About PMR



Political Media Review (PMR), a project of the Transformative Studies Institute (TSI), is an independent review site for social justice media. As a not-for-profit and fully-volunteer organization, we are dedicated to promoting, publicizing and being a resource for social justice media by providing a space where social justice film and publication reviews can be accessed in a central location. PMR writes original reviews and collects already existing reviews of media. We have been in operation since January 2009. John Asimakopoulos, Editor in Chief, info@transformativestudies.org

In these days of mainstream media consolidation and group-think, it is imperative that there remain alternative methods of information dissemination and serious discussion of issues. The Political Media Review promises to be such a place-examining robustly, critically, and thoughtfully in a skeptical and interrogative manner what is known or not known, covered or not covered, by other sources.

– Martin Rowe, Director of Publishing at Lantern Books and Vice-President of Booklight Inc

At a time of perpetual crisis, when all media – including the left – is disintegrating, now more than ever, we need PMR. And the food for thought, and action, therein. Bring it on.

– Ramsey Kanaan, PM Press