and the fantastic but do the Argentinian's works stand the test of time? ... Borges was fascinated by labyrinths, mirrors, reflections and time, something which was reflected in many of his stories, such as The Aleph. In The Aleph, the narrator describes a point in space from which he can observe everything in the universe simultaneously, which is typical of Borges' interest in time and space ... ....

Irrefutable Evidence Proving All Miracles in the Name “JESUS CHRIST” As False and of Lucifer!!

Edit Modern Ghana 14 Jun 2016
Even though so far in this article we see the actor on the Word of Elohiym to always be Yahushua, we further learn this same truth, stated clearly and emphatically in the holy Ivrit Word of Elohiym in YahuKhanan (John?) 1.13, Qorintiyim Aleph (First Corinthians?) 8.6, Ephsiyim (Ephesians?) 3.9, Qolasim (Colossians?) 1.16 and Ivriim (Hebrews?) 1.2-3 ... YahuKhanan Aleph (First John?) 2.15-17 and Ya’akov (James?) 4.2-4....

>Irrefutable Evidence Proving All Miracles in the Name “JESUS CHRIST” As False and of Lucifer!!

Edit Modern Ghana 14 Jun 2016
Even though so far in this article we see the actor on the Word of Elohiym to always be Yahushua, we further learn this same truth, stated clearly and emphatically in the holy Ivrit Word of Elohiym in YahuKhanan (John?) 1.13, Qorintiyim Aleph (First Corinthians?) 8.6, Ephsiyim (Ephesians?) 3.9, Qolasim (Colossians?) 1.16 and Ivriim (Hebrews?) 1.2-3 ... YahuKhanan Aleph (First John?) 2.15-17 and Ya’akov (James?) 4.2-4....

Benjamin Millepied on quitting Paris Ballet and his LA 'love story' with Natalie Portman

Edit The Guardian 12 Jun 2016
The choreographer blew into Paris Opera Ballet on a mission to shake things up. But two seasons later, he walked. Does the rebel of dance have any regrets? Plenty…. @judithmackrell ... Twitter ... Twitter ... You don’t see her running around to parties.” It’s also a city that gives both of them a “flexible quality of life”, allowing them to devote time to their five-year-old son, Aleph, as well as their individual careers ... ....

Stellenbosch University—First South African Customer to Choose Ex Libris Alma for Optimizing Library Services (ProQuest LLC)

Edit Public Technologies 08 Jun 2016
(Source. ProQuest LLC) ... This investment will help the university control costs and maintain its ranking as one of the three leading research-intensive academic institutions in Africa ... Since 2000, Stellenbosch University has been using the Ex Libris Aleph integrated library system shared with the regional Cape Library Consortium (CALICO). Subsequently, SU added the Ex Libris SFX OpenURL link resolver and bX recommender service ... Read More....

The Human Fear of Total Knowledge

Edit The Atlantic 03 Jun 2016
In Borges’s story, The Aleph, published in 1967, he describes “a small iridescent sphere of almost intolerable brilliance,” from which it is possible to view infinite objects from all points in the universe. “I saw the heavy-laden sea,” says the narrator, also called Borges, as he describes peering into the so-called Aleph, “I saw the dawn and the ......