Showing posts with label left communism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label left communism. Show all posts

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Is Capitalism Finished?

From the left communist magazine Revolutionary Perspectives, put out by the Communist Workers Organization (the u.k.'s branch of the IBRP): Is Capitalism Finished?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Global Economic Crisis: What are the Perspectives for the working class?

Last week there was a public discussion with the left-communist Internationalist Perspective and the Internationalist Workers Group here in Montreal. This coming Saturday, the same kind of public discussion will be happening in Toronto.

Based on the version of this discussion that happened here last Saturday, what we can expect to see covered is an explanation of the financial crisis and description of its scope, and also of the inevitability of such crises under capitalism, ending necessarily in war and misery for the global proletariat. Particular attention was given to the role of "the left-wing of capital" in shoring up and rescuing the capitalist system during these crises.

Saturday January 17, 2009 7PM
OISE - 252 Bloor Street West, Toronto Room 2295

Contact PO Box 47643, Don Mills, ON, M3C 3S7

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

[Montreal] Left Communists Discuss the Economic Crisis

The Groupe Internationaliste Ouvrier and Perspective Internationaliste, two left communist groups, are having a public forum next Saturday at 2:30pm, with the theme "The Gloabl Economic Crisis: What are the perspectives for workers?"

While i have my personal reservations about much left communist thought, specifically regarding questions of divisions within the working class, and the way in which communist consciousness is generated and dissipated, the GIO has good comrades in it, with a wealth of personal experience in working class struggle. Plus, no matter what differences i have with them, left communists have the advantage of rejecting social democracy and liberalism, which already put them ahead of the game.

i believe the forum will only be in French. it also coincides with a demonstration about the Gaza massacre called for 1pm that day - so not sure where i will be. However, here's the information:

Forum Internationaliste

La crise économique mondiale. Quelles sont les perspectives pour les travailleurs et les travailleuses?

Des présentations du Groupe Internationaliste Ouvrier et de Perspective Internationaliste, suivies d’une période de discussion.

Samedi, le 10 janvier à 14h30
Centre Jean-Claude Malépart, salle 207
2633, rue Ontario Est, Montréal
(En face du métro Frontenac)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Working Class Struggle in Quebec: 1970-

There was an excellent talk yesterday by Richard St-Pierre, about his own personal experience of working class struggles in Quebec since his politicization as a teenager in 1970.

This was probably one of the best talks i have ever heard in Montreal, and it is a real shame that it was not recorded. St-Pierre's itinerary is like many of his generation: a working class teenager, he was initially attracted by the "social gospel" of Roman Catholicism and the idea of armed struggle to win an independent and socialist Quebec. He then quickly became one of the tens of thousands of people who rejected these ideas to plunge into the Maoist movement that was so active in 70s Quebec.

Where St-Pierre differs from most of his comrades is that he has not only remained politically active but after a few twists and turns his commitment to working class revolution led him to left communism, specifically the tiny International Bureau for the Revolutionary Party. Despite his current adherence to the IBPR, St-Pierre did us all the service of recounting the groups and struggles he had been involved in as he saw them at the time, while not being shy to point out, and take responsibility for, specific errors.

The talk was organized in a non-sectarian, comradely manner, by the Montreal local of the North East Federation of Anarchist-Communists (NEFAC), and perhaps forty people attended. While he spoke for over two hours, St-Pierre had time to get through less than half of what he had prepared, and particularly frustrating to me, the section he had to skip was the section on "consciuosness", which i'm guessing would have been the most provocative and interesting bit.

If he speaks again, i strongly encourage you all to attend. In the meantime, with a bit of luck and time over the next few days, i'll try and write up a more detailed report from the notes i took.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

[NEFAC Mtl] 35 years of Workers' Struggles: Analysis and Perspectives

The following event is happening in a little more than two weeks. It promises to be one of the most interesting events NEFAC Mtl has ever organized; St-Pierre is a veteran of over thirty years of working class and communist struggles in Quebec, with views which i may not completely share, but which i find much more interesting than most of what the local left produces...

while i'm translating this into english, i don't know if translation will be available at the event itself. Nevertheless, i really hope comrades take the trouble to attend even if french is not their language of choice...

35 years of workers' struggles
analysis and perspectives

NEFAC Montreal invites you to a talk by Richard St-Pierre, a longtime communist activist. He will give an overview of the recent history of the Quebec workers' movement, while bringing to the table some elements of his own political point of view and personal experience.

Over the past decades he has been involved in many quite different struggles. Amongst other things, he was active in groups like the Regroupement Autonome des Jeunes (RAJ), the Confédération des Syndicats Nationaux (CSN) and the Comité des Sans-Emploi (CSE). He is presently a member of the Montreal section of the International Bureau for a Revolutionary Party.

Saturday September 13th
Pub St-Ciboire
1693 St-Denis

A presentation of the Montreal Local of the North-East Federation of Anarchist Communists - NEFAC